Dumbledore an actor in league with Voldemort (James Potter)

A place to discuss your Harry Potter theories. Are there hidden secrets and conspiracies? What will happen in future plots? The truth may be in here!

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Scarlet Lioness, FawkesthePhoenix, Lone_Buck, paintballdecoy

Is pattern-based theory clear and easy for the readers to understand?

Yes, I see the patterns, understand and agree with the theory
No, the theory is difficult for me to understand and I don't agree with it
I don't understand the theory in its fullness, but I still agree with it
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I understand the theory, yet have found holes which make me disagree with it.
I dont' understand the theory, though I've tried, and so am giving up!!! (hehehe)
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Total votes : 21

Postby darkcloak » Thursday 28 August 2003 1:10:44pm

Perhaps the 'heart of it all' is exactly that. There are many quotes about how powerful love is in magical terms.
The protective spell of his mother.
The secret room at the ministry.
Harry rids himself of LV when his heart fills with love.

How this fits in with the ending and twists I'm not sure. But the Beatles were obviously right. :-)

On a side note, I see Harry as the 'Christ figure in the book'.

He is saved by the 'wise trinity' of DD, McGonagal and Hagrid as a baby.
He is beset with temptation (e.g. sorting hat and LV)
He has to come to terms with the fact that he is different from the rest.
He also must come to terms with the fact that in order to save everyone else he may have to sacrifice himself.
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Postby yasmane » Friday 5 September 2003 12:42:25pm

First of all, i would like to know who can be that arrogant to ask in his post if we understand his theory.
That's the first time I see that in this forum and I must say i found this person really condescendante.
I'm always afraid of people explaining they're coming from a specific level , where you must speak with precise words. by the way, someone who cannot manage to simplify the words he's using shows a lack of respect and most of all a lack of adaptation which is really weird, mainly when we see where he comes from.

Except that, to discover in all this posts that his main idea is : "there will be Major plot twists and turnarounds" is not exactly the idea I have about new theories. We're reading Harry Potter for many reasons, and this one is clearly included.

Honestly, I didn't really want to enter the discussion, sorry for my post, but I just wanted to say that someone who brings a theory and asks people if they understand it is weird and sad.

That's all, Oh and sorry for my post and my poor vocabulary, but for the first time I'm really proud of it.
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