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Postby jonny5 » Thursday 18 September 2003 6:53:02am

Did anyone ever notice that Fawkes is just a bit more than a pretty birdy? But seriously, in CoS he brings the sorting hat (belonged to Gryffindor) which bore Gryffindors sword... now DD said that only a true Gryffindor could have brought the sword out of the hat and that only true loyalty to DD (which was a Gryffindor) could have brought Fawkes... Putting these together, i think Fawkes is a little more than he appears. Is he Gryffindor the animagus? Fawkes is pronounced the same as 'Faux' which means fake. Could Gryffindor have been an animagus... turned into Fawkes and lived forever? Who knows? whats interesting then is that both harrys wand and voldemorts wand share fawke's (Gryffindors?) feather as their cores.... fun facts! discuss
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Postby choki » Thursday 18 September 2003 9:10:33am

Hmmm interesting theory..but could a wizard whose animagus form (phoenix) survive that long (over 1000 yrs)?
Phoenix makes a loyal pet, that is probably why it brought the sorting hat to Harry. Instead of Fawkes being Gothic Gryffindor himeself, Fawkes might have once been Gothic's pet.
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Postby Violet » Thursday 18 September 2003 11:15:53am

That's quite a good theory jonny 5. i mean a phoenix can live forever, and well if the animagus stayed in the form of the phoenix then i suppose the could live forever. I imagine if they changed back into the form of the person then they would die because the human body couldn't live for that long.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 18 September 2003 12:18:57pm

or if they turned back when the phoenix has just reborn, would they be young again ?
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Postby gecko » Thursday 18 September 2003 4:13:39pm

Wow, that is one good theory!
I think Fawkes was either Gryffindor's pet, or he is Gryffindor as you say.

Ju, great thought! But couldn't Voldemort use that to live forever? Just transform into a phoenix when you're getting old, wait to be reborn, and translate back.. that brings up another things, do phoenices lose their memory and stuff, when they are reborn?
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Postby Gower » Thursday 18 September 2003 4:15:11pm

gecko wrote:Wow, that is one good theory!
I think Fawkes was either Gryffindor's pet, or he is Gryffindor as you say.

Ju, great thought! But couldn't Voldemort use that to live forever? Just transform into a phoenix when you're getting old, wait to be reborn, and translate back.. that brings up another things, do phoenices lose their memory and stuff, when they are reborn?

i think Voldemort can live forever already... In some book he said he had taken many steps to prevent mortal death
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Postby gecko » Thursday 18 September 2003 4:17:20pm

What I meant was, wouldn't transforming into a phoenix be a much easier way to live forever?

Instead of doing all that dark magic, 'all' you have to learn is how to transfigurate yourself!
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Postby Gower » Thursday 18 September 2003 4:19:41pm

gecko wrote:What I meant was, wouldn't transforming into a phoenix be a much easier way to live forever?

Instead of doing all that dark magic, 'all' you have to learn is how to transfigurate yourself!

i suppose so, but Voldemort's way you can live forever as a person, but with the transfiguration method you would have to be a phoeniz
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Postby choki » Thursday 18 September 2003 4:26:01pm

If by being a phoenix animagus, you could live forever...why wouldn't everyone be a phoenix animagus?(the only drawback being you have to stay in the phoenix form) There had to be differences between the real phoenix and the animagus phoenix.
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 18 September 2003 5:03:37pm

I guess if gryffindor was an animagus, he would have been a lion...
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Postby Just Mom » Thursday 18 September 2003 8:28:25pm

I like this theory. I suspect there may be several individuals lurking around in other forms. Godric Gryffindor may have had a harder time being a lion as an animagus. I mean, where do you keep those? The dark forest? That wouldn't allow him to be close to the magical world the way being Fawkes does and it's an awfully demanding animal in terms of hunting and feeding, etc. Because Fawkes generally stays in DD's office, he enjoys a relatively safe "life" (each one) without too many threats.

I don't know, it could well have some truth to it...
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Postby azn wizard » Saturday 20 September 2003 5:31:45am

fawks could be an animagus, but i dun think he would be gryffindor....i mean, voldemort's wand has fawk's feather and he is a slytherin...
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Postby Violet » Saturday 20 September 2003 12:53:50pm

azn wizard wrote:fawks could be an animagus, but i dun think he would be gryffindor....i mean, voldemort's wand has fawke's feather and he is a slytherin...

But would that matter? i mean the reason that Voldermort has a phoenix feather in his wand may have something to do with his obsession with immortalirty?...just an idea
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Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 21 September 2003 4:01:27am

I'm not English, but I'm pretty certain there was a man named Guy Fawkes who tried to stir up some trouble in England once. I think it is celebrated with some kind of mischief in his honor. I had assummed Fawkes was named in his honor.
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Postby Violet » Sunday 21 September 2003 11:10:37am

highsorcerer wrote:I'm not English, but I'm pretty certain there was a man named Guy Fawkes who tried to stir up some trouble in England once. I think it is celebrated with some kind of mischief in his honor. I had assummed Fawkes was named in his honor.

I dont think that JK would have named the bird after Guy Fawkes as he tried to blow up the houses of parliament!
We do celebrate it, but not with mischief, we have Bonfire night with Fireworks.
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