In Your Head...

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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In Your Head...

Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 20 September 2003 3:13:27pm

Okay, this is a bit of a weird question, but my friends all saw this differently than I did, so I decided to ask all of you guys too :D

When you are reading the books, and you are picturing the scenne in your head, are you picturing like, live characters or cartoon characters or something in between? I usually picture live-action type characters in my head (which look pretty different than in the movies...) but a couple of my friends said that they see it as a cartoon. WHat about all of you?
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Postby June » Saturday 20 September 2003 6:28:51pm

For me... it's more cartoon characters... but rather faceless characters, I think... cos' I do't know what face to put on them...

Probably because it's a fantasy... and it's easier to imagine the different surroundings etc, as a cartoon, or painting instead of real-life places...
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Postby Gower » Saturday 20 September 2003 9:50:02pm

Its not a cartoon for me
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Postby gecko » Saturday 20 September 2003 10:04:27pm

Maybe you could elaborate on how you do envision the story in your head, Gower?

I think I envision it like a movie, but different from the real movies.
Hogwarts for example was, in the first movie (I think we saw more of the castle in CoS), quite a disappointment.
I had imagined it to be more majestically.
It seemed too small!

But yeah, real characters, no cartoon. It is after all a story about humans.
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Postby Gower » Saturday 20 September 2003 10:14:20pm

Sorry for nor elaborating earlier, im just naturally lazy :grin: I amagined hogwarts similar to how it was in the film. I think i got a lot of it right except quidditch. When i saw the film, the match was a lot faster than i had expected.
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 23 September 2003 11:50:12am

I imagined the characters to be human, but i think that was because i saw the first film before i read the books.
But i do imagine hogwarts and the grounds to be really different, i cant explain it, but the lake and the forest dont seem to be placed right in the films.
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Postby Jotomicron » Tuesday 23 September 2003 4:45:47pm

When I read books in general, I usually imagine the characters in an unexplainable way: almost always, I just "put" the character there, but I can't imagine their faces or their bodies (as I do for Harry, for example).

However, some of the times, I think in the characters as being totally equal to someone or some cartoon I had seen before (for instance, I used to think that DD was like a cartoon painter I saw in a book before seeing the movie. Now, that image belongs to Lupin, I don't know why).

As for the places, like some of the characters I imagine them as places I have seen before (Some Hogwart's rooms and the Great Hall is, in my mind, one big gymnasium I know about filled with tables and chairs)

I hope it's possible for you to understand it... :razz:
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Postby Hermione » Tuesday 23 September 2003 8:06:58pm

When I read the stories, I almost always imagine the setting. After that, it varies on how important the character/place is. For instance, for the trio and for other more important characters (ie: Neville, Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, etc., etc., etc), I have my own vision of how they look and how their voices sound, and I picture them as real people. For the other characters I usually get a gist of what they look like and what their voices sound like. Of course, my imagination has been somewhat influenced by the movies too, unfortunately, but I'm still sticking to my version of Harry and Ron. I didn't have one of Hermione before, so my vision of her is based off of Emma Watson, but not exactly Emma Watson. I'm babbling now, so I think I'm gonna be quiet.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 24 September 2003 11:38:04pm

before the movies, i don't remember, but after it looked like the movies, all the later characters are just kinda like any illustration i've seen of them
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Postby pinky p » Thursday 25 September 2003 12:14:06am

i think when i see it the characters are real, but they are kinda faceless... i can see seperate features but i don't have a perfect picture. i usually focus in on the settings, which in my head seem to be close to real places i've been to :razz:
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Postby Liquid Ice » Thursday 25 September 2003 8:20:54am

I never get a cartoon. Its like a film usualy, but not at all like the harry potter films that have been made.
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Postby choki » Sunday 28 September 2003 5:04:33pm

i imagined myself as one of the characters and explores around with the i guess it will be 3 dimensional live action
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Postby Shadow » Sunday 28 September 2003 7:45:59pm

I'm not really sure. I guess I imagine just like objects that don't exactly have a form, but they are just sorta there.
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real life form

Postby Augusta Longbottom » Tuesday 9 December 2003 5:19:42pm

I didn't start reading the books until after I watched the 1st movie, so I find I see real life people when I read the books.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Wednesday 10 December 2003 8:59:37pm

I imagine all the characters like humans and they look a bit differently like the actors in the movie. Especially "my" Lupin is totally different in my mind as well as Sirius. And Harry's too. Maybe because I imagine them like humans, I create their pictures in my mind, I'm often disappointed with the choice of actors when someone's making a movie on the base of a book (that goes for all the movies, not only HP...)
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