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Postby Albus » Tuesday 8 July 2003 8:30:24pm

Hi everybody ! I'm Italian so I hope you won't care about my errors in English... Anyway, I couldn't wait for the Italian translation, so I read the book in English. Just finished a couple of days ago... It was really great, even if my favourite remains Azkaban...
My problem is in one of the sentences in Dumbledore's speech; he says:

"... since your extraordinary escape from him last year, he has been determined to hear that prophecy in its entirety. This is the weapon he has been seeking so assiduosly since his return: the knowledge of how to destroy you."

The point is: would the prophecy have been REALLY a weapon for Lord Voldemort ? I mean, does the prophecy say anything about how the Dark Lord could destroy Harry ???
I hope I haven't missed anything through the book, and I hope there's not yet a forum talking about this...
Anyway, thanks to everybody who will answer me !
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 8 July 2003 8:37:17pm

Hiya Albus, welcome to BaO, glad you've joined our ranks here : ) Also, don't forget to be sorted! :Þ

To answer your question, yes, I think it would have been a great weapon for Voldemort, because the prophecy would have told him (if he had heard it) that either he has to kill Harry, or Harry has to kill him, because they can't live together. With that knowledge, he would know that there is a way he can beat Harry. How he would be able to do it, would remain a (another) question for him though..
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 8 July 2003 9:10:55pm

out of topic : how do you get sorted ?
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 8 July 2003 10:36:58pm

Ju-DedoH wrote:out of topic : how do you get sorted ?

check out the "getting sorted" thread in the new members section. that should give you all the info yoiu need! :D Lizzy's donea real nice job there and sonkem added a nice little extra as well. :D :D :D
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 8 July 2003 11:02:27pm

thank you very much, i hadn't really given a look ... sorry but now i have and soon should be hufflepuff ... anyway, any moderator can surely delete the 3 previous messages totally out of topic ...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 8 July 2003 11:04:35pm

errr sorry for the double post, but don't go deleting gecko's post, i only meant the 2 previous posts which are now actually 3 .... errr hope i'm not getting you all confused ... sorry for the extra home work poor mod ...
thx a lot
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:09:57am

Do remember that Voldemort had only heard part of the prophecy before... he didn't know the rest of the prophecy, and probably could have imagined that there's something in the prophecy that can tell him what he had to do to kill Harry. he tried 3 times before and couldn't kill Harry, so he must have thought that there had to be a specific way he could accomplish this and it's stated in the prophecy. That would explain why he wanted the prophecy so much...
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:45:23am

June wrote:Do remember that Voldemort had only heard part of the prophecy before... he didn't know the rest of the prophecy, and probably could have imagined that there's something in the prophecy that can tell him what he had to do to kill Harry. he tried 3 times before and couldn't kill Harry, so he must have thought that there had to be a specific way he could accomplish this and it's stated in the prophecy. That would explain why he wanted the prophecy so much...

That's my understanding too; he was hoping for information in the prophecy telling him how to finally kill Harry (his weapon for such a task).
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Postby Albus » Wednesday 9 July 2003 11:18:50am

Ok but, I mean, this explains only why Voldemort was looking for the prophecy, and I agree with you, but instead Dumbledore knew the prophecy and he knew that it didn't contain infortmation about HOW to kill Harry. So would have it been a REAL danger for Harry if Bellatrix and Lucius had been able to take the prophecy for him ?
What I mean is that maybe Dumbledore, knowing that the prophecy didn't contain such important information, would have been able to avoid everything, I mean Sirius's death and so on...
What would have happened if Voldemort had taken the prophecy ?
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 11:49:48am

DD knew but Voldermort didn't, and not knowing can be more infuriating than the truth. Voldermort may be worried that Harry'll know how to kill him now.
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Postby Albus » Thursday 10 July 2003 8:03:25pm

I don't know... Maybe you're right but this way the prophecy seems to have a little importance. Maybe too little. I mean, even if Lucius had taken it from Harry, Dumledore knew it wouldn't have been so useful to him, would it ?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 10 July 2003 10:06:37pm

but it is important to keep VD thinking it is so important, and untill he knows, he will think that the prophecy will give him the way to kill potter
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Postby KBIG104 » Friday 11 July 2003 10:25:14pm

I think DD lied to Harry. He did not how Harry the real prophesy because he hasn't mastered Auclumancy yet, and VT could just pry it from his mind.
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Postby FiReBoLt » Saturday 12 July 2003 12:32:36am

i dont think dumbledore would lie about this.

Dumbledore mentions something about Neville right ! :eek:
just that it doesnt seem very important, for a while we think Neville is da chosen one :lol:
The prophecy, according to me, must be very usefull to VT, this is because in the begining of da book, sirius (i think) says that he has a weapon now.
Members of the order were risking their life so this prophecy is REALLY important for VT. (at least thats wot i think)

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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 17 July 2003 1:20:36am

perhaps DD wasn't lying to Harry, and just didn't tell him the complete truth...we'll never really know because the Prophecy orb was smashed and no one heard it...perhaps DD only told Harry what he thought he only needed to know...not the whole of the prophecy...
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