If DD and Gandalf (from lotr) got into a conversation

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If DD and Gandalf (from lotr) got into a conversation

Postby Shadow » Saturday 14 September 2002 6:42:06pm

If Dumbledor and Gandalf met one day, what kind of conversation would they have?
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Postby Wedge » Sunday 15 September 2002 12:20:30am

Dumbledore: Hello
Gandalf: Hi

Probably something along the lines of that... lol

Nah sorry i cant be bothered posting a proper convo tonight, ill do one tomorow...
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Sunday 15 September 2002 8:51:41pm

dd-nice beared ya got there gandy
g-why thank you, yours isn't too bad either
dd-thank you very much

freaky subject...gs and i were talking about this the other day lol
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Postby Shadow » Sunday 15 September 2002 9:51:17pm

DD: Why are ya always carrying that staff around with you Gandalf?
Gandalf: It gives out light and I can throiugh people across the room with it.
DD: Well, so can a wand, and it's so light weigt.
Gandalf: Yeah, but I have to lean on this thing.
DD: Oh. I see, but can you make magic with that thing.
Gandalf: Yeah, but it's pretty subtle magic.
DD: Ever fly on a broomstick?
Gandy: No. I ride horses.
DD: A great wizard like you, using something from the Muggle world?
Gandy: Muggle?
DD: Non-magic people
Gandy: Uh, yes. However I never reffered to them as muggles.
DD: then what do you call them
Gandy: well, there's the race of Men, Hobbits, Elves, Mair, and Dwarfs. The list goes on and on.
DD: oh. Well I know goblins, trolls, and Giants.
Gandy: I don't exactly know any trolls, but I did help kill a cave troll in the mines of Moria.
DD.Cave troll? I call em mountain trolls cause thier from the mountains.
Gandy: we don't get trolls in our mountains. Just stuff stranger than them.

That's all I feel like posting right now. Maybe I'll do more later.
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Tuesday 17 September 2002 11:55:40pm

that was great
i love the part about the staff and wands...lol
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 19 September 2002 12:48:58am

Dumbledore: Something stranger than trolls.
Gandy: Yeah, well there's this thing we call gollum. He used to be a hobbit, but he went into the mountains and is like 600 years old.
Dumbledore: Wow! I only know 1 person that's that old, and that's Nicholas Flemel. he was about 640 I think.
Gandy: Did he have a magic ring that gave him a long life.
Dumbledore: No, he had something called the Sorcer's Stone. But we had to destroy it because a dark wizard was after it.
Gandy: Well, a dark Lord was after the ring, so I sent Frodo with the ring to destroy it. After all, I guess it was the Dark Lord's in the first place.
DD:Uhh, who's Frodo?
Gandy: He's a hobbit whistles for Frodo
Frodo: You called Gandalf?
Gandy: I want you to meet profesor Dumbledore.
Frodo: Aren't Dumbledores bugs in Middle Earth?
Gandy: Um... yes, they are.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 19 September 2002 5:41:10pm

lmao :eek:
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 19 September 2002 9:51:32pm

Dumbledore: I'm a bug?> How quiaint!
*pulls out a small box*
Would you like a lemon drop?
Frodo&Gandalf: *blinks*
Dumbledore: Oh well, more for me.
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 19 September 2002 10:56:00pm

DD:to frodo You know, you should meet Harry.
Frodo: Who's he?
Dumbledore:whistles for Harry.
Sam:seeing Harry come on Mr. Frodo doesn't meet anyone without me!
Ron:wanders on looking lostHarry! Hey! I've been looking for you all day! Who are they?pionts to Gandy, Frodo, and Sam
Harry: Those people are Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam. Thire from Middle Earth.
Ron:Ohhh!*still looks confused*
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Postby Wedge » Saturday 21 September 2002 12:49:39pm

lmao, they're all funny :-P :lol: :lol:
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Postby Shadow » Wednesday 25 September 2002 3:04:25am

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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Friday 27 September 2002 2:00:23am

what wedge said lol
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Postby Quicksilver » Saturday 28 September 2002 3:07:43pm

HArry: It's a book by JRR Tolkien. They're fantasy characters of a book.
Dumbledore: *nods*
Ron: Oh.
Gandalf: I? A character? Of a childs book?? I think not!
Frodo: Gandalfs right Mr. Harry. It's you who's a character of a childrens book. The Harry Potter series.
Ron: The Harry potter series? Why can't it be the Ron Weasly series?
Sam: I think it should be The Sam of the Rings. It's a catchy title, don't you think?
Ron: Ron Weasly and the Chamber of Secrets.
HArry&Frodo: HEY!!!
Ron: Or maybe we could do a crossover! The Weasly of the Ring.
Sam: Sam Gamgee and the Prisoner of Azkaban!
*Sam and Ron go off talking about becoming famous*
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Postby Shadow » Saturday 28 September 2002 5:19:49pm

Harry: Okay, I think they've lost it.
Frodo: Yeah, me too.
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Sunday 29 September 2002 7:24:41pm

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