The Death (total spoiler)- I'm feeling let-down.

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 24 June 2003 7:08:00am

Oh damn then!!!

Thanks though Nothlit, I hadnt' gotten around to checking yet! :D

I was hoping though that they would all be bale to see them now though... :(
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Oh really...

Postby highsorcerer » Tuesday 24 June 2003 7:19:14am

Holly, didn't you remember what Harry Potter said to Hermione when she declared she wanted to see the creatures? It's one of the few times she's ever shot her mouth off without thinking first, and Harry pointed out the full implications of what her wish would entail. Harry, having witnessed Cedric's death, would prefer NOT to see them.
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 9:51:12am

Yeah, but that was before the Death, Holly wondered if after Sirius dead Hermione would be able to see the thestrals.

I was really shocked it was Sirius, I really liked him. He was a major character, and a real cool one. I t was the saddest thing ot could have happened to HArry, I mean he hasd suffered all the book, and in the end Sirius is dies, this was a not a scary book, it was a sad one. The death is horrible, not other character can be worst.
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:05:32pm

I am sooooo low. sirius and lupin were myfavorites, after tonks. well, maybe not after tonks. and you watch, lupin will die in a freak accident when he's a werewolf.


I personally hoped percy would be the one to die. everyone says hes gonna snuff it soon. maybe grawp will get 'im. :lol: (evil laugh)
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Postby Jay » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:23:52pm

During that scene where Harry and the rest of the DA is running from the Death Eaters, I seriously thought that they all had a chance at dying. There was so much tension throughout that whole scene. I though Hermoine was a goner when Duhulov cast that spell across her chest :( and I thought Neville would try and avenge his parents, and get killed in the process. Ron and that stupid brain too :p

In regards to Sirius' death, it was interesting in how it affected me. At first I was a little unmoved, but as I read more about the issue with the mirror and Harry's convo with Headless Nick, it really started to hit me. The more I thought about his death after finishing reading, the sadder I became. Rowling did this death quite realistically, just thrusting death out of nowhere and in our face.

I hope Sirius comes back in ghost form :P
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Postby TMAUndomiel » Wednesday 25 June 2003 2:40:16am

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :crying:

I was really *sob* starting to like Sirius and enjoy his parts in the books, and even if he wasn't in a movie yet I thought he was cute...AND WHAT DID THEY GO AND DO?????? they went and outed him.

THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!! jk rowling and her crappy imagination. Why couldn't she knock someone off like malfoy or colin creevy blegh NOT MY SIRIUS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


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Postby CloakedShadow » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:39:20am

:cry: :cry: :cry: Sirius! Please come back! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think I'm going to be a grossly immiture child about Sirius' death. I cried, so much, during OOtP. Strangely, I cried when JK brought James across as arrogant. The second Harry noticed James' hair in the O.W.L. examination hall, I burst into tears...of joy, I'm assuming. I kept repeating to myself, where's Sirius, where's Sirius, until he was mentioned.

In case you haven't noticed or been informed, I'm a huge Sirius fan, and I cried for about two hours (still reading the book) everytime someone mentioned him. His death was so...unexpected at the time it happened, but not unexpected entirely. If you even began to understand what I was trying to say there, kudos to you.

Anywho, I'm already having my "Remember Sirius" t-shirt made, with "Padfoot" stamped on the back as well. What gets me the most is that Remus didn't seem all that devistated by it. Granted I'm sure he'd be trying to keep it all in, but I think Rowling made it appear that Harry was the only one majorly affected by Sirius' death. :cry:

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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:51:45am

I don't understand why you feel cheated and tricked about buying the book, was there not any other incentive to buy it for you apart from the death? Personally I was gutted it was sirius, as to me sirius was a good and big charicture to me, yes he was not in it as much as say Dumbledore and Hagrid, but he was a main charicture and I can see people being upset over it, but I guess I would of found it hard who ever it was, and I guess compared to some of the charictures I thought it might of been, I am kinda glad (in a funny way as it had to be someone, personally I would of prefered no one, but that would be unrealistic I guess) it ended being Black, as I have less attactments towards him then say most of the other main charictures.
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Postby Diamond Angel » Friday 27 June 2003 9:20:13pm

When Sirius fell through the archway, I was just as convinced as Harry was that he would get up again! I mean, they didn't say he was hit with a green light (Avada Kedavra) ... but maybe the archway was the death point for Padfoot?

