Give Another Forum Member a Smile! :)

Meet everyone here in The Great Hall for general discussions. Here you'll find a friendly place to talk about all things under the magnificent magical ceiling...even stuff not connected with Harry Potter!

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Do you think being kind to others, without motive or reason, is important and do you do this?

Total votes : 114

Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 13 July 2003 9:45:37am

Takes a minute to concentrate
Sorry, have water in my eyes( still a little dizzy)
Well i missed out on the controversy here, but better not read it anyway. :)
I can only give out a little hug here, still need to go back to bed and take medicine.

Huggles Broccoli( Taste salty) ;)
Huggles Mint(Taste like chicken) ;)
Huggles Han lin(Taste like medicine) :o
Huggles Gryffindor Student(NO taste at all) :-?
Huggles violet high(taste like crayon) :red smile:
Huggles molli(taste like a cat) :cat:
Huggles Hermione Weasley(Taste like books) :circling:
Huggles Wilwizard(taste like authority) 8)
Huggles Lizzy(taste like ice cream) :ice cream:
Huggles choki(taste like yummy duck) :razz:
Huggles Sonkem(Tasteless) 8-)
Huggles Holly Golightly(Taste like evil chicken) :spam:
Huggles azn wizard(Odorless) :eek:
Huggles Paul(Taste is in question) :wink:
Huggles 12321(Taste like numbers) :beam me up:
Huggles FriarTuck(Taste like tuckey) :spam:
Huggles gecko(Taste like lizard) :eekie:
Huggles Blaise Zabini(taste like alien) :beam me up:
Huggles Barry Trotter(taste like cat) :cat:
Huggles hermionegirl09(Taste like colors) :red smile:
Huggles June(taste like cake) :happy birthday:
Huggles Neo(taste like popcorn) :popcorn:

OK, think i'll stop here.. I'm going blind :cry:
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Postby Violet » Sunday 13 July 2003 10:48:04am

*Hugs to Lizzy for still being a wonderful, positive caring person even while you're going through a difficult time
*Hugs to all the newbies, welcome to the forum!
*Hugs to huffleduck, (thanks for the hug :D) however not sure if i've missed something (tastes like crayon :-? )
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:07:36pm

hugs to :
everyone, I think that should be enough for today ...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:14:33pm

oh and special hug to violet high for the guest map !
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Postby Kaizer » Sunday 13 July 2003 5:29:29pm

hug to everyone that likes harry potter (ok lol that would be everyone then)
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 13 July 2003 6:36:54pm

Hugs for HuffleDuck, because I'd always wondered whether or not I tasted like Alien...:D
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Postby Gryffindor Student » Sunday 13 July 2003 7:15:53pm

I have no taste at all :( thats sad.... well i guess i will have to earn a flavor then wont I? :lol: Well *hugs to everyone who posted here*
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Postby Gwared » Sunday 13 July 2003 8:19:38pm

Wow, I never knew that you could build up a back-log of hugs in a "give another forum member a smile thread!! :)

OK Hugs and Smiles to:

Sonkem, for; putting up with my outburst, being good at art, moving out of her bucket, for convincing me to stay and for giving me several hugs over the last few days. *Gives an especially big hug to make up for the delay*

Lizzy for; being bashed for an attempted warning, calling me nifty!?, being further bashed by *Draco*, convincing me to stay and getting so involved when she didn't have too and for your many excellent forum ideas including this thread.

June for, saying I was deserving of hugs when I thought I wasn't.

Hermione Weasley for, being there for me, convincing me to stay, making the Gryffindor common room fun and for becoming a prefect!

Barry Trotter for, having to put up with *Draco*'s posts (I didn't see them but I take it from your reaction and Pauls removal they were not pleasant), and for sticking up for Lizzy.

Blaise Zabini, for also saying I deserve higs (and hugs too!), for saying I have some good ideas, and saying I should come back.

Kaizer, cause I got a tentative hug!
Broccoli, for appreciating my advice.

Paul, for being a great Admin!

gecko for, saying I made good posts, and saying I shouldn't leave.

Broccoli, for convincing me to stay.

han lin, for sticking up for Lizzy.

And Everyone else who makes this form what it is.

