Cho Chang

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Gwared » Friday 4 July 2003 11:12:32pm

I hated Fudge the most because of his pride, if he hadn't been so relectant to believe Dumbledore and Harry the a whole lot of tragedy could have been avoided including Sirius's death. Cho was just confused. Kreacher was hillarious, I wish he's had more to say - still he did betray Sirius.
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Saturday 5 July 2003 7:40:34pm

Blaise Zabini wrote:Ahem. As Lizzy mentioned I have some...feeling for Cho. Bad ones. I guess that her being with Harry was cute, but I'm glad that it ended, and truly hope that she doesn't re-appear as his significant other in the next books. She was really a horrid person. She turned the loss of Cedric into her own problem and continued that little acto so as to get the sympathy of others, namely Harry. I honestly don't think that she ever really liked Harry, but just put on her little facade so as to gain closure herself, knowing that she was now 'with' the person who had seen Cedric last. And every time she was with Harry, all she wanted to talk about was Cedric. Honestly, she was just an over-sensitive little girl. As Niffler just said, she was incredibly shallow as well. All of her 'feelings' for Harry were purely for her own benefit. Ugh, she makes me want to punch people. :x

Grr...Will now go post something happier and less berating.

Get the sympathy of others? what the hell?
Blaise, you did take into account that Cho is already one of the most popular girls in Hogwarts, right?

i think her wanting to talk about Cedric was justified.. i mean, he onli got killed a few months b4 (not like us, where its been like 1-2 yrs since he died)

and i figure she hasn't had the chance to really let it out... we don't know

*shrugz* just my two-cents
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 5 July 2003 8:19:16pm

Allright, I think that her sadness was justified until a certain point, but there are only so many times you can keep bringing it up and using it for attention. Just because she's really well-liked at Hogwarts doesn't mean that she wouldn't want the attention associated with Cedric's death. To each his own, I guess, but Cho just really comes across as being horribly shallow and self-absorbed.
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Postby azn wizard » Saturday 5 July 2003 9:59:12pm

well, maybe harry has gotten over cedric's death b/c he could talk it over with ron and hermione....but perhaps cho didn't have as many chances to talk about cedric more, so she sees harry as they have someting in common b/c they are the only two people who were significantly affected by cedric's death...
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 5 July 2003 10:55:43pm

Blaise Zabini wrote:Allright, I think that her sadness was justified until a certain point, but there are only so many times you can keep bringing it up and using it for attention. Just because she's really well-liked at Hogwarts doesn't mean that she wouldn't want the attention associated with Cedric's death. To each his own, I guess, but Cho just really comes across as being horribly shallow and self-absorbed.

Is it me or do the guys on this forum seem kinder about Cho than the girls do? :razz: If Cho matures some, I could like her, but it wasn't so much that she talked about Cedric a lot, it was how she acted most of the time . . . all drama-queen and insecure and stuff. If she really is one of the most popular girls in school, what's with the insecurity and the high-strung behavior? Then again, to be fair, if I remember girls that age, some of them really were like that, but as we've seen, Hermione isn't, Ginny isn't, even Luna, weird as she is, isn't. I know Cho suffered a blow with Cedric's death, and that Harry wasn't always as thoughtful as he could have been towards Cho, but I still maintain she has a lot of growing up to do...Harry was someone she was dating, that did not mean he was her unpaid grief counselor...dragging him back through his own grief seemed a bit unkind.

I'm sorry to all those who are fans of Cho, but she seemed OTT (over-the-top) to me in many instances, just as Harry did, only Harry has suffered FAR worse than Cho. Just my opinion...I don't think Blaise is far out for how she feels, and as for those who like Cho, I can see potential in her...she had some good moments to her...I guess she was written fairly accurately for her age and what she had dealt with, but some of what I had to read about her was annoying, no doubt. There was enough chaos and uspet in Harry's life as it was!

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Men / Women Views On Cho

Postby highsorcerer » Sunday 6 July 2003 7:31:14am

It's quite possible men and women have a difference of opinion. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating - she's always been nice to Harry, even when it wasn't popular to do so. Who was the only person outside Gryffindor who wished him luck on the tasks? Cho. Who refused to wear the Support Cedric Diggory - The REAL Hogwarts Champion / Potter Stinks badge - even when she was going with Cedric (and before Cedric told the Hufflepuffs to lay off Harry)? Cho.

In fact, outside of Hermoine and Ron (plus the deceased Cedric), Cho probably know more about what really went on during the tournament than anybody else, getting the information from Cedric. He probably told her Harry helped him on the first task, and that he regretted not staying behind with Harry at the second task (indeed, it was rather interesting to note that Harry was the least emotionally connected to Gabrielle, with Ron being his best friend, Hermoine another close friend, and Cho the girl he had a crush on).

So maybe she needed some good therapy and acted like a drama queen in book 5, but her heart has essentially been in the right place all along.
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Sunday 6 July 2003 5:56:03pm

i read the book again and paid closer attention to Cho's dialogue with Harry. With the exception of the last quidditch scene (chucking away her broomstick), she was fine really..

i mean, if u go back throughout the chapters... was she being unusual in any way?? more like reacting the way a normal girl would really, Hermione justified her actions pretty plausibly

i think she annoys alot of the ppl because we're seeing things from Harry's perspective and there's just so much he's going through...... her problems just seem so childish at those critical points

i hope she recovers and Harry can date her one more time, cuz i don't think he'll ever be with any girl in the end...
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Sunday 6 July 2003 5:58:25pm

Lizzy Bennet wrote:Is it me or do the guys on this forum seem kinder about Cho than the girls do? :razz:

you knoe what Lizzy, i think your right :lol:
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Re: Men / Women Views On Cho

Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 6 July 2003 7:27:09pm

highsorcerer wrote:So maybe she needed some good therapy and acted like a drama queen in book 5, but her heart has essentially been in the right place all along.

