Meg Boyd wrote:*Meg comes in with her muggle school back pack*
Hey, well I have a very interesting book for you too look at Caitlin!!! I found it at the Seymour City Wide Rummage Sale next to a Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies book.
*Meg rummages through her back pack, and pulls out a stack of books*
Psychology and You Today, Calculus of a Single Variable, John Thompson's Guide to Sight Singing, Rubank's Advanced Clarinet Method Level one, Astronomy, Discovering French, it is...
*Meg pulls out a huge, dusty volume*
It won't open....
Hmm....*peers at the title, a faint scratching in the leather binding*
*gently tests the pages to see how easy it is to open*
*rakes a hand back through her hair in mystification*
Meg, do you mind if you leave it here a while? I want to make a call to my senior at the Heiroglyph Hunters, and since he lives in Hong Kong I won't be able to call til tonight. Gee, this is a puzzler!*
*continues to puzzle over the book, turning it this way and that*
Is that okay with you?
*looks anxious*