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Postby choki » Sunday 28 September 2003 10:26:27am

hey HuffleDuck take this potion and feed your dragon with it.
this...erm...will make your dragon...strong ya strong that's the word

Marc, you should go to St. Mungo with Ju now...i'm sure they can do something about it :razz:

pp, i just want you to try that drink, nah, it's not one of my potions but a drink i harvested from Mcwizards "farm" animals...
you should try it seriously, zombie gut juice :evil:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 28 September 2003 1:01:13pm

Ok, im going, i cant stand this type of "surround sound" :lol:

Im going to st. mungos...Ju, are you going to come?? Hey choki, do you think you can take over my job as burger cook for a while i settle some stuff with my ear problem??

Ahh, ewww sick, there is earwax comming out of my hands!!!
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Postby choki » Sunday 28 September 2003 3:50:07pm

Ok, no problem...I will help out with the kitchen
*changes the rank chart in McWizards*
The chart now reads as:
Wilwizard: President (crossed out) Reason - Lost in Space
Mint: Manager
HuffleDuck: Manager
Choki: Head of Regulatory Affairs, Chief Chef
Marcus: Burger Cook (crossed out) Reason - St. Mungo
Ju: Frenchfry Guy (crossed out) Reason - St. Mungo

Hmmm thats better...
Attention We now served Zombie gut juice, Shrimpachickazilla blood, and Pigapu (new name of those "pigs") liver juice
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Postby pinky p » Sunday 28 September 2003 8:10:02pm

hey, you forgot pinkyprincess the mop girl! :(
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Postby Marcus Baker » Sunday 28 September 2003 9:59:51pm

Ahh, back from St. Mungos, it took really short! Just 8 hours! Well, it looks like I have just 2 ears now (thank god), and im NEVER taking a potion from choki as long as i live :lol: im just kidding, i will!

Ahh, well it looks like you can un-cross me from the chart, cuz ur favorite burger cooker is back! Emm, good beverages on the menu now!! Hehehe
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Monday 29 September 2003 2:06:45am

hello hello!i hve an idea you guys could use a certified st.mungos healer on your staff!it will save you all the trouble of going to st.mungos every time someone gets hurt!so if yuo like the idea you don't have to search anymore b/c i am a certified healer for st.mungos! :grin:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 29 September 2003 5:13:50am

Stares at choki suspiciously..
Are you sure it will help my dragon grrows stronger??? Hmmm hmmm?? Hmmm??

Hmmm if our president not coming back... maybe we need a new one to maintain the restaurant annual fee. :grin:
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Postby choki » Monday 29 September 2003 2:06:18pm

*changes the rank again*
the changes are as:
choki, head of regulatory affairs, chief chef I'm not changing that once I was made one, Mwahaha...and maybe the future PRESIDENT :evil:
Marc, burger cook
Pinkyprincess, mop girl

oooh Hermione, you wanna be the paramedic of McWizards, hmmm I'm not the boss, but we definitely need such a person, in case of life-threatening situations or crisis

Oh HuffleDuck, I'm sure the potion will make your dragon stronger...
*whispers* I added it on pp's drink when she wasn't looking and now take a look at her...*stares at pp's bludging muscles* she is so...strong
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Postby Mint » Monday 29 September 2003 4:25:48pm

Oh lookie - we have a new puppy!!!!!

*Mint goes over to see the dragon*

............. :evil: ................ u r not a dragon...............u r ju!!!!

*Mint goes over to see a real dragon*

well,....he looks a bit plain.......but i guess its ok....
Hungry puppy? here have some shrimpachikadzilla burger

*Mint remembers smth and goes away, leaving the dragon with some freaky food*

Hey Marcus! How come all of the new titles on the menu sound so ...erm...unplesent?

What r we gonna do for Kids Menu? :evil:

Hufflepuff - lets name the dragon! I suggest we give him a short name that totally describes him..... how about..... Evilness? its so cute :D
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 29 September 2003 9:02:44pm

MInt, i didnt make the names...blame it on the "future" president (jk hehe)....

Anyways, these zombie exactly are we going to chop them up, and are you sure that they wont spring back to life?? That would really suck if they did...ppl eating live zombie fingers...ewww
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 29 September 2003 9:34:22pm

1-> az mint said, I am still in ze same state as before, zey couldn't decide which headz to chop off ...
zo I suppoze I could take orderz
2-> while I cook ze fries (I'm in ze middle, zo I'm ze real head !)
3-> and I read ze paper :grin: (who carez ?)

(the numbers are for each head)
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 29 September 2003 10:48:20pm

Ohh, well, hmm...why dont we chop of two of Ju's heads and sell it for big bucks!!!!!! Just kidding...wild idea...

1-Ok Ju
2-OK Ju
3-Whatever Ju... :grin:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Tuesday 30 September 2003 1:39:52am

Hmmm.. Hmmmm

We can hire a new person!BUT we need the MONEY!!!!!

No customers lately... where are they :evil: ?

Hmmm hmmm..maybe we should send our little puppy dragon there to find some customers. :evil: :P :grin:
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Postby choki » Tuesday 30 September 2003 9:23:31am

go ahead and take your puppy for a walk...hopefully dragging a couple of customers back...
Ju...are you sure you want to stay in that way? *Ju heads wander away*
pay attention all 3 Ju decide which two should go...
1: of cos 2 and 3
2: nah, 1 and 3
3: no way...I'm staying
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 30 September 2003 2:51:02pm

*Stares at Ju's heads*

......... :o

. . . If you think we gonna pay you tripple money - u r SOOO wrong Mister!!!! :evil: :mad:

Mint always interprets stuff as money related - she would be nicer but she doesn't want to pay the psycologist.

Yes yes Huffleduck, we can't afford to get another customer! (Mint holds the money in her pocket tight)

Marc - u r right! We need to find out how to make this stuff less movable.....Shall we freeze them?

*Puppy Dragon chews on a shrimpachikadzillas sandwich and .....starts changing!!!!!!!!*

Yes Marcus, or we can.........saaay, those wings of his look a lot like chicken wings........ :o *puppy dragon burps and a shrimp flies at Mint*

..Can it breath under the water now too?!? ANd lay golden eggs?? :red smile: I hope he doesn't go all crazy and start attacking us like all of the other things did....Imagine fighting against Dragoshrimpachickazombiepig! (DSCZP for short)..
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