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what is actually happening behind us...
*looks behind at the kitchen area and sees Mint and Huffleduck running around*
what...is going on? They are breathing out fire ...
*picking leaches off arms with tweezers* these are sooooo nasty! urgh! *opens door to store room and the whole room is flooded with magic leaches, the fire fizzles and dies*
I told u to get rid of 1 of his heads not ALL of them!!
PinkyP hold Ju while we find a way to regrow his head.
*ponders at it for a while*
Hmmmm may be we can er combine him with smth...I mean Huffleduck's dragon is not really doing its job. May be we can use Ju for it
*mint goes and looks in the mirror - part of her hair is missing. She looks around and sees that everyone is pointing at Ju, who cannot talk, so he is not complaining*
Ah, how could u Ju! well, I suppose cutting off all of ur heads was punishment enough.
Somebody fetch Huffleducks dragon. Choki start making some spells we need to combine them!
here, try this mint... *hands mint her one-of-a-kind magnificent hair regrowing scalp wash* i find it comes in handy whenever my hair gets singed off by an angry dragon. just wash your scalp with it and it does it's magic. the secret ingredient is powdered dried toad legs. i don't know how i works, but i know it does... *smooths down hair full of head*
Ah Ju, you don't have to worry too much. I have improved my potion making skill, and this time around you will be fine.
You can have dragon wings and a dragon head if you drink this red potion. Or the blue potion if you just want the wings.
ooh dragon wings! *grabs choki's blue potion and drinks* er... it's not really working, choki... wait... *sprouts tiny little hummingbird wings* i guess if the potion gets stolen it doesn't work so well...
okay just relax and calm down first, you will get your head back
*Ju finally stops jumping up and down*
you want what sort of head? your original head or some creature heads or a mix? Well, the green potion is for your original head, and the rest are mixed.
pp, do you like that hummingbird wings? or you need others, such as angel's wings, butterfly's wings...I have them all in my wonderous bag of potions
Oh shampoo for my hair? Great! *Mint takes the shampoo but its half empy....she she grabs a potion out of PPrincess's hands and mixes it to make the bottle full again. Then washes her hair with it*
How is that?? do I have pretty hair now?
*everyonelooks in shock at a single batwing flapping on Mint's head*
Awww, u r all speachless........
*Notices that Ju came to life*
Chocki give him something usefull for his head...let see...Dragon Head? Chicken Head?? um...it must be smth scary to keep our live stock in place.