Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Who would you like to see Harry be with?

Hermione Granger, best friend
Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister
Cho Chang, his crush
Luna Lovegood, an unusual Ravenclaw
Parvati Patil, his date for the "Yule Ball"
Someone Not Yet Introduced
No One!
Total votes : 207

Postby Albus » Wednesday 30 July 2003 6:38:50pm

I think JK will solve the question by making either Harry or Ron fall in love quite seriously with some girl (not Hermione), so that the other one may end up with Hermione.
I think this girl may be Luna, but both the couples Harry/Luna and Ron/Luna may be interesting. I dunno...
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Thursday 31 July 2003 12:25:13am

LaceyCrane wrote:I think Harry should be with somebody new. All of the possible pairings have a draw back to them. Hermione and Luna like Ron, Ginny is Rons sister (and he didn't like it when she was dating), Cho is crazy, and Harry doesn't even like Parvati.

I think they should bring in somebody new or somebody that has never been talked about and is in another house. Maybe Slytherin.....

When Ginny broke up with whats his name, ron said to harry that he wouldn't mind if Harry dated Ginny and sometimes this would be true but unless your my brother not so much but anyway I think that it will be Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione who date in the Gryffindor House and that could be another thing the group could be teased about from the Slytherin house b/c we know how much they love doing that
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 31 July 2003 2:14:33pm

me too...am I for the Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione pairings...
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Postby Lolita Banana » Thursday 31 July 2003 10:23:01pm

I dunno why but I would really like to see Harry with Hermione. I don't really have a reason why they just might work well together.
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Postby almost2sweet24 » Friday 1 August 2003 11:49:06pm

I think that Harry should end up with someone not introduced yet. I mean, come on..Ron and Hermione are obviously the perfect match, and i'm waiting very impaitently until they finally figure it out! Luna is just way to weird for anyone..and Cho is just too much for Harry to handle. Cho needs someone who has no life, so they can devote their entire life to her, and help her with her millions of problems. I also think that if Harry was to go with Ginny, Ron's head might explode, and i also just think that they aren't a very good match. As for Patarvi..I don't think shes up to being with Harry, nor worth it. I do think Harry needs to have someone, but none of those girls are worth it. So i guess we'll just have to wait. :-)
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Postby Dink Meeker » Saturday 2 August 2003 7:52:00pm

almost2sweet24 wrote:..and Cho is just too much for Harry to handle. Cho needs someone who has no life, so they can devote their entire life to her, and help her with her millions of problems.

I think the phrase for Cho would be high maintenance. 8)
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Postby LaceyCrane » Sunday 3 August 2003 11:46:04pm

I agree. Cho is way to into herself to be in a relationship with anybody who actually intends to lead their own life.

Harry will probably end up with Ginny but I'm still holding out for a Harry/Hermione pairing. They have much more potential as a couple then she does with Ron.
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Postby bludy mery » Wednesday 6 August 2003 10:57:54pm

It looks so clear that Ron and Hermione will end up togrther... they are so "husband and whife" kind of... fighting their silley fights about nothing... Harry and Ginny can fit I think (maybe it'll sound dumb) because Ginny reminds me of Lily... don't know why... and Harry is a bit like James
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Postby LaceyCrane » Thursday 7 August 2003 7:28:22pm

I agree that Ginny is kind of like Lily and not just because of the redhair. Neither of them have or had a problem with telling a person they that they are being rude (or cruel in James case). You're right they will probaly be put together in the end.

But I don't think Harry is like James. He's not that arragant and I can't see him tanting anybody in that way even Malfoy, since Harry has been bullied for a lot of his life.
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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 7 August 2003 8:50:30pm

Well you never know. I know this kid who never had any friends in my school, me and my friends started to talk to him. He ended to be pretty cool, and we became friends, but then he started to pick on 2 of my friends. Just because you've been bullied dosent mean your never going to do it. Anyways, we see Harry teasing Duddly, and he was Harry's biggest enemy. I think when he grows up, Harry may become more like his father. Also at the end of book 5, when Draco says, "your going to pay," Harry is aready making fun of him, and comming back with mean comebacks. We have to be careful of him, and maybe he will turn out more like James than we've expected.
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Friday 8 August 2003 2:28:15am

yes I must agree with marcus. I can see harry ending up alot like his dad. I think siruis didn't just happen to forget harry was harry not james forshadowing maybe??
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Postby Charis » Friday 8 August 2003 3:02:27am

Harry, i think, has more of his mother in him. He's alot like James, though, and I can see him becoming alittle more like him. but, becoming like James is not all a bad thing! yes, he was arrogant, but he was a dumb kid. i very much doubt he was like that his whole life. and Lily probably had a big part in that, just as she has a big part in Harry (though she's dead). Harry, in my mind, (despite his moody adolescentness--is that a word?) has the good qualities of both his parents. although, we did see alittle bit of pride (and not the good kind) from Harry in book 5, which seems more like James.

i think Lily and Ginny have similarities, but there's just something about Ginny's... well, disregard for rules i suppose that doesn't seem to fit with the Lily persona. in any case, i do think that Harry and Ginny go nicely together, regardless if its a repeat of history or not.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 8 August 2003 3:36:40am

i dont think Ginny disregards the rules just for the sake of breaking them, yet I don't see her like Percy or Hermione obeying the rules, no matter how silly they are...I mean I see Ginny obeying the rules most of the time, but when push comes to shove she knows when rules need to be broken...
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Friday 8 August 2003 3:47:36am

Hermione is not anything like percy she has broken alot of rules with harry and ron example: poly juice potion.Just thought I would say that. I think thatGinny likes bending the rules just a little bit but she no percy or Fred and George.
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Postby Eol » Friday 8 August 2003 4:31:59pm

I think that Harry's relationship with Hermione is platonic, and would love to see him end up with Ginny. It seems to me that Ron and Hermione are perfectly suited, and harry noted in book 5 that the two remind him of Mr and Mrs Weasley. Then they'll all be one big family :D :grin: :D
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