Next Year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher

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Postby gecko » Monday 18 August 2003 11:41:44am

Welcome to BaO, Pheonix_Reader22! :P

I'd love Lupin to be the next DADA-teacher! But I think the order will take up all or most of his time, though we've seen with Snape that being a teacher and being in the order can work. It would be great, he being the best teacher they've ever had, and only having to go because of some stupid superstition!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 25 August 2003 7:14:09am

I honestly don't think that Lupin will be DADA teacher again. remember, he left because he didn't want the prediguce associated with all the parents knowing that he's a werewolf... Nothing has really changed that. And it's not like we've had a mention from DD or someone about alot of owls coming asking for Lupin back? So I woudl say that the anit-werewolf thing will still be too strong for Lupin to come back to teach at Hogwarts.
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 27 August 2003 1:14:34am

I read something somewhere, that JKR said Lupin will figure very prominently in the next two books. But I too don't think he'll be back as DADA teacher (I'm still exploring that mugglenet theory that Remus could be James Potter) And I'm worried about Remus too, shabby clothes, needing a job, etc.
We haven't met everyone in the Order yet, but I do think we'll see Tonks again in some capacity because there's something about her that's very groovy. I wouldn't be surprised if she got tabbed for the job even though she's an auror...and again, simply because DD is pushed for time and needs someone reliable.
How did Umbridge get hired?
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 27 August 2003 1:26:00am

Oh, but wouldn't Tonk's be the perfect spy? Able to assume new forms without polyjuice potion. Her best job for the order would be to capture one of the death eaters and have her take his/her place. While Tonk's abilities have been shown as fun and amusing - the ability has great power. Let the order take out a member of Voldemort's death eaters (like wormtail or bellatrix) and learn it all from within.
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Postby Hermy » Wednesday 27 August 2003 8:05:44am

Good point highsorceror, but I'm not sure that it is the best idea for a couple of reasons:
1. Tonks is very clumsy isn't she?
2. Could it effect whatever Snape is doing for The Order?
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Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 31 August 2003 3:20:42am

I think Tonks would take the risk. She may be clumbsy (like i am), but a capable witch who can spy on Voldemort.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 4 September 2003 1:00:02pm

I, too, would love to see Lupin take the role of DADA teacher, however, it seems to be JKR's style to introduce a totally new person for that position in every book. Meaning, we haven't met the person she plans to have as that teacher...and unless other teachers were mentioned in prior books before becoming the DADA teacher, we haven't even had the name mentioned of the person who will be the new DADA teacher. Which REALLY makes me wonder who it's going to be! I wonder if the DADA is going to be someone good (like Lupin), someone sorta bad (like the professor in CoS [I can't remember his name right now!! :oops: ]), someone who isn't really themselves (like the professor in book 1 [names, arrgggh! :oops: ] who was possessed by Voldemort and like the fake Mad-Eye Moody in book 4 who was really Barty Crouch, Jr.), or someone really horrible like High Inquisitor from book 5!). Any thoughts on this? :???:

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Postby Hermy » Thursday 4 September 2003 4:43:56pm

It would be good to have a "nice" DADA teacher. However, the people who really know there stuff are likely to be the ones battling against Voldemort for The Order. I am sure it will be no one from the ministry as Fudge has less of a need to have a "spy" in Hogwarts.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone completely different who has nothing to do with The Order or The M of M. I'd quite like to see a foreign DADA teacher, maybe coming from one of the other wizarding schools.
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dada teacher

Postby Sara8830 » Monday 8 September 2003 7:59:53pm

this is a total guess... but I am guesing Percy for the DADA teacher.
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Re: dada teacher

Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 9 September 2003 12:30:27am

Sara8830 wrote:this is a total guess... but I am guesing Percy for the DADA teacher.

I don't think he will be the next DADA teacher mainly b/c he wants to be minister of magic or something as high as that job with percy's personality he seems to be the person who would think that job is underneath him and he is to good for it. I like the idea though it would be a chance for ron to talk to his brother.
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Postby L. M. Lupin » Tuesday 9 September 2003 4:57:54am

I read somewhere that when writing GoF, JKR had originally introduced a female cousin of the Weasley's, but that she then decided it was too early in the overall plot to introduce said cousin. What if she is the next DADA teacher? So far Umbridge has been the only female and she is a very sorry female role model (unless you're a Slytherin!).....Just a thought.....

(If anyone would like to research this more, I think I read it pertaining to why JKR was so stressed out when writing GoF--what with having to rewrite a good chunk of the book)
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Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 9 September 2003 5:54:46am

I suspect the next DADA teacher with be a member of the OotP mentioned in passing at the beginning of the book.
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Postby Colin » Tuesday 9 September 2003 5:21:46pm

I'm hoping Vicky will come to Hogwarts and teach. This would complicate Ron's life no end:)
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Postby Gower » Tuesday 9 September 2003 5:31:41pm

maybe harry will teach defence against the dark arts! ( i don't actually believe he will its just a thought)
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Postby Dink Meeker » Tuesday 9 September 2003 5:39:07pm

That's not a bad idea. I'm sure he's capable of teaching at least first to third years, but they would still need a teacher for the seniors. Of course if he was teaching, where would he find time to run off and fight Lord Voldemort?

Do they have student teachers or teacher's assistants at Hogwarts. :grin:
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