Argh ... I couldn't believe he was just dead. Like That. And it was so ... undignified for him too! I mean, he says, "You can do better than that!" or something to that $^%$* Bellatrix, and then just ... *poof* dies. I guess that it had to happen sometime, though. And, like some people, it actually didn't sink in until some point when Harry was back in Dumbledore's office, when I thought, "he's really gone ... no more bark-like laughing, no more goofy godfather ... no more Sirius"and a burst of empathy for him came out and .... (don't think I'm a big wimp!) I cried! Seriously, (no pun intended) I sobbed my heart out! Even though Draco, Harry, and Hermione are my favourite characters, Sirius comes half a millimeter close behind ...

Grr ... stupid Bellatrix. Voldemort shouldn't have been nice and just murdered her anyway for not being able to get the prophecy. Actually, near the end, I was hoping the mirror thing would work! Pity it didn't, though ...

:D Oh well. Soon enough, JK will put a special magic item in the seventh book which allows three deaths to be revived, Voldie and Harry will fight for it, Harry will get it, and both Sirius and Harry's parents will be alive and everything will be fine.


:cry: Puh, like that'll happen! :cry:[/i]
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 27 June 2003 9:26:45pm

Diamond Angel wrote:When Sirius fell through the archway, I was just as convinced as Harry was that he would get up again! I mean, they didn't say he was hit with a green light (Avada Kedavra) ... but maybe the archway was the death point for Padfoot?

I can relate to this feeling entirely. :cry: I think I was in a bit of shock and confusion. There's still a part of me, like Harry, who doesn't really completely believe he's gone...that somehow Harry can communicate with him or something. It was an undiginified death...because it seemed so accidental...though I suppose Bellatrix knew exactly what she was doing :x and probably angled it so he'd fall through the veil...I don't think she hit him with Avada Kedavra...I think she stunned him or something and that knocked him backwards into the the 'land of the dead'. :cry:

I knew he might be killed at some point (I guess I should be thankful a dementor never got to him to suck out his soul through its mouth! :o ), and though I thought it wouldn't have bothered me and though it didn't initially (it just seemed so confusing, unfathomable, and lost in all the other insanity that went on before and after), like Harry, as it has sunk in, it's truly made me sad. I know J.K. Rowling wanted to make the point that death can be sudden and unexplainable...that it can just happen with no warning or sense. If it's this hard for me to deal with it, as an adult, I can only imagine how kids felt! :eek: :cry:
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Postby TMAUndomiel » Saturday 28 June 2003 12:07:31am

I already had found out about the death (doh I cheated and looked ahead) and finally after reading the part where he died and Harry's convo with Dumbledore, I cried and cried and cried and was in a very nasty mood for the rest of the day. She better bring him back or I'm gonna hurl all those books right out the window...Remember Sirius! btw I named my bowling ball after him, seems kinda lame, but then again this is me we're talking, right.
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Postby kotfk » Monday 7 July 2003 4:06:36am

Alright, let me explain some things to you all....

1. Sirius died because he fell through that veil, which I imagine contains some bottomless pit. Bellatrix only shot a stunning spell at Sirius, since they said it was a red beam (and the killing curse is green), so the force of the spell was what knocked Sirius into the veil, killing him. So it wasn't really the spell that killed him first.

2. I'm not really disappointed nor surprised about Sirius's death. Sirius was like a father to Harry, but it would be pretty tough for JKR to kill off someone like Mr. Weasley cause they're so important to the Order. It would also be really complicated for JKR to write about Sirius's life after he got cleared by the Ministry (cause I believe he was going to be cleared, since Fudge found out that Dumbledore was telling the truth at the end and was ready to believe just about anything he said at that point).

3. Of course JKR had to put the death at the end of the book. If she put it in the middle or something, then wouldn't the most hyped up part of the book have been revealed already? In case you haven't noticed, people tend to put the most exciting things at the end. And it's a good way to end the book too.

