by Liquid Ice » Saturday 8 November 2003 11:03:58pm
When I log on and click 'log in automaticly on every visit' it logs on, but next time I come on it doesnt log me on automaticly, though it always used to, why not?
Ive also noticed that new posts dont get marked any more, and it is annoying, anyone know why?
'Tis OK Liquid Ice - it's not your fault if the board keeps acting differently for you. Today I've managed to log in first time through the log in page (the link at the top right of the page) and get new posts indicated correctly. Is it still going wrong from everyone else's end?
by Liquid Ice » Tuesday 11 November 2003 5:39:18pm
Woo hoo!!! I solved the logging on problem! Well I didnt actually sort it, not the problem of clicking 'log on automaticly each visit' and it not working, but Ive made it ok. New posts still not showing though....
Aha - found a possible answer here too (with the post indicators as well). At the moment the board gives me all the new post indicators correctly working and allows me to log on first time perfectly as long as I ensure that the www is in the address when I first visit the forum. Make sure that when you first visit and try to log on, your browser address window shows rather than just . I'll be interested to know if this works so please do say if it's successful or unsuccesful.
Ah Paul you might have cracked it. I'm pretty sure my sister has been using the link without www in. I've been using the other one which would explain why i've been having an easier time.
by Scellanis » Thursday 13 November 2003 12:49:33am
well i always use the www one and i've had hardly any problems with the post indicators...and no problems with the log in thing....i think i lost the post indicators once.....
I've done a change to the way the board sets login cookies today. I'm hoping this may help with login problems and new post indicators. You may find that new post indicators don't show the first time you log in today but I'm hoping they'll show after today. As always, please say if there are problems.
Well, that last change didn't seem to correctly display the new post indicators either so I've made another change to the cookie settings today. Again, please do mention any difficulties or problems.