Now I'm all hugged out and my face is stick in a stupid grin so if you'll excuse me I'm going to lay down.
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Postby molli » Sunday 13 July 2003 9:09:03pm

Lots o' hugs for HuffleDuck, Keeper of the Lake!!! :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 13 July 2003 10:25:18pm

Thank you Lizzy! :) :) :)
*smiles and hugs Lizzy back*

more hugs and smiles to all my fellow Slytherins, Paul for this forum, Holly and Neo for the great discussions, and especially Willow for being such a great friend!
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 13 July 2003 10:53:25pm

oi...she called me tasteless....

*a confused blank look suddenly passes across her face* that good or bad??


hugs to HuffleDuck and Gwared and anyone else who hugged me recently....
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 13 July 2003 11:11:57pm

~ a hug to Violet for her guestmap and for being a fab friend (I know I've said that a lot, but it can't HURT to say it again! :razz: :grin: )

~ a hug to Huffleduck for my hug (yay! I taste like ice cream...I LOVE ice cream...too bad the calories love a gal back TOO much! :o )

~ a hug to Gryffindor Student for being flattered that I thought you'd make a good will!

~ a hug to Gwared for my hug, for coming back, and for saying some really nice things about me...thanks!

~ a hug to Mistress Siana...if I made you smile, it was totally worth the effort...hope you are feeling better!

~ a hug to Barry Trotter and Han Lin for being mods of new forums at BaO and for being co-mods together on this very forum ('The Great Hall')

~ a hug to poor Paul who still hasn't finished book 5 (this place will keep you busy!), but who tells me he's enjoying it

~ a hug to Blaise...I hope you're feeling're a great friend!

~ a hug to Stargazer who is a good friend and to Plastiquehomme and Boycey who I do not see around here a lot and hope are doing well

~ a hug to all the new mods...go 'Mod Squad'! :D

~ a hug to all who have made this thread such a success! :D

~ a hug to all: hope you all had a fab weekend! :grin:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby hermionegirl09 » Sunday 13 July 2003 11:39:19pm

big hug to huffleduck because he says i taste like colors.hehe yummy colors.

and a hug to Lizzy cuz she hugged me after i hugged her and so starts the never ending cycle :) (i mean that in a good way)

and a hug to you all because at some point you all have had me rolling on the floor laughing :lol:
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 14 July 2003 3:16:23am

~ a hug to hermionegirl09 to keep the cycle going :)

~ a hug to everyone who's made me smile and/or laugh during a time when it's hard to do so (dealing with an impending death in the family :cry: and waiting for the results of my job interview :o )

~ a hug to all those here who have really helped me to feel good about's really wonderful :grin: think, only a month or so ago, I was so down and drained, totally bummed out because I kept finding people who latched on to me and sucked the life out of me :-( , and that's SO not the case here at all...I can't believe I only joined on 2 June...less than two months ago :eek: ...and people are SO nice to me :D

~ a hug to all those I mod with (Mint, gecko, Blaise Zabini, June, Holly Golightly, and Barry Trotter)...when I (hopefully!!) get a job soon, I'll definitely need you to pick up my slack :o :razz: , so the very least I can do is give you a big pre-emptive hug! :grin:

~ a hug for Gryffindor Student and Han Lin for running St. Mungo' may sound silly to some of you, but seeing as I have a feeling I'll be posting in there during these next few weeks :cry: , I really DO appreciate all the support and advice! :-)

~ a hug to some of the truly funny things said on this thread...two that come to mind are the following: June hugging the 'bold' button in an attempt to make it work :razz: and seeing the guys on this thread get all into hugging and wanting to get back to hugging after our little disruption on the thread :lol: ...I loved it! :grin:

~ a hug to all...have a fabulous week! :D

~ Lizzy :angel:

P.S.--Thought for the week: "Give a stranger one of your may be the only sunshine he sees all day." ~ Author Unknown
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Postby Friar Tuck » Monday 14 July 2003 3:55:14am

A hug to HuffleDuck who informed me of what I tasted like. Saved me a bout of self-cannabalism. :lol:

A hug to the Ravenclaw prefects Lizzy Bennet, Holly Golightly, Barry Trotter, for maing Ravenclaw fun, zany, and other stuff.

A hug to Lizzy to keep the cycle going.

A hug to Slytherin, because even though there were one or two bad eggs, they didn't spoil the bunch. Also, because we're shouder deep in choices. :P

A hug to the Mod Squad, I hope to join you soon. Just need 3 weeks or as of this post, 66 posts.

A hug to Paul who is savoring OotP for the 30 bucks its worth.
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