The Isolation of Malfoy?

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Postby Hermy » Monday 11 August 2003 4:08:35pm

Good point Huey!
I would imagine Snape rather than Dumbledore choosing Malfoy for prefect, although Dumbledore does say he thought it would be a good idea if Harry wasn't a prefect based on all his other responsibility.
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Postby Eol » Monday 11 August 2003 7:33:53pm

Well Huey, I'm assuming that its Dumbledore that gets to make the final choice, but the heads of houses make reccomendations. I'm assuming this is because DD says to Harry ".....why I didn't select you as prefect this year......" I could very easily be wrong of course, I'm just speculating whether there is more to Malfoy than meets the eye.
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Postby gecko » Monday 11 August 2003 7:52:47pm

Well, I have this feeling Malfoy might pull a James Potter. He's a nasty fellow (to non-friends)in his first 5 or 6 years at Hogwarts, then has a rather large change of personality. If that happens, him being prefect will not be such a bad thing, I think, and Dumbledore's decision of making him prefect will not have been a bad one!
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Postby Charis » Monday 11 August 2003 10:53:51pm

somehow I can't see Malfoy tuurning out like James. it just wouldn't be right! Malfoy is (one of) the antagonists... they don't usually turn out good.

James Potter was mean and arrogant to others (mainly Snape) but he has always had his heart in the right place. think about what he (and the rest of the gang) did for Lupin! Malfoy is more self absorbed than James. James was conceited, but he treated his friends in a loving way! he would never have hurt them purposely. Malfoy, on the other hand, shows no respect for his friends. they are his friends because he can look down on them and call them stupid and look good himself. I don't ever see any evidence that Malfoy's heart is in the right place or that he has good intentions.
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Postby gecko » Monday 11 August 2003 11:01:13pm

Yeah okay, Malfoy'll probably stay bad :P but in certain things I do think he's a bit like James, or James was a bit like him. Malfoy has been under constant influence of his father, and with him gone (at least for now, untill he breaks out of prison), maybe he will change..

I don't want him to become an angel or something, but as one of the central themes seems to be that history doesn't repeat itself, the 4 houses might this time unite, instead of 3 houses uniting and the other ((salazar)slytherin) being left out, and Malfoy may have to change a bit for that to happen, don't you think?
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Postby Charis » Monday 11 August 2003 11:10:55pm

thats true. and i also hadn't thought about the influence of his father being gone, which might help. still, though... he doesn't usually have to deal with his father's influence at school anyway.
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Postby Hermy » Tuesday 12 August 2003 10:41:35am

I think the only way that Malfoy would turn good is if Voldemort did something terrible to his father. Then he would be in he same situation as Harry and Neville and would probably ally himself with them. Whilst his father is still a deatheater I think Malfoy will still be nasty.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 1:49:40pm

Exactly...I can really see something like that happeneing however...

LV doesn't care about people, just about results...

So no matter how loyal Mr. Malfoy is, he probably doesn't care whether Mr. Malfoy lives or dies or what he could probably kill Mr. Malfoy and not even care...leaving Draco alone, and in the same boat as Harry...perhaps Draco will see the light...
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Postby Dink Meeker » Tuesday 12 August 2003 2:45:17pm

That's a possibility, but I would really hate to a see a character as lush as Lucius Malfoy written out. :o
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 3:35:31pm

I don't expect him to written out right away...if this theory should happen, i wouldn't expect it to happen until the final parts of the seventh book, so we would have a fair quantity of evil Lucius and nasty Draco!
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Postby Eol » Tuesday 12 August 2003 3:45:41pm

I wouldn't find it a great loss if Lucius died. After all he is just the adult version of draco. Furthermore, an early death of Lucius would give us the chance to see Draco's character develop far more than a late death would.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Tuesday 12 August 2003 4:31:23pm

Meg Boyd wrote:I don't expect him to written out right away...if this theory should happen, i wouldn't expect it to happen until the final parts of the seventh book, so we would have a fair quantity of evil Lucius and nasty Draco!

That would work for me. The only other thing though (call me cynical), will Draco really change. I'm not one of those people that beleive there's good in everyone. Some people are just evil.

Oh well.. just an opinion. It's JKR's character she can do whatever she wants with him. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :D
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Postby Hermy » Wednesday 13 August 2003 10:58:59am

I can't see Draco's attitude to "mudbloods" change ever, but I would like to see what would happen to his character if he did become anti-Voldemort
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 13 August 2003 12:22:41pm

Draco has always stood for everything wrong - pure blood over talent (his Nimbus 2001 and his friends of Crabbe and Goyle). Merit means nothing, just genetics.

He still doesn't understand why his father is in prision. It's NOT Harry's fault, though he got him captured. It's Lucius's fault for making choices to follow a dark wizard, and commit crimes against humanity to help him.

So I don't think Draco will ever understand Harry for being the policeman, not the criminal. Lucius was caught, tried, and sentanced for HIS crimes, not those of Harry.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 13 August 2003 1:56:20pm

highsorcerer wrote:He still doesn't understand why his father is in prision. It's NOT Harry's fault, though he got him captured. It's Lucius's fault for making choices to follow a dark wizard, and commit crimes against humanity to help him.

So I don't think Draco will ever understand Harry for being the policeman, not the criminal. Lucius was caught, tried, and sentanced for HIS crimes, not those of Harry.

I don't know. I know some very narrow minded people who can find a way to blame even the most obvious of problems on anyone but themselves. As wrong as it would be, I can see Draco blaming Harry for this dillema. Some people just don't take any responsibility for their actions.
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