I think you make an excellent point, Sorcerer. No matter how much I still dislike Cho, I've been forced to eat some of my words based on the case you gave for her truly feeling for Harry. Yes, she did stick by him and didn't succumb to the rest of the school's taunting of him during the Triwizard Tournament. My hatred of her has lessened a bit, but OotP!Cho still needs to grow up a bit.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 6 July 2003 7:32:09pm

2Fast2Type-R wrote:i think she annoys alot of the ppl because we're seeing things from Harry's perspective and there's just so much he's going through...... her problems just seem so childish at those critical points

It seems like those who *really* hate Cho and those who *really* love Cho (frankly, I fall in the middle...I don't love her or hate her, just have some things I like and dislike...more I disliked in book 5) might just be meeting somewhere in the middle! :grin: I think, for me anyway, it's a matter of perspective...because (again, for me) I had no problems with Cho in book 3 or book fact, I liked her...not just because she was Harry's crush, but because she seemed like a genuinely nice person. She probably is, at her core, still that in book 5, but unfortunately, that's not how she acts. I think all people can have reasons for their behavior, but ultimately, you can't live off excuses...if I'm not cutting Harry all the slack in the world for shouting at everyone, why would I give Cho all the slack in the world for being overemotional and irrational? Though I can understand it and I can see that, before Cedric's death, they weren't this way, and feel some compassion, that doesn't mean I have to LIKE how they are acting all the time. Does that make sense? :???:

I liked how Harry, as book 5 went on, seemed to calm down some, and end-of-book-5 Harry broke my heart. Cho hasn't turned that corner yet, but maybe she hasn't hit her own turning point yet...what I hope for is a progressed Cho, one that has moved forward in her life, and possibly could date Harry for Harry, not for emotional healing or as a rebound. But she'd have to have evolved significantly from where she was in book 5. Perhaps people don't hate Cho as much as they hated where she was in her dealing with Cedric's death...if she stays the way she is--over-emotional and self-absorbed and insecure (beyond the usual teenage girl thing--then I want her to stay far away from Harry in the future--but if she can evolve and mature from where she was in book 5 then I wouldn't mind reading about her in future books. :-)

But then again, the beauty of this forum is that we are all entitled to our opinions and these posts are simply our opinions--not gospel truths, not 'the way things are', nor statements of what everyone should believe or think. :) So take from my words what you will! :D

~ Lizzy :angel:

P.S.--My remark about girls being harder on Cho than guys is because, for some reason, girls seem (not always, but sometimes) more critical of their own gender (and possibly more clear-sighted, because we know our own gender, being women ourselves!) than guys are. :) Just an observation--not a fact, necessarily, by any means! :grin:
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 10:47:59am

Girls are more bitchy (for want of a better word) towards there own gender, you only have to see reality TV shows like Big Brother to notice that the men seem laid back towards each other and the women form packs and pick each other off.

Cho has just had her boyfriend die, she fancied Harry while seeing Cedric and now feels guilty for dating him. She needs comfort and understanding for what she has been through as she is very confused psycologically (as well as teenage hormonal confusion), but Harry isn't the right person to give it to her as he has been through more and (prehaps justly) believes he should be comforted for his trauma rather than the comforter.

Cho gets a new boyfriend at the end of OotP and prehaps he will be able to offer her ehat she needs to get her head straight ready for a return to a better character next book.

Remember she's one of the few who stands by Harry all the way through showing tremendous loyalty under strain; again shown to her Judas friend (a Hufflepuff trait) so to strain her loyalty to Cedric must be tearing her up inside! Give her a chance, she may not be as irritating next book.

Cho and Harry may give it another go, but I don't think it'll work out because of the history.
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Monday 7 July 2003 12:35:38pm

Gwared wrote:Girls are more bitchy (for want of a better word) towards there own gender, you only have to see reality TV shows like Big Brother to notice that the men seem laid back towards each other and the women form packs and pick each other off.

oh... *awkward*
i err... don't disagree totally
but i was hoping that none of us guys would actually say it out literally, doesn't seem right :oops:

using Gwared's "Big Brother" example tho, here in aus big brother we had a likeable girl who started going... u knoe... b*tchy (a bit like Cho)...
in an unprecedented sweep, she got voted off―by women... in record levels!!! (whereas all the votes by men against her turned out in utterly pathetic numbers)

reason: they all remembered her for her likeable charm and couldn't bring themselves to vote her out =P
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Postby 2F2Type_R » Monday 7 July 2003 12:40:34pm

i guess the onli merit i can think of is that us guys are by nature really erm... "faithful" and uhh... "believe in the best in ppl"

doubt ne1'd be stupid enough to buy that theory tho :lol:
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Postby Gwared » Monday 7 July 2003 1:10:02pm

You don't disagree totally :-? :-) .

I think it's partially due to the new competiveness among women and the desire to prove themselves mens equals that has caused this societal shift.

I have no idea, for the differences really but it's just my opinion; hopefully somebod'll will give a good reason why it is so.

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Postby megapixel91 » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:11:31pm

The only thing that i can really say is that cho is diff and simalar to harry in ways... I mean they both play quidditch (or did neway, im not done wid da fifth book) But harry doesnt talk bout cedric much and cho wants to... And that out burst in the coffee shop was unnessecary... I think that cho is bein kinda stupid as of where im up to... ( IM like just after he starts those mind clearing lesson thingys)... so thats my thoughts...
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