AccioNiffler wrote:I also thought the slytherrin thing was a little out there. I mean, I have a lot of slythering traits, but I'm still a nice person and dont block myself off from anyone who's not like me! I mean you can be greddy and ambitious without being a fcomplete jerk. It annoys me a little how JK hasnt done anything about this yet, she only has 2 books left!
Actually, I've taken her portrayal of Slytherin as her making a point. Firstly, Harry is young...he was told by Hagrid that the world isn't simply comprised of people who are good and people who are Death Eaters...that it isn't that cut and dry. Seeing as the books are from Harry's perspective, it's not surprising that he sees all the Slytherins as pure evil.
Now, you may say that JKR hasn't bothered to change that perception from any of the characters, but that isn't necessarily so. If Dumbledore felt all Slytherins were pure evil, would he continue to allow them in his school? Would Slytherin have continued to be a house at Hogwarts after its founder, Salazar Slytherin, left the school? When Hagrid said, "There wasn't a wizard who went bad that wasn't in Slytherin", I took that to mean that all the bad wizards were Slytherins, but not necessarily that all the Slytherins were or became bad wizards.
I guess my point (and I do have one
) is that perhaps JKR is trying to make a broader statement...perhaps she's writing Slytherin in this fashion in order to make us think (well, think full-stop, anyway) about how humans can, sometimes, believe one group of people is totally bad...such as judging all Muslims as evil based on what some bad Muslims have chosen to do. Rather than JKR showing us that not all Slytherins are bad like the characters think they are, she instead makes the reader think about how slanted she seems to be writing the Slytherins, thus leading us to the next thought which is "and this is what humans often do...label an entire group as evil because of some of its members". Just my thoughts, of course, I could be totally off-base, and of course, Accioniffler, I agree with what you're are a perfect example of getting JKR's subtle point about mankind's failings.
~ Lizzy