by zledm007 » Tuesday 19 August 2003 7:35:25pm
ok, here's the next bit:
He stopped abruptly and found himself stunned. ‘Who in this forest could possibly know who I am?’ he thought, ‘I’ve never been here, and I’ve never heard of a place like this before. How could any one here know me?’
“Sirius? Is it really you?” he stood petrified, “Hello? Could you at least turn around so I can see your face?” still he stood still. “No, you couldn’t be him. Old padfoot wasn’t afraid of anything. He wouldn’t stand there hoping that everything would go away. He’d try to figure it out, especially if it might be dangerous, and even if there was the possibility of having life as you know it taken from you.”
“Padfoot?” He said as he slowly began to turn. “I haven’t heard that name, well, except from Remus, but you’re not him. I haven’t heard that name said like that since-”
“Since when?” asked the voice.
“Since- No, it couldn’t be, that’s impossible. No, it just couldn’t be.”
“Are you sure about that padfoot old friend?”
“But, it can’t be, it just can’t,” he said as he turned all the way around so he was facing the source of the voice. “James?” He stood bewildered, “James?” he said again.
“Sirius, it is you. Yes, it’s me, James.”
“B-but how? You died, 15 years ago you died.” Sirius asked with an incredibly confused look covering his face.
“I’ll explain later,” James said with a hint of urgency appearing in his voice, “but right now we need to get to my cottage. It’s not safe out here.”
“Not safe?” Sirius proclaimed, “There’s not a hint of anything happening anywhere near here. Everything seems, well, dead.”
“Yes, I know, there is much you need to learn yet. You are in a different world Sirius. Like I said, I will explain everything later, but we need to get back.”
“Well, alright I suppose, but I still don’t see what the rush is.”
“O.k. then, lets go. Follow me.” In a lighter tone James went on, “Oh Lily is going to hit the roof when she sees you.”
‘What is this place?’ Sirius wondered, ‘Last thing I know I’m in some basement, and now I’m with James. This is weird. And dangerous? Seriously, how is this dangerous?’
The two walked off, back into the silent forest Sirius had found himself him no longer than three hours ago.