
Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 2:34:10am

Parvati means "daughter of mountain" in sanskrit

Padma means "lotus" in sanskrit

while their last name of patil is a common Indian surname.

Percy comes from Percival. In Arthurian legend Percival was a chivalrous knight who was given a glimpse of the Holy Grail.
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 12 August 2003 10:30:09am

Is there a connection, you think, between Percy and Dumbledore, because
Dumbledore's second name is Percival? I mean, is that coincidence?

Then again, there aren't many similarities between them, at least not that I can think of.
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Postby Colin » Tuesday 12 August 2003 10:48:07pm

Since Percy and DD were born at least 150 years apart, I can't see any connection.
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Postby Tuima » Thursday 14 August 2003 2:42:37am

I posted this somewhere else, but I think its really cool: Percival was the only one in the Arthurian legends who ever defeated Lancelot. Think of the possibilities...
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Postby Eol » Thursday 14 August 2003 8:27:58am

And Percy doesn't have to stand for percival does it? It could be Percillygit, that would fit his character better.
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Postby AccioNiffler » Thursday 14 August 2003 3:44:52pm

I always thought that in the book Percy was short for Percius, I may be wrong though :???:
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Postby gecko » Thursday 14 August 2003 4:00:58pm

According to this site, (they've got analyses of all names, pretty neat!):

"Percy: Familiar form of Percival meaning "pierce the valley". The name was invented by Chretian de Troys for the knight-hero of his epic about the Holy Grail."

If you search for the meaning of names almost all sites (at least the ones I visited) state that Percy is a shortened form of Percival! If so, it still could be just coincidence that Percy and Dumbledore 'share' names..
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Postby Colin » Thursday 14 August 2003 4:45:44pm

I get a kick out of Ernie Prang :) He drives the Big Purple Bus.

Prang has many meanings, but in Britain, a prang is a car crash:) Well named.
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Postby Colin » Thursday 14 August 2003 11:39:17pm

I spent the morning running a lot of names thru the online anagram machines.

The best hit I got was that inside Hermione's name you will find the word Heroine. I think that is not only fitting, but it places her properly into Gryffindor House.
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Postby Colin » Thursday 14 August 2003 11:42:36pm

As soon as I posted the above, I had a kind of a thought.

Inside "Harry Potter" are the two words HERO PORTRAYER

I think JKR is an anagram freak also:)
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Postby Centaur Lord » Saturday 16 August 2003 3:54:50am

Hey, Colin....just out of curiosity...
I noticed that you said Dumbledore and Percy were born at least 150 years apart. This brought something up in my mind that i had quite forgotten. I THINK i remember reading somewhere that Dumbledore is like 350 years old or something like that, but i can't remember exactly. Does anyone know how old he actually is? Is he actually that old or am i just imagining things as usual?
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Postby Eol » Saturday 16 August 2003 10:44:24am

JK Rowling said that Dumbledore is around 150 years old
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Postby Colin » Saturday 16 August 2003 4:11:37pm

It's good to have a friend like Nicholas Flamel:)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 18 August 2003 4:03:55am

I heard that DD was 150 and that wizards live longer than muggles
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Postby Centaur Lord » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:14:18am

Alright, thanks. I really have no idea, where i came up with that...Oh well
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