he is not dead !!!!!!!

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Gwared » Thursday 10 July 2003 10:39:01am

Yeah, that too...btw sorry for the misspelling Ju-DedoH
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Thursday 10 July 2003 6:29:12pm

it was the mirror erised that i was talking about, but since Ican't find my episode 1 anymore, i can't remeber what happend to the mirror in the end, so if anyone could remind me ...
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Postby gecko » Thursday 10 July 2003 7:35:29pm

I have just finished PS, but as far as I still know, it is not mentioned what happens to the mirror after Quirrel/Voldemort is defeated.
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Postby Hermy » Friday 11 July 2003 5:04:57pm

I think we've got to accept that Sirius is dead.
This did happen in the Death Chamber remember.
I'm sad - and I've cried everytime I get to that part of the book, but I'd feel a bit "cheated" if he did somehow manage to return from the dead. It would take the edge off the books.
Do you know what I mean?

I think that JKR didn't make a really big thing over the death itself (as would be expected from such an important character going) because she wanted the emphasis on Harry's feelings about it.
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Dead... no dead.... dead... not dead....?

Postby NaTaZ » Friday 11 July 2003 6:01:47pm

I must say i dont know what to think. I just finished the book today 8)
I got really upset when Sirius got pushed through the veil like that, its like you said, all of a sudden he's gone, it took while to realise it...

Anyways, if he was supposed to die then it shouldnt have happend like that if he isnt coming back. I mean he never got a chance to talk to Harry first, to say goodbye or anything, just boom. Gone...

But ive heard that Jk Rowlings was found by her husband crying when she had "killed" Sirius, so if she know hes coming back, why beeing so upset?

But anyway, i guess we all find out eventually :razz:
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Postby Hermy » Friday 11 July 2003 7:03:59pm

NaTaz, I know what you're saying about it being quick and not having a chance to say goodbye to Harry, but I think it had to be, for the effect.

It would have been really cheesy if he did manage to speak to Harry just before he died.

Anyway, as much as I hate to see him go, it'll be interesting to see the way that Harry's character develops further with this loss, especially with all the anger and frustration we've already seen in this book.
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Postby FiReBoLt » Saturday 12 July 2003 12:39:38am

Soooooooo Sirius did not die by Bellatrix......
but what is behind the veil? what where the whispers???
did I miss anything about the Veil?

pleeeese tell me

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Sirius's Death

Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 12 July 2003 4:54:29am

Uh, I'd have to say that Bellatrix Lestrange killed Sirius Black. It was the equivilent of pushing somebody off a 500 metre cliff. The impact with the ground kills the person, not the push, but the action of pushing led to the death.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 12 July 2003 6:43:30am

good point, but i can definatly say, and most will agree, he is gone (at least in the mortal sense) and cannot come back
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Postby FiReBoLt » Saturday 12 July 2003 9:05:08pm

Yeah he is gone, he will definately not come back. but i agree that the falling off the stairs killed him after the stun from lestrange. :mad:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 17 July 2003 1:36:31am

perhaps Sirius isn't dead and someone else died, someone that we just didn't notice...JKR is good at putting in stuff that we never notice and perhaps, just perhaps Sirius' death was a decoy????...oh what's the use? I'm in denial too...but it was a nice thought while it lasted...
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Postby Angel » Friday 18 July 2003 9:09:47am

I was kinda thinking along those lines. That Bode died in St. Mungos so could that be the death. But then i remembered that JK has said in interviews that every death is final cause if young kids are reading the book and someone close to them has died she doesn't want to give the impression that the person can come back from the dead. So unfortunately Sirus is dead!! :(
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Postby menotyoo » Wednesday 1 October 2003 12:24:17am

First, we don't know what spell hit Sirius, just another beam hit him.
I'm leaning both ways: Harry and Luna had that whole "what you lose always comes back in the end" conversation which would be pointless unless foreshadowing the return of a lost something or someone of harry's. But then again, this isn't a game...like it was mentioned, I forget by whom, and that war isn't a game- so when someone dies it doesn't need to have a deep meaning, or have been heroic- it is sudden and unfair. The one thing the books will gain is added distress in Harry's life and more character development.
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not dead

Postby Sara8830 » Wednesday 1 October 2003 4:44:10pm

I guess I too am on the denial train.

I do not think Sirus is dead. I posted this same thought on the Theories section. I believe that his death was staged somehow... maybe with the invisibility cloak. I think he could no longer live as Sirus Black and that he needed a new identity. I think he will assume the identity of Stubby Boardman mentioned in Luna's magazine.

Why would this rock singer be mentioned... if it isn't somehow a little clue?
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Re: not dead

Postby Gower » Wednesday 1 October 2003 5:25:04pm

Sara8830 wrote:I guess I too am on the denial train.

I do not think Sirus is dead. I posted this same thought on the Theories section. I believe that his death was staged somehow... maybe with the invisibility cloak. I think he could no longer live as Sirus Black and that he needed a new identity. I think he will assume the identity of Stubby Boardman mentioned in Luna's magazine.

Why would this rock singer be mentioned... if it isn't somehow a little clue?

I have to say I am impressed with this theory. It should give some hope to those people on the denial train. I don't know what to think yet.
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