
Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

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Postby Lily » Sunday 22 June 2003 11:03:14pm

Does anyone think that Percy may actually be working for the OoTP but be undercover or think that he will be at some point? I just can't see him turning on his family completely when they really need him.
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Postby APWBD » Sunday 22 June 2003 11:26:55pm

I don't think that he was working for the OoP; Mrs and Mr. Weasley seemed too upset about the whole percy thing for them to be lying. However, now thatt Fudge has to admit that Harry and Dumbledore were right, will Percy come back and live with his family?? :???:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 23 June 2003 3:25:14am

I sure think so. I've never supported the Evil!Percy theory, and have always thought that if he were to become blinded by ambition, that he'd eventually see the error of his ways. He acted like an idiot in the book, but now that he sees clearly that LV has returned (and that Fudge sees that LV has returned,) he'll go back to his family. And, seeing as how Mrs. Weasley's boggart turned into a dead Percy, I'm positive that they'd be willing to take him back.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 23 June 2003 3:58:55pm

I was so shocked by the whole Percy thing... I though that he might do some stupid htings, possible a Ludo Bagman, passing info to someone in the Minestry he though was a good guy, but was an undercover DE, but I never thought for a minute that he would betray his family... shame on him! :evil:

Hrmm, and about an undercover OOTP member... I dont' think so.. after all, he sent back the jumper he got for Chirissie.... and since I seriously doubt he was wearing them anyways, the only purpose of that was to hurt Mr and Mrs Weasley... and what wold be the point of having a big argument at home with Mr W is there were no witnesses aroudn to see if it was all undercover work??? Also, why lie to Harry about it then? :-?
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Postby Claire » Monday 23 June 2003 4:02:14pm

I think that Percy is just going to pretend that he never did anything wrong, and say that Fudge knew what he was doing the whole time but was just pretending to throw off Voldemort or something.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 23 June 2003 4:23:19pm

Actally, I like that idea siriusblack!

I cant's ee Percy admitting to anyone that he was being stupid and wrong, etc etc, so I think that he will jsut try to cover it all upi my saind that htey all did it on purpose.

Also,I can see Mr and Mrs Weasley forgiving him, he is their son after all, and 'accpeting' the story as such, but I can't see Fred and geroge forgiving him...remember after Quiddich matches, they tended to hold grudges a bit, and I think that they will be like that with Percy too...with Ron and Ginny, I'm not sure how they will react... maybe they willgo along withtheir parents, but still be annoyed and slightly suspicious of him???

Oh well, that's what I'm thinking anyways!!!

Holly :circling:
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Postby ElvenMist » Monday 23 June 2003 6:48:08pm

i agree with holyl and siriusblack. that seems EXACTLY like what would happen. i also don't think that Percy should be that easily forgiven... he's not as innocent as his parents want to believe...
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 24 June 2003 4:31:07am

No, I defiately dont' think that he shoudl be orgiven easily, but I think that Mr and Mrs W will anyway.. they will she his lame excuse of "the whole thing was planned" as an apology or sorts, esp Mrs W...

I hope that Fred and George, and possibly Bill, Charlie and Ron, give him hell though... ;)

That was a very lame thing to do, turning on your family for a promotion... :(
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 8:58:18am

Which was one of my theories now that I remember Holly.

I'm sure that know that Fudge sides with DD again Percy will apologize, but only the twins won't forgive him (in the end yeah, but will be the ones that take more time).

This is my first thoughts about Percy.

But I think more about it, and I think that Percy is under the Imperius Curse, I will post my idea in theories.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 29 June 2003 5:04:24am

:???: At first i thought the same that Percy actually spy for OotP, but then again i started to doubt it. he's really disappointing in this book. :-? :-?
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Postby June » Sunday 29 June 2003 9:50:28am

You know, just to look at this in another light... Percy seems to change too much in the space of one year... he had been pompous and inflexible, rigidly following the rules and very ambitious, but he loved his family... and the way he turns on his own family in OotP seems almost too abrupt, and a bit unbelievable... ambition itself just doesn't seem to explain this immense change. Just to quote a few things from the other books that shows his love and protectiveness for his family:

CS, p. 139: When Fred and George tried to cheer Ginny up by scaring her
They only stopped when Percy, appoplectic with rage, told them he waas going to write to Mrs Weasley and tell her Ginny was having nightmares.

CS, p. 218: When Ginny was said to be dead in the Chamber of Secrets
(Percy) shut himself up in his dormitary.

G.o.F, p. 437: Evidence that he dotes on Ron is seen when Ron was rescued out from the lake for Harry's second task...
Percy, who looked very white and somehow, much younger than usual... seized Ron and was dragging him back to the bank."

But in OotP, perhaps he thinks he's choosing the right side and that his family is delusional, still, that doesn't excuse his callousness... his own father was gravely injured, and may not live, and yet he ddin't ask after Arthur Weasley, nor visited him and even sent back his Christmas jumper without even a note... it just doesn't correspond to the earlier books where he cares a lot for his family. I wish there's a better explanation for this drastic change than just ambition and blind belief...
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Postby gecko » