Snape related to Harry?

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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 25 May 2003 2:56:42pm

That's what I had in mind...I mean, a mirror that shows your deepest desire certainly wouldn't present the man you hate the most as your long lost uncle, would it?
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 25 May 2003 6:01:48pm

no but what he desires is to see his family....the family he has never known (he knows the durselys, he doesnt desire to see them....and because he desires to see the family hes never know i think anyone he didnt know was family would show up reguardless of whether he liked them or not...because he doesnt know if he likes all those people in the mirror....they are just all the family hes never known....
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 25 May 2003 7:42:08pm

Yeah, I'd never thought of the Mirror scene that way. I'd just assumed that it showed his entire family. But all he did want was to see those who loved or would have loved him were they alive.

And as to the Snape thing, I'm not sure I like the idea of him being attached/married. I mean, his character is kind of representative of lonliness and solitude. I think his being married would change the entire character too much. And anyway, I just can't picture Snape being all lovey-dovey with anyone!
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 3:36:53am

Well if Snape is married he could be a husband that doesn't love his wife, no?

and certainly Harry sees the family he desires to see, I think that makes sense.
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Perseus Evans/Severus Snape

Postby Hermione McBeal » Wednesday 22 October 2003 9:45:16pm

I have only gotten into looking at forums in the last few weeks (only started reading the books about 4 months ago and have now read them all).

I have also seen references to "Severus Snape" = anagram of "Perseus Evans"

Evans = Lily's maiden name

Perseus = Perseus is the son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, and a mortal woman. The woman's husband, Polydectes, king of Seriphos, was naturally angry, but when your wife has an affair with a god, what can you do? So, instead, when Perseus grew up Polydectes sent him on what he believed was an impossible quest. The king sent his step-son out to kill Medusa, one of three sisters called the Gorgons who were so ugly, anyone who looked at them would turn to stone. He appealed to the gods for help and was given a mirrored shield by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and a pair of winged sandals by Hermes (also know as Mercury), the messenger of the gods. Perseus flew using the sandals to find Medusa. When he found her, he did not look at her. Instead, he used the reflection in the shield to guide his sword so he could behead her as she slept. As she died, the white, winged horse Pegasus sprang from her neck.
On his way back from his victory against the Gorgons, Perseus came across a woman chained to a rock, waiting to be sacrificed to a sea monster, called either Cetus or Draco, depending on which version of the myth you believe. This woman was Andromeda, the Princess. Her mother, Cassiopeia boasted that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the Nereids (or sea nymphs), which were the daughters of Poseidon (or Neptune), the god of the sea. Angered by the insult to his daughters, Poseidon sent floods to the lands ruled by Cassiopeia and her husband, King Cepheus. Cepheus consulted an oracle who told him that the only way to quell Poseidon's anger was to sacrifice his daughter.

Luckily, Perseus came on the scene just in the nick of time and killed the sea monster and saved the princess.

(from ... Story.html)

Draco? Co-incidence do you think?? Medusa had snakes in her hair (Voldemort?). Hermes = Herminione??

I am not sure how the relationship with Lily works - maybe he is an estranged brother that she didn't even know she had - but Snape does know and this is why, whilst hating Harry, he can't really bring himself to hurt him.

I am interested in hearing more about his theory if anyone has any ideas!!
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 23 October 2003 5:54:48pm

Or interchanging just two letters; Severus Snape - Persues Evans.
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