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Professor Granger

Postby Professor » Monday 7 July 2003 10:53:24pm

Hermione is capable of succeeding in just about any career, I believe. I sincerely hope that she does not continue her ridiculous magical creature campaigning. She has no respect for other creatures' culture, instead interpreting and judging other creatures through her own ethnocentric lens. Look at how none of the house elves are willing to clean Gryffindor tower (except Dobby) because of Hermione's underhanded attempts to "improve" their situation against their own will. She is trying to control their futures for them, and is quite condescending in this regard. She is an anthropologist's nightmare.

She has her heart in the right place, but I think that JK is telling us that Hermione's efforts are misdirected, despite her good intentions. If she allowed her to continue in this crusading career, I'd be surprised.

I think Hermione will be a professor and will write a good many books along the way.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:20:10am

hrmm, Hermoine as a Professor! I thinkt hat I like it!!! And didnt' someone say somewhere taht JK said one person from Hogwarts was gonig to stay at the school to teach afterwards??? I dotn' really like to think of her as the Minester of Magic though... as ytou just pointed out Professor, she tends to act for what she thinks is best, but not what is best for people, like with he house elves... I think that woudl be a bad trait in the Minester of M... :(

And Ludo Bagmans' old job for Ron, excellent!!! maybe he will follow Ludo Bagman's career (minus the gambling) he will Keeper the the CC for a while, them go to the MOM when his keeper days are over and be Head of Magical Games and Sports!!! :grin:
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Postby HuffleDuck » Friday 18 July 2003 6:29:09am

Oh i was hoping Hermione gonna be a healer at St.Mungo or an Auror. I have high hope for her to find a great job in the future. :)
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Postby Eol » Wednesday 13 August 2003 7:44:06pm

Ron's still got two years to come into his own, as we are already witnessing him doing, so I'll reserve any predictions about his career.
As for Hermione, I doubt she'll want to work for the ministry while Fudge is the minister. Maybe she'll become a dentist!! :grin:
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 13 August 2003 10:16:52pm

Oh, but what is RIGHT and what is EASY? Hermonine has picked the hard path; crusading for rights for other magical creatures. She's not Auror material (she fell too quickly in the battle of the department of mysteries), but her goal of equal rights for other creature is both noble and of her temperment. She has little support for it, but she'll fight. Harry will make a great Auror ( something he's done since he was 11); Hermoinie will make a great champion of non human rights.
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Postby Devinci » Thursday 14 August 2003 1:54:50am

I agree with Highsorcerer (sorta...) I don't think Hermione is Auror Material. NOT because she's wimpy or anything (she definatly is not) but because she seems to be more of a, I think of the idea, you go be big and bad and kick some butt. You know? The behind the scenes kinda girl...she'd be the director, not the leading lady.

I think Ron may be a little eerie of the MoM, because of what his dad goes through (and what he puts his dad through) trying to keep his job and keep everyone happy...and because Percy. I think what happened to Percy will ward Ron away. Or, then again, maybe it'll make him want to get involved even more...

Oh the tangled web I weave!!! :o
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 15 August 2003 5:34:18am

Hermoine is a talented and clever witch, but to be an Auror requires more. The ability to react under pressure. For the first time she really faced deadly opponents, and fell first under the pressure. And as Harry tried to tell them; it's hard to teach what it's like to be alone and scared and nothing between you and death except your own wits.

Umbridge was so blinded by her hate of Harry she totally failed to realize that Harry DID have the temperment to be an Auror. A good one. All from experience of fighthing the dark arts. Ultimately, Umbridge's remarks will backfire, because even if McGonagall had doubts before, she's now determined to make Harry an Auror. Umbridge made it personal; McGonagall has replied in kind.
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Postby Eol » Friday 15 August 2003 8:14:15am

Umbridge will have to do some serious word eating in the next book. Maybe Harry will make her write with that evil pen of hers.

I think Ron won't have a problem working in the ministry, because he is nothing like Percy. He won't make the same mistakes Percy will.

Hermione is the behind the scenes type of person, so Auror's not the right kind of profession. There are other departments in the ministry that she would be suited to, just not the law enforcement ones. She'd make an excellent senior under secretary i reckon.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 15 August 2003 1:27:48pm

highsorcerer wrote:Oh, but what is RIGHT and what is EASY? Hermonine has picked the hard path; crusading for rights for other magical creatures.

I tend to disagree, sorry... Hermoine is awesome and all, but she needs to be able to distinguish between what she thinks is right for others, and what they think is right for themselves. IE, the house-elves... they dont' want freedom, but no matter how much they tell her that, she refuses to listen?

