Firenze and the Centaurs

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Postby gecko » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:10:23pm

Oh thanks for correcting me there, I was looking at a star globe in a museum the other day and I couldn't see it very well, so I thought it was a star!

Lupus is latin for wolf. Also Remus is the brother of Romulus, the alledged founder of Rome, who was killed by that brother (Romulus) because he laughed at the walls Romulus had made!

Also 'severus' is latin for 1 'cruel' or 2 'strict' !
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Postby Colin » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:13:01pm

The first time I saw Lupin's name I knew he was a werewolf:) Too easy.

I should have remembered Belatrix. I used to know that. There seem to a great many things I used to know. I think I studied Astronomy once. Somewhere. Oh well, it's gone:)

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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:18:09pm

Colin wrote:I should have remembered Belatrix. I used to know that. There seem to a great many things I used to know. I think I studied Astronomy once. Somewhere. Oh well, it's gone:)

I am taking Astronomy this year at school, but it won't be until the second semester...but perhaps then I will know some more names of stars and constellations and i will share them...he he he
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Postby Colin » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:22:22pm

Meg, the names will come to you easily. Learn the mechanics of the thing. Declination and Ascension. After that it's all down hill.

You have the advantage of living in an era where SO much is known. I grew up in the stone age. We had Stone Henge and little else.

Watch out for Worm Holes!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:32:27pm

I am excited to learn about astronomy....but I have to wait a whole semester before I take it...drat! For the first semester I have The Law...a law and order class...*yawn*...ha ha ha...oh well...

So, here we are..I believe these Centuers now the score with the whole war, and having Firenze as the new Divination teacher will be the best thing Hogwarts ever had
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Postby Colin » Tuesday 5 August 2003 9:36:46pm

I think the Centaurs can distinguish "Signs and Portents" but not current events.

And for all of you Babylon 5 fans who caught the reference I sneaked in there, I award you 5 points.
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Postby Tuima » Wednesday 6 August 2003 5:09:43am

I think there's a thread somewhere on names and mythology, it's pretty cool, i wish i could find it again :-? But i was just thinking, Mars was the god of war, so i donno if JK knew about the whole coming-close-to-earth thing, (although that's really cool, i'll get out my telescope, ) She prolly just thought, oh, god of war, star, centaurs, astronomy, etc... :grin:
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Postby Colin » Wednesday 6 August 2003 5:06:17pm

Laying in bed last night I had an actual thought!

Our plucky lads and lassies are studying the stars in these three classes:

Trelaney's teaching them Astrology
Sinistra is teaching them the scientific exploration of the universe
Firenze is teaching them the trends of the stars

That is a lot of star gazing. I would think that there is a reason for all of it. Something important must be in the stars.

JKR is telling us something. What could it be? Perhaps I should pay more attention to these lessons. My scientific bias forces me to disregard any soft science study of the stars. But in these books, the stars could really be saying something important.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 6 August 2003 11:36:40pm

wow, i never noticed that prolly have a point....not prolly, you DO have a point
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