Potential Future Death in Book 6 or 7 (spoilers)

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Postby 2F2Type_R » Monday 21 July 2003 9:13:32am

ah huh
hagrid is probably the most original creation i've met :grin:
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Postby Iluvatar » Monday 21 July 2003 1:01:57pm

I noticed that everyone here assumes that a good character will die.
Could it not be that Wormtail might turn around and sacrifice himself for Harry's sake. We must not forget that Harry saved Wormtail's life and Dumbledore said that Harry might one day be happy that he saved Wormtail. My guess is that Harry will be able to get out of his next encounter with Voldemort thanks to an intervention by Wormtail, and then Voldemort will kill Wormtail for allowing Harry to escape.
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Potential Future Deaths in Books 6 and 7

Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 6 August 2003 5:22:00pm

I hope I'm not the only one, but while I liked his character very much, I wasn't terribly emotionally affected by the death of Sirius. Lupin on the other hand, I would get upset about, but I don't think Lupin's going to die in the next two books, nor the main folks like Ron and Harry, etc. I am suspicious, that the biggest death that COULD happen, is (dare I say it) Dumbledore in book seven. He is afterall, very old. These books are written for children primarily, and one reality in the life a child is usually the death of grandparent or someone like that. By book seven, DD will have been the headmaster for awhile, he will probably have helped Harry get through his trials with Voldemort, and it will be time for him to go on to the next plane of reality for wizards(or whatever you want to call it, Wizard heaven perhaps?) like his old friend, Nicholas Flamel.(sp)
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Postby Charis » Wednesday 6 August 2003 7:28:10pm

i totally agree with you Rev, Mom! Lupin dieing would be tragic, and I honestly don't think JK would do that to us (or Harry). Dumbledore, on the other hand, would be horrible as well, but easier to bear because he's old and we know that he cannot live forever. he has already done so many great things with his life, and lived it well. i would be upset about it, of course, but i could understand it. i don't think he'd die until book seven though, if he dies at all.

Iluvatar, i think it is possible that wormtail will finally get up the nerve to save Harry, but I'm kind of of the mind that if he hasn't done it already he likely won't do it at all. He tried to in GoF by trying to persuade LV to use another person, but he was very easily intimidated. but, sometimes its the weaker ones that show their strength in the end.
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Postby Tuima » Wednesday 6 August 2003 8:36:26pm

Maybe just 'cause he's expendable... but I don't think he will, i see a marriage and very large children in his future, maybe w/ Harry as godfather...Hee-hee :lol: . But I think if a Weasley were to die, it would be either Percy, (but prolly not) or one of the parents. I donno why exactly, it just seems like they would be a big impact but not break down and sob for weeks (like if it were a twin :eek: :cry: ). And it would most definitely make the war personal for all their children. Wow, I hope no Weasleys die! (weelll, I wouldn't mind Percy too badly)
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Postby Tuima » Wednesday 6 August 2003 8:39:33pm

Oops :oops: sorry, I posted that after reading about Hagrid at the end of the first page, thought it was the end of the thread and so I'm really off topic, sorry! :oops:
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Postby Charis » Thursday 7 August 2003 3:25:47am

thats ok, Tuima!!! we'll forgive you. :D but why is Hagird expendable? i mean...he's been like a father figure for Harry.... hmm... for his dad being dead Harry seems to have alot of those doesn't he? :razz: of course now that Sirius is dead thats one less :cry:
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Postby Tuima » Thursday 7 August 2003 6:07:51pm

Well, I just mean he's not absolutely necessary to the plot line. I would be very sad to see him go, but now that his mission to the giants is over and all... I donno, maybe he'll be really helpful to the order or sumpthin'. :D I really do want to see him back with Madame Maxime, though, that would make me happy! :lol:
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Postby Charis » Thursday 7 August 2003 11:53:51pm

I understand what you mean, Tuima. The plot could easily go on without him... though I feel kind of horrible saying that because I love him so much! the knowledge that the story could go on alot the same without him wouldn't make his death any less sad for me!
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Postby Kaizer » Friday 8 August 2003 1:36:15am

Of course I am entitled to my own opinion, and I do not particularly like Hagrid. Its just me, I am not baised against half breeds lol. So, if he died, it would be a shock, but i wouldnt be as depressed as when Sirius died. I don't really like Dobby, either, but I really like Sir Nick. (obviously he cant die lol)
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Postby Charis » Friday 8 August 2003 2:23:40am

yeah, i felt basically the same way you do, Kaizer, until before book 5 came out and there were all those rumors abt Hagrid dieing. I must admit, I was pretty convinced that it was Hagrid who would die which made me alot sadder than I thought! and all through the book up until he came back I was even more convinced he had died, and was soooooo happy when he came back! :grin: just sort of...thinking of the books without him made me like him more. Although...Sirius was a very rough exchange for Hagrid. :(
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Postby Tuima » Friday 8 August 2003 4:26:30pm

Cry! :cry: I liked Sirius! I think i would have preferred Hagrid dying. :o Is that a horrible thing to say? But i think Hagrid will be helpful in helping Harry with emotional problems he's sure to have next year.
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Postby Nacht » Tuesday 12 August 2003 9:54:09am

I've no idea who are going to die, except that I'm pretty sure that neither Voltemore or Harry are going to die in book 6 :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 1:07:03pm

He he...you have that right....

i thin Hagrid is a distinct possiblity of another death, as is Moody...he's gotten away from the baddies one to many times, plus he is old, and has spent his life fighting evil, a death at the hand of a DE is most likely. DD will prolly die sometime soon, possibly at the end of the sixth book so Harry has to deal with the last adventure alone...at least that's how i see it anyway...
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Postby Violet » Wednesday 13 August 2003 4:18:16pm

I dont know how harry would cope without DD, i mean mayb by the end of the 7th book he will be alot more advanced in his magical skills, so i hope that DD isn't killed off until at least part way thro the 7th book.
I hope that it is a DE that JK gets rid of in the next book, we've already seen the death of Cedric and Sirius on the good side, so we need to even it out a bit
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