this is my first stab at fan fiction, so don't expect anything of Meg or Zledm's quality

i just wrote a bit... tell me if it's any good, perhaps i'll write some more

The sun was just creeping over the rooftops of london and as it reached the very old and unkempt shingles of number 12, Grimmauld Place, a loud chorus of screams echoed through that particular house.
"Mummy! MUUUUUUUUMMYYYYYYYYY!" The screams could be traced to a second story bedroom, where a pale and skinny eleven year old girl with flaming red hair was crying in her bed.
"Molly, be quiet! It's a fake! Shhh!" The other occupant of the room, a tall and gangly fourteen year old boy, pulled something that strongly resembled a thick black cloak off the bed.
A middle aged woman with a slightly wrinkled face and red hair not quite as vibrant as the girl’s came dashing into the room. She stood in the doorway scanning the room, her wand withdrawn and her nightgown fluttering in the breeze from the window. Her eyes fell upon the guilty face of the boy.
“James! What is this?” She snatched the cloak from his arms and started examining it closely, occasionally tapping it with the wand.
“Oh, nothing really…”
“James, do you really think that you can keep playing these pranks on your sister? It is entirely unacceptable and when your father comes back-”
“Is he coming, Mummy? Is he really coming?” The girl interjected, her face lit up with excitement.
“Molly, go downstairs and get some breakfast. See that you don’t awaken Mrs. Black, I have a headache. Your brother and I will be down in a moment.”
The girl obediantly left the room, her excitement somewhat lessened. She tiptoed though the front hallway, carefully avoiding a curtain hanging on the wall as she went down into the kitchen.
A half hour later all three of them were sitting at a large table which could have easily seated fifteen people. Molly was chatting merrily about “Daddy’s visit” while the other two threw dangerous looks at each other.
When the meal was over, “Mummy” started the dishes at washing themselves and she settled down comfortably at the table once more, reading a newspaper called “The Daily Prophet” that an owl had brought. Molly and James had started playing chess with a very unusual set that seemed to move around when a large brown owl started tapping at the window with it’s beak.
Molly started up from her chair so ernestly that she tripped and fell over. James ran to the window and let in the owl, taking a letter that was tied to it’s leg. He had only just begun to read it when the woman took it from him.
“It is for me, is it not?” She asked icily.
“Well, yes, but it’s from-“
“Daddy!” Cried Molly exitedly, getting up and dancing about the room in a frenzy.
“Yeah.” James answered. “Dad.” The woman had already plunked herself back down in her chair, the newspaper forgotten as she hungrily read the letter. Molly and James were watching her excitedly. Once she was done, she placidly placed the letter back into its envelope and looked up at her children. Her face was calm, but her dancing eyes gave away her excitement.
“Your father is coming for a visit.” Her voice was alive with delightment and sounded twenty years younger.
“When, when?” Molly exclaimed.
“Today.” The Mother answered.
Just then, the door bell rang and loud screams erupted from the front hallway. They were all ignoring the painting on the wall, whose occupent was screaming terribly. All three dashed up into the hall and Molly practically threw open the door.
A tall, lean man stood in the doorway. His black hair was greying and his forehead was creased, but his green eyes were as vivid and his hair as rumpled as it had ever been.
“Harry!” The woman breathed.