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Postby Mint » Tuesday 4 November 2003 3:53:04pm

:o Good question............he cant drink them.......

We must...use other ways :eek:

What is that Marcus? U want to cut this annoying batwing off my head? Well of corse......*Mint remembers the Ju's heads accident*.....not! I need it myself when Im hot.

*Mint turns up the power on the stove to show how the Wing helps her cool off. but instead smth blows up and the kitchen is on fire..........yet again.........* :o
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Postby choki » Tuesday 4 November 2003 5:27:00pm

Well Marc, that potion works even by pouring it over the person. So you don't have to worry about Ju...he will pick the one he likes...I'm not sure about a chicken-headed Ju :lol:

*turns around to see the kitchen on fire*
What! Not again...
*sees Mint waving her hands around and her single bat wing flaps frantically over her head*
I have a feeling we're gonna have fried bat wings after all :lol:
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 4 November 2003 9:53:29pm

AHHHHH!!!! *Mint's wing cought on fire, she sees laughing choki*

So u think its funney? not hot were u r, is it :evil:

*Mint spreads the fire all over the place*

Take that :evil grin: *suddenly she comes to sences* has to put it out now. Who is in charge of putting out random fires??!! Hellooooo?? :evil:

*climbes on top of the fridge and looks down at customers, franctically trying to escape* :o
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 5 November 2003 12:32:34am

*pp charms off the hummingbird wings* shalalalala

scooby dooby doo, i love you
we've got lots of work to do...

what is all that racket in there? *sips pina colada*
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Postby choki » Wednesday 5 November 2003 9:53:42am

I guess I have to do something before the fire burn down everything in its path...
Wingadium Leviosa
*a cauldron filled with water levitates right above Mint*
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 5 November 2003 3:27:41pm

yeah, uh, thanks....i gues.... :o *says very very wet Mint*

But what r we gonna do with the rest of the place?! :-?

where is PPrincess? she is in charge of cleaning stuf....*hears distant singing* what is that??

*the fire grows larger*

Run choki, run!! :eek: U must climb up the fridge before the fire gets to you!!!!
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 5 November 2003 11:14:35pm

goodness, i wonder what all that racket in the kitchen is? *goes into kitchen and sees very frightened mint and choki climbing into fridge* er... guys? you are witches, aren't you? *casts spell which kills fire* now, you two caused all this mess... so you clean it up! *pp goes back to singing in a window booth*
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Postby choki » Thursday 6 November 2003 8:50:21am

clean up clean up...*gets busy scrubbing the floor*
wait a minute...I'm the head of Regulatory Affairs, why should I be cleaning?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 6 November 2003 6:55:32pm

Sry Mint, i got lost in my own head :eek:
hey, that new menu sounds good...lets add thoes batwings though! That would be a good substitute for chickenwings!!!
*Chops off Mint's batwing on her head*
hey, Ju??? Can u fry this wing for us so we can sell em, im no good with finger foods, just burgers!

Well, this sounds like a good menu! Next customer please??
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Postby pinky p » Friday 7 November 2003 3:42:12am

i know i'm supposed to be the cleaning lady around here. i have some rules, though:

1. you make a mess, you clean it up.
2. no singing allowed 8 am-1 pm
3. no mutant dragons inside
4. if something you brought into the store (such as magic leaches or dragons) makes a mess, you have to clean it up.
5. no fried batwings! :evil:
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Postby choki » Friday 7 November 2003 8:58:19am

I made a mess??? I didn't do anything except I helped Marc to chop down someone's heads...Alright alright...I'll help to clean up by using my very own cleaning potions...
*pours magical potions and the floor sparkles*
*looks around for Mint and spots her at the door*
You asking me where Ju is? He is over at the counter, choosing his choice of head slowly...and you look gorgeous today... :lol:
*walks over to see the new menu*
I thought we used to have Hermione's Curly Fries?
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Postby pinky p » Monday 10 November 2003 1:31:50am

i have a suggestion for the new menu! :

4. extra cheesy scrambled dragon eggs (its a favorite here in wisconsin, except we use c*****n eggs instead of dragon eggs. dragon eggs is more humane, though.)
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 11 November 2003 4:49:55pm

:eek: yes yes PPrincess, u r right it IS more humane!!!
good suggestion on the Menu,

And BAD suggestion on the rules!!!! Me is the Manager - me makes the rules!!! :evil:

Anyway....choki cleaned up already so lets concentrate on Menus and Ju.

Another Menu suggestion...

Grass Salad! We can just gather random grass outside for it - and we dont have to spend money on making it!! Just put some grass and dressing on it - and Voila! We have our special Low Calorie McWizards Grass Salad!

And for the kiddies we will have Chocolate Surprise Egg! This will be an egg made from Chocolate with a random Choki's potion inside!! (or a mix of potions) So the kids will never know what they gonna get!!! :evil grin:
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 11 November 2003 10:38:04pm

yeah! i like those. ooh another menu suggestion... guarenteed to be a hit yet it won't cost us a penny to make! :

greasy cheeseballs (which we will call lactose nuggets on the menu, of course): take a little of the scrap cheese from the cheese burgers, mold it into a ball, and fry it in leftover grease from the frieds and voila! a 'lactose nugget'... 100% fat free! (or so we say... :lol: )
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Postby choki » Wednesday 12 November 2003 4:42:27pm

oh god, Mint you are indeed evil and wicked to come out with that kiddie chocolate surprise egg...but feel free to use my potions :lol:
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