I think that she woudl work very well in some part of the Minestry though, once Fudge has left and all!!! ;) About being a healer, well, she will definately gett he top grades! :grin:
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Postby Eol » Saturday 23 August 2003 9:52:38am

Holly Golightly wrote:
highsorcerer wrote:Oh, but what is RIGHT and what is EASY? Hermonine has picked the hard path; crusading for rights for other magical creatures.

I tend to disagree, sorry... Hermoine is awesome and all, but she needs to be able to distinguish between what she thinks is right for others, and what they think is right for themselves. IE, the house-elves... they dont' want freedom, but no matter how much they tell her that, she refuses to listen?

I think that she woudl work very well in some part of the Minestry though, once Fudge has left and all!!! ;) About being a healer, well, she will definately gett he top grades! :grin:

That's exactly right Holly. If Hermione ends up in the regulation of magical creatures department (or whatever its called) She'll end up upsetting an entire race. Hagrid is one of the kindest people to creatures in the books and he believes that freeing the elves would be wrong. The fact that Hermione is resorting to tricking the elves into freedom, shows that she's not suited to work with the magical creatures. She needs to be put somewhere where she can't hurt the elves :wink:.
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 23 August 2003 1:55:42pm

I'm sorry, but I can't agree. I think Hermoine is right. She is fighting for equal rights for other sentient beings. I think the real key is sentience.

Consider it this way. I'm not a vegatarian. So would you consider mermaids and house-elfs dinner food? Centaur, Goblins, and Giants to be snacks? I wouldn't, because they are sentient. I also would not eat a primate (ape, chimp, whatever) or dolphin because I think they have some sentience. Known studies show that primate can learn sign language to communicate.

So that's my personal line - animals who can't communicate or think independently are food. But creatures like centaurs and house-elves can communicate and think for themselves.

I treat my cats better than Malfoy treated Dobby. Dobby, who knew nothing of decent treatment before meeting Harry, repaid him again and again. Plus, Dumbledore hired both Dobby and Winky, offering fair wages and time off, plus the ability to bad mouth him.
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Postby Eol » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:22:22pm

The problem with the elves is that they are aware of their existance, yet believe that their existance is for the serivtude of humans (vey much unlike the centaurs). Shouldn't the goal be to make sure the elves are happy? The elves are aware that there is a life they are not a part of. A life where they enter the property of nobody but themselves and where they can have their own opinions and get paid for their work, but they reject that life and choose servitude. They CHOOSE it. I agree that houses with elves shouldn't be allowed to treat the elves however they wish (eg the Malfoys punishing Dobby, and Sirius manhandling Kreacher), but why force on them something they clearly don't want?? This is the point Hermione fails to grasp and so why she would fail in her efforts to "help" the Elves.
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Postby yasmane » Monday 25 August 2003 1:56:38pm

First of all, I think it's really hard to say if elves must be helped or not.
But what I'm sure about, is that hermione is learning right now. She's learning to fight for her ideas (which are right or wrong), she's learning all the history af the magical world, she's one of the best student in Hogwarth since many years.
I really think she'll end up at the MoM, where exactly I don't know, but she'll become someone. But we can be almost certain she won't be an auror, as you said she's not very good when danger comes. She's more an intellectual than anything else.

Concerning Ron, You must be right about him becoming a Quiddich player, but I think he's got more cance to end up as his dad, a good job at the MoM but not very well recognised. Do not forget that he's not such a good player, he had luck one time, but nothing says he will become really good.

Last but not least, Harry. Of course we would all like him to become an auror. And I think he will. :lol: :lol:

But one issue remains : who will stay in Hogwarth after.
I think the one who has the best chance to stay (or to come back years after) is of course Hermione. As a teacher at the beginning, but I really see her ending as headmaster. She's all the potential for, she only needs to become a little less respectful towards rules. Of course she breaks rules all the time with Ron and Harry, but she rarely does it on her own will.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 25 August 2003 2:13:29pm

Hermione I could see being a healer, since she has the grades for it and the striving to help people...

As for Ron, I would love to see him filthy rich and famous, perhaps a Quidditch player, I feel once he gets over his intial "stage fright" I am sure we'll see him shine, just remember even Oliver Wood and Harry had some rough times on the field!

Now for the person to stay at Hogwarts...I always felt it would be Neville...his forte is very much with plants, and a position teaching herbology would suite him just fine!
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Postby yasmane » Monday 25 August 2003 3:52:23pm

Excellent point on Neville staying in Hogswarth.
That's the problem when I deal with the future, I'm always focusing on the trio, forgetting all other characters, such as Neville for instance. Shame on me.
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