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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 26 August 2003 10:44:38pm

Umm, yes please i would like syrup. Thanks Accio!
*swallows the food*
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 27 August 2003 12:12:29am

Ah so we got the fake Weird Sister, that should save us some money from hiring them. :grin: He yblue sing something for us, something like the Itsy bitsy Spider. :lol: or I'm the little teacup short and stout. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 27 August 2003 2:30:54am

Sure choki, list the LC up...

...and hey everybody...what should our first theme night be??? Any ideas???

...and I'll have some Fairy French Toast s.v.p, Accio!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 27 August 2003 3:47:07am

svp, I love it, hehe, here's your french toast-- powdered sugar? syrup? fruit?

Hmmm, our first theme night.... well, there is always the obvious, HP Night, hehe :lol:
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 27 August 2003 9:51:50am

gecko's eagle wrote:Hey everyone! Guess what!! I sold 'm! Every single lousy bottle of potato stock is gone! :grin: I feel like I'm happiest wizard on the world! Meg, choki, Accio, zledm, could you prepare a huge feast tonight?! This calls for loads of celebrations!

See you tonight! gecko
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 27 August 2003 11:42:44am

hey, I was asleep for a whole week ??? and no one woke me ... well any way I will go down and see whats happend and eat a bit.
Accio please do some of those delicious things you cook ( :grin: you really do a great job)
oh and what about mini owls to communicate with our customers in their bedrooms since normal ones might not get through the staircase ...
Oh and music (w/out music, life would be a mistake !).. wishwash with my wand and there, a hologram of pink floyd playing around with big lights and lasers and playing echoes !
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 27 August 2003 3:58:53pm

aww, thanks Ju, I try my hardest! And Pink Floyd? What an ecellent choice! *Accio's eyes cross a little* Wow, all these laser beams and this music is a little trippy isn't it? :lol: :lol:

And this feast will be so great! I have gone back as far as my cooking class from 11th grade to find the perfect food, and I have designed a Spanish themed feast worthy of the high court! (or Gecko, you know, either or!) Of course I have modified everything to be magically themed along with the spainish flare.
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 27 August 2003 4:02:50pm

Yay! Tonight we shall feast in honor of Gecko's good luck on the WSE! :jump: :double jump: :double jump: :jump:

Tonight's Menu (separate from the week's menu and also for this night only)

White Almond Gargoyle Gazpacho
Forbiden Mushroom Soup with Smoked Nettle Cheese

Tarantula Tapitas
Cauldron Cured Spanish Ham and Troll Truffle Fritters

Sea Urchin with Golden Egg Sauce
Crunchy Owl Oyster Paella with Saffron
Bay Leaf biting Clams with Lemon
Monsterous Maine Lobster with Chicken Reduction, Horned Snails, and Mushrooms
Diricrawl Leg with Apples

Rice and Milk Pudding
Enchanted Epiphany Cake and Truffles

substitutions available upon request. dont know what something is? just ask! I have all the anwers! :grin:
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Postby choki » Wednesday 27 August 2003 4:56:11pm

ya'know it would be great if all the employees celebrate at the end of the day, having dinner together...to boost LC's moral and of cos our feelings for each other... :lol: though Accioniffler will be real busy :razz:
The theme for tonight should be special for gecko and to celebrate LC's listing

Oh i almost forgot...i need to get down to WSE right away

*taps on the wall and enters Diagon's Alley*
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 27 August 2003 11:50:37pm

Sneaks into the kitchen to eat the foods....

i'm just trying them to see if they taste good or not.. :grin: I'll just try a little of this and that.. Don't worry i wont eat all of it. :grin: :grin:
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 28 August 2003 12:02:48am

mmmmh foood, I like foood ...
and trippy music it is ... that's what's good with it (music is a magic above all, and even muggles do it well!)
well which room next boss ?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 28 August 2003 2:13:02am

YUMMY...Rice Pudding is the best! My favorite!

and Ju, I think room number 43 should be ok to test, we haven't had many guests requesting rooms, but that one has a arcade style ataris set up i think you might enjoy!!!

are we having a spanish night Accio, I have been so busy reading up on my AP English assignment (1984) and my AP Psychology, that I haven't been paying much attention...oh well...


*Meg puts her glasses back on and picks up her huge psychology volume and starts taking notes about Wundt and Freud*
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Postby AccioNiffler » Thursday 28 August 2003 4:07:23am

I dont mind you guys sneaking into the kitcken to get food! I can always make more! So yeah, Meg, we can have a Spanish night and Gecko can be the Queen of Spain. And the boys can be kon-kee-sta-dors and the girls can be flah-menk-oh dancers, yay, it'll be so fun!
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 28 August 2003 5:46:45pm

I would like to be a toh-rear-oh if it is possible
yay atari, here I come (just going to test it 5 mins before the festivities start, I promise!)
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Postby AccioNiffler » Thursday 28 August 2003 11:03:32pm

You mean one of those muggle fools that run around with capes trying to anger bulls?? Yeah! You can be one of those!
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