Dumbledore's Secret

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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter 10 – Truth

Harry woke up one week later in the hospital wing. Hermione was sitting in the bed next to him, he smiled at her and she smiled back. Harry looked at the end of his bed and was surprised to see McGonagall staring back at him.
“Hello Harry” she said to him gently.
“Where are Snape and Dumbledore?” Harry asked immediately.
“Both I’m afraid to say, are dead.” A tear slipped down her cheek.
“What? How?” Harry managed to say between sobs.
“Snape was hit by the killing curse while saving you. Unfortunately no one loved him to protect him like there was for you and Hermione.” Harry broke down. “Mr Potter please I need to finish this.” Harry controlled himself and she continued. “But at least Mr Potter, he had returned the debt to your father for saving his life. So he can rest in peace knowing he is a hero in yours and your father’s hearts.
“And what about Dumbledore?” Harry asked tears rolling down his cheeks at the thought of his father.
“You must understand something first Harry. The one reason Voldemort feared him was because he held a powerful secret. Do you remember when you found the mirror of Erised in your first year?
Harry nodded his head slowly. “And he said he didn’t need a cloak to become invisible, I never understood that.”
“Yes well, it is true. You see Dumbledore was a secret Animagus, a very powerful one. He had the powers to turn into a Bumblebee, but with a fatal sting. This sting was capable of killing anything, even something as inhuman as Voldemort. But for a terrible price. For when a bumblebee stings something, the bumblebee dies.”
“So Dumbledore gave his life to save me?”
“Yes, and kill Voldemort, who he has wanted dead for a long time.”
“But why had he never done it all the times before, why now?”
“Because he felt that the time was right, he said to tell you that its now your turn to take his place and that he will never leave us, he will always be inside these walls, forever.”
“I always said he was a great man, Dumbledore.” Harry looked round. Hagrid, Ron and Sirius were standing side by side at the door.
“Harry.” Exclaimed a shaken Sirius, heading for Harry who he took in his arms. Harry started to cry uncontrollably. McGonagall stood up and pulled the curtain around them.
“Lets leave them alone.” And she walked out of the hospital wing. Ron walked over to Hermione’s bed and sat down next to her taking her hand and smiling. Hermione smiled back.
“Do you think Harry will be ok?” Hermione asked in a whisper.
“Yeah, he will be, he always is. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, I just want to go home, that’s all.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I really want to see mum and dad. But they’re too busy to come down yet. Dad is helping Percy with all the trials.”
“Oh yeah, whets happened so far?”
“Well Percy wont tell me much but he reckons they’ll all be spending a very long sentence in Azkaban.”
“What about Lucious?”
“Well he’s going to Azkaban too, but his trials taking time, some want him to receive a Demontor's kiss. But Percy doesn’t want that to happen. He says he could be useful in finding all of the Death Eaters. I suppose only time will tell.”
“Oh Ron I’m so glad this is all over.” Hermione exclaimed.
“So am I” Ron replied hugging her.
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

:cry: a bit of a sad chappy. Nice idea tho, for Dumbledore being a bumblebee (His name suggests it) . But please don't end it yet! You hafta write more!
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

yes its soooo good
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter 11 – Presents

The next day Madame Pomfrey gave Ron permission to bring down the Christmas presents they hadn’t yet opened. He came into the ward clutching a bag in each hand. He passed one to Harry and one to Hermione, who he kissed hello.
Harry’s face illuminated at the amount of presents he received this year. He opened Ron’s first which was wrapped in brown paper and string. Harry undid the knot and the parcel enveloped open in his lap. In it lay brown leather Seeker gloves with the name ‘Harry’ stitched in gold lettering across the back of them.
“Wow Ron they’re excellent!” Exclaimed Harry.
“Well I thought you might appreciate some nice ones for when you become a famous Quidditch player.”
“Oh Ron, I don’t know about that, but thanks anyway, they’re brilliant.” Harry lent forward and gave Ron a hug.
“Well open the rest then.” Harry reached forward and pulled another present out of the bag. This one was wrapped in green, shiny foil, it was from Hagrid, Harry opened it and a great long, multi-coloured scarf came tumbling out. Harry smiled, only Hagrid would send him a gift like this. He had obviously made it himself and it was twice the size of Harry, but he wound it round his neck several times anyway and continued to open his presents. He got the usual jumper from Mrs Weasley but this time the green jumper had an owl on it. From the Dursley’s he received socks again and from Hermione a great gold quill.
“I thought it would bring you luck in your exams” she exclaimed as he opened it, “it’s silly really.”
“Hermione its great, I wouldn’t of wanted anything else.” Hermione went a slight shade of red and busied herself with opening one of her presents.
Harry had got down to the last two of his presents left. He pulled out a small black box, from Sirius. Harry pulled the lid open and inside lying on the black satin was a large silver key.
“What’s that Harry?” asked Ron.
“I don’t know, it’s from Sirius.”
“Well, it’s not a car key, its too big.”
“I don’t know I’ll have to ask him.”
“Give it here” asked Hermione, “Maybe it’s a spell.” Harry passed the key over to her and Hermione picked her wand of the bedside table.
“Aparecium” she said to the key. Nothing happened. “Well I don’t know then Harry, it’s not hiding anything.”
“Does it say anything on the note Harry?” Asked Ron curiously. Harry picked up the note and re read it.
“All it says is; To Harry, Merry Christmas, see you soon. Love Sirius.”
“Maybe you have to wait till you see him then Harry.” Said Hermione.
“Yeah maybe.” Said Harry turning the key over in his hands.
“Well open your last present then Harry.” Said Ron, Hermione was watching him now, she had finished opening her presents, which lay on her bed at her side. Harry reached forward and pulled another box from the bag. He opened the card on it and read aloud;

