The Daily Prophet

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The Daily Prophet

Postby gecko » Thursday 25 September 2003 3:54:24pm

I'm posting this here, because yeah the daily prophet is connected with the books and with reading :)!

Anyway, I was reading the paper today and I came across an article about a new technology being developed by Philips.
They say it could bring The Daily Prophet to life! :o

Basically, it's a something that could be used in books to have moving images / movies accompany the text!
It's still being developed of course, but it is kinda neat I think!

Philips wrote:

The technology is based on controlling the shape of a confined water/oil interface by an applied voltage, shown schematically for one pixel in figure 1. With no voltage applied, the (colored) oil forms a flat film between the water and a hydrophobic (water-repellent), insulating coating of an electrode, resulting in a coloured pixel. When a voltage is applied between the electrode and the water, the interfacial tension between the water and the coating changes. As a result the stacked state is no longer stable, causing the water to move the oil aside. This results in a partly transparent pixel, or, in case a reflective white surface is used under the switchable element, a white pixel. Because of the small size of the pixel, the user only experiences the average reflection, which means that a high-brightness, high-contrast switchable element is obtained, which forms the basis of the reflective display.

Displays based on electrowetting have several attractive features. The switching between white and coloured reflection is fast enough to display video content. Furthermore, it is a low-power and low-voltage technology, and displays based on the effect can be made flat and thin. The reflectivity and contrast are better or equal to those of other reflective display types and are approaching those of paper.

In addition, the technology offers a unique path towards high-brightness full-colour displays, leading to displays that are four times brighter than reflective LCDs and twice as bright as other emerging technologies. Instead of using red, green and blue (RGB) filters or alternating segments of the three primary colors, which effectively result in only one third of the display reflecting light in the desired colour, electrowetting allows for a system in which one sub-pixel is able to switch two different colors independently. This results in the availability of two thirds of the display area to reflect light in any desired colour. This is achieved by building up a pixel with a stack of two independently controllable colored oil films plus a colour filter. The colors used are cyan, magenta and yellow, which is a so-called subtractive system, comparable to the principle used in inkjet printing for example. Compared to LCD another factor two in brightness is gained because no polarizers are required.

The technology is particularly appealing for electronic-paper like applications, for which high-brightness and contrast-rich reflective displays are needed, and opens up new application areas that make use of the full colour and video speed capability.

For more information, go here: ... lNodeId=13
and for more technical things: ... cleId=2818

What do you think about this development? Would you like a newspaper or a book to have moving images, or do you think it would distract you from reading? I'm curious!
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 26 September 2003 11:40:11am

wow, that would be sooo probably would distract me until i got used to the idea....but then most pictures in books distract me so moving ones probably wouldnt make much difference...... :grin:
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Postby gecko » Friday 26 September 2003 8:37:23pm

Yeah, I am already distracted by a passing car, so moving images would maybe make it impossible to read. :)
But if it's not overdone, maybe it could be cool. Just someone waving at you from the cover of the paper would be really neat I think! :P

For books I don't think it's a good thing, because I like to imagine things myself!
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 26 September 2003 11:04:28pm

it would be good for harry potter if JK did more text books or something....
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 27 September 2003 2:32:32pm

that would be really cool, maybe she could release a book with some of the more famous clippings from the daily prophet
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Postby Shadow » Sunday 28 September 2003 7:50:52pm

That would be cool
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 4 November 2003 12:58:19am

That would be awesome but I'd never get any of the reading done. I'd be too busy staring at the pictures. :razz:
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