Avatars from scratch.

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Postby Paul » Monday 7 July 2003 11:38:49pm

I'll try to get something sorted as soon as I can. :) I don't really want to promise any exact date or time as I keep ending up going way over the estimates for getting adjustments done, and like I've said to 12321, I don't want to let people down by promising something by a certain date and then failing, which really does make me feel bad. :cry:
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 8 July 2003 8:25:40am

Paul wrote:If anyone has their very own avatar that they have created from nothing (ie their own drawing that they drew or a photograph that they personally photographed), I'll try to get something organised shortly to enable these to be used after the particular avatar has been checked.

Yeah, I had a photo of myself :-(
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 8 July 2003 2:32:59pm

Thanks Broccoli - yes, I remember you mentioning that yours was your own unique creation. As soon as I get things reorganised yours will be one of the ones that gets priority of being reinstated as a definitely OK one. Really good design by the way. :)
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 8 July 2003 3:27:45pm

Thanks, Paul! :grin:
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:50:36pm

Oh... so that's what happened... I was wondering what happened to my avatar...

--> a bit slow on the uptake... -.-;;

Anyway, my avatar was from a public avatar gallery that allows any user to use it... would that be of any problem then?
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 9 July 2003 6:47:04pm

If you can tell me where it is from I'll check things out. I may limit things to unique originals that you've drawn, created from nothing with design software, or one you have photographed yourself once I get the adjustments done though, so if you could create you own unique one from nothing it would be better. :) Preferably not identifiable photos of yourself though, for safety sake (Broccoli's for example is an eye with additional design work which is fine) but a picture of your pet hamster for example is totally OK.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 9 July 2003 7:09:02pm

but if the picture isn't an original creation but has a link with the username ...
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Postby June » Thursday 10 July 2003 5:47:17am

Paul wrote:I may limit things to unique originals that you've drawn, created from nothing with design software, or one you have photographed yourself once I get the adjustments done though, so if you could create you own unique one from nothing it would be better. :) Preferably not identifiable photos of yourself though, for safety sake (Broccoli's for example is an eye with additional design work which is fine) but a picture of your pet hamster for example is totally OK.


Then it's going to be hard for me, since I don't have a scanner, and have no idea how to create an original avatar... basically, I'm a computer idiot... -.-;; Or perhaps you could put in more avatars in the gallery? I just don't really like to use the same avatars as everybody, and the gallery is quite limited... but if you can't, it's ok, don't feel bad about it. I'll just adapt. =)
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Postby azn wizard » Thursday 10 July 2003 5:53:47am

could we put on photos we own, but of somebody else? like a celeb?
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Postby Cougie » Thursday 10 July 2003 3:06:31pm

Another thing disabled?
how many is that now?

-coloured text
and now
-uploading avatars

I think you're being a bit too careful Paul.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 10 July 2003 3:48:58pm

hmm....i just had a thought.....

would people like it if i let my avatars i make out of my art go in paul's avatar gallery..... (like the dragon ones i made ages ago...)
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Postby June » Thursday 10 July 2003 3:50:26pm

Sonkem wrote:hmm....i just had a thought.....

would people like it if i let my avatars i make out of my art go in paul's avatar gallery..... (like the dragon ones i made ages ago...)

I don't know about others, but I would love it. The more the better, I say. ^_^
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Postby Gwared » Thursday 10 July 2003 5:52:50pm

I'd love it. The one's I've seen in that thread you posted are brilliant! :D
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Postby zledm007 » Thursday 10 July 2003 8:10:22pm

yes do please, i'd love to see your art around the forum!
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Postby Mint » Friday 26 September 2003 10:05:01pm

*faint voice*

........... so.....um.......what happen to new avatar story? :laughing:

*smiles weakly and hides under the Sonkem's bucket*
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