
Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby choki » Monday 28 July 2003 10:48:28am

Hermione, do u need any help to get that awful piece of glass shard off...
I must admit i'm quite good with some magic work...hehe so u dont have to worry ya'know...

Meanwhile thinking of ways to fix that lazer guy who caused me to have a severe headache

Oh,oh i get it...why not use some of store built-in security system

run towards Holly for more infos abt the system
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 28 July 2003 7:44:46pm

*the lazer gun is glued pointing at ME!!!*
"oh no!! what am i going to do!! i was only trying to help :cry: I was going to help kill Srimpablahblah zilla, then help KILL mint because he stole 'your precious'...well that means when im unglued, im going to have to EXTERMANATE!!!!"
*calls for backup to get the glue off of us...*
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 28 July 2003 8:11:57pm

ahahaha bonjour !!!
je suis the genuine frenchman, I will fry your frites si vous want !!
et quel bordel :eek: , c'est pas possible, you should hire about cent mille janitors to clear this porcherie !!!
*starts to drown stupidly since not noticing the depth*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 28 July 2003 8:24:28pm

"And excuse me MIBB hq, with backup, can you also send a french going to need it to interagate this french guy that walked in...yea....ok....thanks"
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Postby choki » Tuesday 29 July 2003 10:57:05am

oh no...he's asking for more backup...which means more destructions...oh that's real bad...we got a sinking McWizard, a Shrimpachickazilla and a madman on loose...
Oh what should we do...where is the control panel...
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 29 July 2003 2:28:22pm

The craziness!!!! I leave you for a second to go hiding and what do I see? :evil:

*Mint runs around the store and confiscates all of the new wands*

No Magic!!!! :evil:

*Notices Hire staring at her with big eyes from a dark coner :o *

*Mint turnes around and pulles Huffleduck away from the fridge, she has difficulty doing so as there is a baby shark stuck on her hand*

Stupid shark...... :evil: ......flew right at me out of nowhere!

*Baby-shark sees a mad-man with lazer gun, lets go of Mint and eats the gun*

Calm down!!! MIBB-Crazy Person!!! *Tapes mad-man to the fridge* Do Not worry! You WILL help us get rid of gonna be out bait. :evil grin: MIBB will be remembered forewer for the courage!

Huffleduck, Holly and it just me or do their names all start with H? ....... :evil: we have to make this place more attractive to customers!

*Mint picks up little shrimps and puts them on a thread to hang to the wall*

Guess we gonna have seafood special for a while!!! We have to make new names for .....shrimpurger! :)

*Mint stands on a bucket to reach the top of the wall*
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 29 July 2003 2:33:31pm

Marcus Baker wrote:then help KILL mint because he stole 'your precious'...

Mint is a GIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:

*puts more tape on crazy MIBB person*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 29 July 2003 2:55:21pm

oh sry mint :oops:

well, back to MIBB
"HELP ME!! PLEASE!! Shrimpachickazilla is comming this wear and..oh nooo!!!"
*Shrimpachickazilla swallows Marc and the fridge that hes taped up to*
"um...ah,well can someone help me out here"

dont worry, ill get out, ill have to be digested out...oh eww i dont want to think of going to be Shrimpachickazilla cr*p.
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Postby Gwared » Tuesday 29 July 2003 3:41:04pm

Mint wrote:*Notices Hire staring at her with big eyes from a dark coner :o *

Huffleduck, Holly and it just me or do their names all start with H? ....... :evil: we have to make this place more attractive to customers!

Actually I have small evil eyes!!! :evil: (not really, but my eyes are triangular which is supposed to mean I can't be trusted!)

Can I have my broom back then please boss? I mean how can I tidy with no broom?? Or a new one?

Right, "surf & turf" burgers for the time being!!!
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Postby choki » Tuesday 29 July 2003 4:46:13pm

Look around in real caution

Erm is the crisis over? Oh, u do have a lot of things on ur fridge door eh...erm which is currently in Shrimpachickazilla's tummy...

Oh burgers...i would like to have some
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 29 July 2003 5:07:08pm

Meanwhile in Shrimpachickazilla's stomach...

*Marc makes hamburgers out of the beef in Shrimpachickazilla's tummy*
"well if i DO get fired from MIBB, i can probally be a fry cook at McWizzards..."
(from walkie talkie) "This is Agent Z speaking....yea Agent M....yea...YOUR FIRED!!!"
well it looks like im going to have to apply to McWizzards if i can get out of here...
*Marcus comes out of Shrimpachickazilla as a big turd*
*Wipes it off*
"Where can i find a manager, i lost my job and want to apply for a job as a fry cook here"
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 29 July 2003 7:44:05pm

Hey salut a tous,
sorry for my mauvais english, I have only been here for cinq minutes ... ( by the way, how much do you understand of my frenglish ?? if it is to much of a pain, I'll just take an accent) zo, what about biing eemployd ir ??? I cook french fries like no unfrenchman !!!
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 29 July 2003 7:47:20pm

HEY!!! im desperate for a job, so plese can u excuse me frenchmen, but im going to apply..
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Postby choki » Wednesday 30 July 2003 10:01:36am

maybe the two of u can start to pump the water out of McWizard 1st n hurry b4 we start sinking...
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 30 July 2003 12:42:23pm

Ju-DedoH wrote:Hey salut a tous,
sorry for my mauvais english, I have only been here for cinq minutes ... ( by the way, how much do you understand of my frenglish ?? if it is to much of a pain, I'll just take an accent) zo, what about biing eemployd ir ??? I cook french fries like no unfrenchman !!!

I understand it all, but then part of my family is French so I get a little more contact than most.
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