Dumbledore's Army

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Dumbledore's Army

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 5:37:31pm

This, to me, was a fascinating group that came together in book 5 in a very magical room indeed . . . I thought it would be interesting to discuss them! :grin:

Although no Slytherins (to my knowledge) were a part of this group, this group helped to regain unity so desperately needed in book 5. I found it interesting to read how Neville was improving and how others, besides Harry, were doing with DADA. Certainly, it was to their advantage to practice as six of them had entirely too practical exposure to the dark arts running around the Department of Mysteries! :eek:

Will Dumbledore's Army ever get any of the Slytherins to join? I'm not sure . . . the Slytherins have a rather glaring 'conflict of interest' with many of their parents being Death-Eaters . . . as I mentioned in another post, this, too, may also be what Dumbledore was referring to as choices between 'what is right and what is easy'. :-?

After spending much of the book being frustrated that so many of Harry's classmates simply thought he was 'off his rocker', it was refereshing to read about Dumbledore's Army and sense that Harry's classmates, gradually, were taking him more seriously and preparing themselves. I have a feeling this preparation wasn't just useful in book 5--it'll be especially useful in books 6 and 7, now that everyone knows and believes that Voldemort is very much a real threat! :o

What do you think of this group that Harry created? Will they continue to practice in future books and will all the members of the group return to it? What will those who were in the Department of Mysteries have to add? Before, it was just Harry who had experienced the Dark Arts first-hand, but now, in addition to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna all have their experiences as well, and a very real and very sad death that occurred (Harry and Neville who were both witness to it, and who have both 'lost' their parents to Voldemort). :evil: :cry:

What are your thoughts? :???:

~ Lizzy :D
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Postby azn wizard » Saturday 5 July 2003 10:38:48pm

i have a problem with the exclusion of slytherins....seems like jkr is making them seem like the enemy or something b/c there is not one slytherin that is in the "light"
also, seems like only slytherin parents have been mentioned as death eaters...quite unfair to the house i would say
yes, i do say that DA is a step towards unity. before it seemed as if the four houses rarely had contact wit each other besides during lessons...
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Postby zledm007 » Sunday 6 July 2003 1:52:59am

do you really think any slytherine would go along w/ anything harry potter was running? draco would have their heads!!! just a thought.
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Postby Friar Tuck » Sunday 6 July 2003 10:23:42pm

do you really think any slytherine would go along w/ anything harry potter was running? draco would have their heads!!! just a thought.

It's a thought that may have some substance. 1. Draco has an extreme dislike/ hatred/ loathing of Harry because "he chose the losing side", his constant fame/ appreaciation/ saving of the day, and most recently intensified by the arrest of Lucius Malfoy. 2. At the time, many Slytherins were members of the Inquisitorial Squad, and ever since Educational Decree 24(all groups, teams, societies, etc. are banned), it would look bad upon them because as members of the IS, breaking a rule, much less an ED made by Umbridge herself.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 6 July 2003 11:05:15pm

Firstly, about Slytherin. The way that JKR has characterized them, they're pretty much a worthless groupd of people who all seem to be dabbling in the dark arts. And yet, ath the beginning of OotP, we have DD make a speach about house unity, coupled with the Sorting Song about the same topic. It doesn't really make much sense. I guess that's why I've supported the idea of a redeemable Slytherin, because, in order for DD's plan about house unity to succeed, something would have to change about the house. And the way that JKR has been characterizing it, nothing of the sort has happened yet. Either that, or all that we know about Slytherin has been told to us from Harry's viewpoint, and that could be a bit slanted. But, as this could be a topic of it's own, I'll move on.

Secondly, I love the DA! I really looked forward to the parts involving them throughout the books. I also really appreciated how it gave Neville an outlet in which to shine. Through his work with the DA, he really asserted himself and proved that he was so much more than everyone had originally thought him to be. Other than that, it also gave Harry a place to do what he does best. If anything, it definitely hinted at a future for him either teaching DADA or becoming an auror. I do hope that the Army shows up again in the future books.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 8 July 2003 4:13:34am

i agree, the DA was cool, but i doubt that it will continue, seeing as how it was basicly their DADA class while umbridge was there, and now that she is gone, i think the group is over, or maybe not, cause that would be a great way for JKR to make things awkward for harry with cho being there
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Postby Eol » Tuesday 12 August 2003 11:11:08am

I think that maybe the DA will stop now, unless Dumbledore lets Harry carry on with the club. There's no reason for it to continues. They'll get a decent teacher next year......right?
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