Two prophecys in one? (spolier)

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Postby June » Sunday 27 July 2003 3:42:29am

I don't know... but it seems as if anyone could have handled the prophecy after Harry took it from the shelf. I mean, all the Death Eaters wanted it and were not afraid of taking it from Harry by the "Acio Prophecy" spells... I should think that this meant that after Harry has taken it out from the shelf, anyone else can take it and that's why the Death Eaters were the ones who's snatching it from Harry, and not Voldemort himself... the spell protecting the prophecy probably only works in the initial stage if the person who takes it from its place is not one of the persons mentioned in the prohecy... makes sense?
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Postby LaceyCrane » Sunday 27 July 2003 3:44:21am

I like the idea that it won't be Harry coming out victorious as usual and that Neville might be the one to get the glory. That could be the reason she puts him so prominatly in the books so he could come out as the unlikely hero of the whole thing and it won't be predictable.

It will be really sad if Harry is killed off since that would mean there probably won't be any books about him and his friends.
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Postby littlemissy » Sunday 27 July 2003 4:25:10pm

I think the thing about going mad only applies to taking it off the shelf. Otherwise the Death Eaters wouldn't be after it.
I also believe that the prophecy applies to Harry only, now. It could have been him or Neville but Voldemort marked Harry as his equal, not Neville, and the one to defeat him will be the one marked as his equal. Also, there's the fact that it's 'Harry Potter & The...' not 'Neville Longbottom & the...' - Harry's JK's hero, she's not going to write seven books about him and have someone else save the world at the end!!! I do agree that Neville will probably play a very important part in the fight against evil. I think the fact that he was using his father's wand the whole time is significant to his being erm...not the best wizard! Having his own wand will no doubt allow him to be a much better and more powerful wizard.
Also, agree with:
neither can LIVE while the other survives. Yes bot LV and Harry are breathing and sustaining life, but how great a LIFE do either of them have?

I took the bit of the prophecy that went 'neither can live while the other survives' to mean that neither will be able to LIVE freely while the other one is alive as well. That applies to now, even. Harry isn't free to live like his schoolmates because he has this destiny to fulfil - he is the only one who can kill Voldemort and he can't be free til he does that. Voldemort obviously can't rule the world (or whatever) while Harry's still alive because Harry has the power to kill him. If V kills H, he can really live, and vice versa.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 7 August 2003 1:53:11am

Ok, so I am still stuck on the fact that Neville's birth applied to the Prophecy too....I mean it can't be a seemed rather anti-climatic that JKR put Neville in the prophecy if it still really was Harry all a long, you know???? Arrggghhh, what is going on....with Neville....he is getting stronger, and especially with a new wand perhaps...

Hey I just got an idea...perhaps we'll never know who was the "Chosen One" because at the end of book 7 maybe Neville and Harry will try to vanquish Voldie at the exact same time, and no one will really know who's attempt worked and who's didn't, so it is an eternal cliff hanger...????
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 7 August 2003 4:53:09am

Maybe it will take a double spell... remember in the triwizard tournament... Harry tried to stun something (I forgot what) once or twice, but the spell wasnt' strong enough, but then when Cedric and harry both hit it with the sme spell at the same time, it worked?

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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 7 August 2003 4:56:14am

good point! ooh, perhaps we are getting close...muhahahha
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