Ginny: I love my love with an H, because he is happy..!
Quirrell: Why can't I stop stuttering? *Sob*
Snape: Life is just a bottle of potion.
Hermione: I read about everything in every book!
by Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am
Dumbledore: This deserves a feast!
Hermione: I read it in a book
Ron: It's not fair!
Harry: Why me? Ginny: I am [i:22c6ubqy]not[/i:22c6ubqy] a baby!
Voldemort: Muggles shall die
Snape: Fifty points from Gryffindor.
Chickens! They're taking over the world!!! to read a more in depth story about this check out the fan fiction 'Chickens' ! Its deadly serious, they're gowna eat us all! i got the actual link... ... 93&forum=8
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