That evening at supper, Molly could see the worried looks on all of the adults faces. Nevertheless, it was a cheery meal. Uncle Ron told everyone what had been going on at The Burrow, which was very exciting to Molly and James. It was only once in a great while that they heard anything about the happenings there.
“So then,” Uncle Ron said, laughing uncontrollably, “George gives Mum this dragonhide dress, and she pretended she liked it but it was hideous. I don’t know what George was thinking- yes, I do. He wanted to see Mum pretend she liked it. But anyways, Mum gives it to Luna and now it’s all she’ll wear!” Everyone breaks into laughter. “That woman, she’s stranger then anyone I ever knew- well, except for her father.”
“Why did you marry her then?” Molly thought this was quite a defendable question but all the grown-ups just laughed.
When it was bed-time, Luna went to bed without being told, because she was no longer a little girl. But Daddy came and read her a story, just as he always did when she was small.
“The prince cast a sleeping spell on the dragon and he went right to sleep. ‘My hero!’ The princess yelled triumphantly as she dashed to his side. The End.” Daddy shut the book and looked at Molly inquisitively. “Did you like it?”
“No. It was boring. And why didn’t the princess do anything but gasp when the prince almost got killed by the dragon?”
“I don’t know, you’ll have to ask the author.”
“What’s his name?”
“He’s dead, honey. I was just kidding.”
“Oh. When can I go to school?” This was a question Molly had been asking constantly since she had been 8 and James had gotten his letter.
“When you get your letter.”
“When will I get my letter?”
“At the end of the summer, you know that!”
“Yeah but I wanted you to tell me it.”
“Well I just did.”
“Okay. Can you afford to send me?”
“Molly!” Her father looked surprised and worried.
“Sorry, sorry. Just asking.” She turned onto her side and pretended to fall snore, failing miserably. Daddy stood up and walked out of the room just as Mummy walked in. Molly turned and saw them exchange worried glances.
“Time to go to sleepy, honey.” Molly closed her eyes and Mummy sat down on the bed, stroking her head until she fell asleep, just like she always had. Molly could hear James and Daddy laughing in the room next door. The only thought that disturbed her happiness was “why does Daddy have to leave again tomorrow?”. But soon all thoughts left her head except for that dream she always had, about the long hall with a door at the end.