Overall, I thought the book was pretty good. The only criticism I have for it was that Dumbledore did not reveal enough to Harry. I wanted to know the secret behind that cryptic veil. But for those of you who are thoroughly disappointed in the book, I think you expected too much out of a writer. And we still have 2 more books to go, so I'm sure a lot of unanswered questions will be answered in due time.
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Postby kotfk » Monday 7 July 2003 4:15:05am

CloakedShadow wrote::cry: :cry: :cry: Sirius! Please come back! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think I'm going to be a grossly immiture child about Sirius' death. I cried, so much, during OOtP. Strangely, I cried when JK brought James across as arrogant. The second Harry noticed James' hair in the O.W.L. examination hall, I burst into tears...of joy, I'm assuming. I kept repeating to myself, where's Sirius, where's Sirius, until he was mentioned.

In case you haven't noticed or been informed, I'm a huge Sirius fan, and I cried for about two hours (still reading the book) everytime someone mentioned him. His death was so...unexpected at the time it happened, but not unexpected entirely. If you even began to understand what I was trying to say there, kudos to you.

Anywho, I'm already having my "Remember Sirius" t-shirt made, with "Padfoot" stamped on the back as well. What gets me the most is that Remus didn't seem all that devistated by it. Granted I'm sure he'd be trying to keep it all in, but I think Rowling made it appear that Harry was the only one majorly affected by Sirius' death. :cry:

Remember Sirius,
CS, Padfoot Lives on in my Heart's nice that you care so much about Sirius, like I do, but it's just a fantasy book. chill 8) Lupin really did care about his friend's death, but he's more reserved and mature with his feelings I suppose.
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 11:53:46am

kotfk wrote:Alright, let me explain some things to you all....

1. Sirius died because he fell through that veil, which I imagine contains some bottomless pit. Bellatrix only shot a stunning spell at Sirius, since they said it was a red beam (and the killing curse is green), so the force of the spell was what knocked Sirius into the veil, killing him. So it wasn't really the spell that killed him first.

2. I'm not really disappointed nor surprised about Sirius's death. Sirius was like a father to Harry, but it would be pretty tough for JKR to kill off someone like Mr. Weasley cause they're so important to the Order. It would also be really complicated for JKR to write about Sirius's life after he got cleared by the Ministry (cause I believe he was going to be cleared, since Fudge found out that Dumbledore was telling the truth at the end and was ready to believe just about anything he said at that point).

3. Of course JKR had to put the death at the end of the book. If she put it in the middle or something, then wouldn't the most hyped up part of the book have been revealed already? In case you haven't noticed, people tend to put the most exciting things at the end. And it's a good way to end the book too.

Overall, I thought the book was pretty good. The only criticism I have for it was that Dumbledore did not reveal enough to Harry. I wanted to know the secret behind that cryptic veil. But for those of you who are thoroughly disappointed in the book, I think you expected too much out of a writer. And we still have 2 more books to go, so I'm sure a lot of unanswered questions will be answered in due time.

1. Yes, land of the dead, something to that effect. The stunning spell was the means to the end and therefore just as responsible as killing him directly. it's like pusshing someone so they fall off a cliff, the push didn't kill them but was responsible for the death.

2. True killing him would save writing although I don't want to believe he's dead, JK's interviews have really all but confirmed this with how sad she felt to kill him.

3. In book three the confrontation and tense part of the book was in the middle, the end was the race to save Sirius; a very short scene.

This book was probably the platform for the launch of the next two and this may have contributed to the size. The was a transistional book and may have suffered because of that.
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compassion for sirius

Postby Professor » Monday 7 July 2003 9:35:01pm

The range of reactions to Sirius' death is really something to see!

I'm surprised at how many people did not like Sirius and felt that his behavior in this book was "childish." I thought he was remarkably strong, considering that he blames himself for his best friend's and his wife's death, blames himself for orphaning his godson (all because he insisted on changing Secret Keeper), then in his grief, allows himself to be wrongfully sentenced, spends 12 years in the worst hell imaginable on earth, escapes only to find he must stay on the run, unable to reclaim any of the normal life so tragically taken from him, and then shut up in a house where family members constantly attack what little esteem he has left, frustrated that he cannot protect the one person he loves and who loves him back (not to mention that his best friends' murderer is running around).

How did you all think he should act? I think a little surly behavior and sniping would be in order. This man has been severely traumatized!

I grieve for Sirius Black and like Harry, I cannot bear his detractors, who have so little compassion in their hearts for Sirius. :mad:

At the very least, grieve for Harry. He lost his godfather, the closest he has ever had to a real parent!
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