Moderators: Q.Araignee, Broccoli, Tanuki
Paul wrote:I've been wondering about the "Final word being scar" thing too. I saw the Jeremy Paxman interview of 19th July and I'm sure she didn't say it in that interview. Is there anywhere definitive (for example a news source like the BBC or CNN) that confirms that she has ever said this or is it just a rumour? I may be wrong but I would expect it's just a rumour that has gone out of control - she's been very careful not to give things away, and I wouldn't expect her to have given away the very last word of the last book.
She did mention in the Jeremy Paxman interview that she has already started writing book 6. I'd agree with the estimates of about 2 to 3 years for each of the next 2 books.
choki wrote:I have readed it somewhere...JK has the main storyplot written out and placed into a safe deposit if anything happens and JK isn't able to complete the series, someone will continue from there.
(hopefully that doesn't happen)
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