“Dearest Harry, I thought it was about time you had all of the things your mother and father left behind. Love Dumbledore.” Harry’s voice trailed off at the reading of his name, this was the last thing Dumbledore was going to give him.
“Blimey” was the only words that could escape Ron’s lips. Hermione looked like she was going to cry. Harry slowly opened the lid, a lump swelling in his throat. Inside the box were two gleaming wands. His mother and father’s wands. As Harry reached in and brought out the wands tears slipped slowly down his cheeks.
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

o its so tuching and soooooooo good
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

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Postby snuffles360uk » Sunday 29 September 2002 10:36:43am

post more!!! :grin:
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Sunday 13 October 2002 3:55:33pm

Sorry i havn't replied for ages and ages folks!!!! i hope u havn't lost the gist of my story!!!! Here's some more but remeber i have to have at least one reply before i post more!!!

Chapter 12

Over the next week as New Year passed Hogwarts halls slowly started filling up with the mad chatter of voices. Harry heard half conversations drift past the Hospital Wing and all had been about him and the defeat of Voldemort. Ron had been followed constantly around the school with people badgering him to tell the story of how it happened. But he refused to tell them every time, saying ‘I’m not the one to tell it’. Harry respected him for this, Ron could easily be rasping in the glory but preferred to keep quiet and out of people’s way. Harry had never felt closer to him then he did right now.

Harry and Hermione were let out of the Hospital Wing just in time for the start of term. They walked into the Great Hall at the first day breakfast and immediately the whole Hall stopped talking and turned to look at them. That was until Dean and Seamus stood up and starting to clap. The whole hall followed, including the teachers and soon there was a huge round of applause that blocked any other sound out. Harry and Hermione walked slowly to their seats overwhelmed by everything. They took their seats and the applause stopped and everyone sat back down except McGonagall.
“As you all know,” she exclaimed in her usual sharp voice, we have had a very busy Christmas here. And I already see that you have heard about it. I dare say I do not need to go into every detail with you then.”
Harry thought he saw relief on McGonagall face as she said this. He didn’t think she could talk about it any better than he could.
“As you all know, the defeat of Voldemort came at a great cost to this school and the whole of our world. We lost two of the most important members of Hogwarts School that night and I would like to call for 3 minutes silence to honour the great Professor Albus Dumbledore and Professor Severus Snape.”
The whole of the hall dropped their heads in respect and remained in silence except for the tears of many dropping onto the golden dishes below.
“Thank you” whispered McGonagall as she sat back in her chair. Harry looked up and saw Hagrid crying into Trelawny’s lap while she wiped her nose with a handkerchief.
To Harry’s surprise professor Flitwick then stood up. “Although we have many sad announcements this morning, I would like to add a happy one. Taking over Professor Dumbledore’s position is Professor McGonagall, who I believe will live up to everything Dumbledore was and more. Three Cheers for McGonagall.”
The whole hall erupted once more cheering and whooping, showing there full support and trust in McGonagall. Harry glanced around the hall from table to table but when he reached the Slytherin table he was in for a surprise. There was no Malfoy, Crabbe or Goyle. Harry supposed that was because their fathers were on trial. Eventually the whole hall quietened down and again McGonagall stood up as Flitwick sat back down.
“I do have a few more notices, there will unfortunately be no more Transfiguration or Potions lessons this year, as we have yet to find replacements for these positions.”
For once in his life Harry was truly disappointed at this, for once he wanted a potions lesson, just to see Snape was alive and that no one had died that night except Voldemort. All Harry wanted in the world was to see Dumbledore at the front of the hall giving his usual silly speeches of welcome and to have Snape glaring at him from Dumbledore’s side.

Only 3 more chapters and an epilogue to go folks!
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Postby snuffles360uk » Wednesday 16 October 2002 6:14:27pm

:grin: Brilliant!! :grin:
:grin: Please post more soon! :grin:
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Friday 19 March 2004 11:05:18pm

OOOOOO! keep writing!
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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 22 April 2004 12:45:06pm

Yez do i´m reading and crying here :grin:
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Re: Dumbledore's Secret

Postby hprocks » Saturday 6 December 2008 3:05:05am

i cant wait for the ohter chapters
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