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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:26:41pm

hurrah for accio, our fabbity fabbity cook! :grin: thanks for the hot cocoa
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:42:21pm

Baked Ice Cream!!!!

*baked ice cream pops up, and marcus grabs a spoon and eats away!*

Umm, this is great, wait im missing something

Accio Water Lounging Chairmobober!

Lounging Chair appears

Ahh, i can rest here....burrr, it is cold above the water though..
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Postby pinky p » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:48:10pm

pinky p
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:55:29pm

*bounces up and down in the water* You guys love backed ice cream?!?! I love backed ice cream! *just barely finished her ice cream cone and is now calling Mr. Carty back to get some baked ice cream*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:55:46pm

AHh, well thank god im not the onl one who likes it! Hehe, well yes, can i have some cinnamon on it too!?? Ahh, thats better.
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 1 October 2003 10:38:30pm

This party is amazing... Need a little music, though
*Disapparates to his shop and Apparates a little after* I brought these little enchanted dragon... It's sing the song that most of us want... just think in what you want to listen to...

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Postby pinky p » Thursday 2 October 2003 3:36:02am

oh cool *thinks her favorite blondie song real hard* hehe

congrats, joto, you've got 1001 now! :razz:
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 2 October 2003 3:37:08pm

I performed the dragon thing! Now, instead of singing one song, you will hear exactly the song you want to hear... Each one will hear different musics... And I guess I could add Muggle songs too.. Just...

*Waves wand and some shiny blue sparkles hit the dragon singer.*

Its done... Ladies and Gentlemen... I prersent you the "Dragon Multiple Songs Singer"...
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 2 October 2003 9:03:50pm

hehe cool! you should take this over to thea's invention store, it might be worth thousands over there, you never know! :razz:

*makes a new snowman, dyed with orange food coloring*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 19 October 2003 5:31:43pm

eating about 10 baked ice creams...ohh, im stuffed.....ann i cant eat anymore ice cream...ever ever ever!!!!!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 19 October 2003 6:06:34pm

hmmm...baked ice cream...i can honestly say i've never had one of these before, but i am earnestly surprised at how yummy it is!!!!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Sunday 19 October 2003 10:19:14pm

*looks at hands* hmmm, I'm getting a little wrinkly, I think I should get out of the water. This party's been going on for a while anyways, we should really pick up and return to normal (until the next party...hehe) *jumps out of the water and begins to shiver violently*
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Postby choki » Monday 20 October 2003 11:29:26am

Accio is right...we have been partying for a whole...night
Time to sleep...*apparates back to room, dreaming about the next party*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 20 October 2003 9:38:18pm

Latin party, coustme party, snow party..i wonder what is next as well

Ill be at the bar if anyone needs me!!!
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 20 October 2003 10:30:56pm

Good, good party... I hope the next one will be soon...
*Sits in a table wondering how long will he have to wait until the next party*

Ok... ok! This is stupid *Gets up and goes to the marmaid room (I that is the right one... I can't remember if is the one I rented...) Oh, well...
Bye :) (for now)
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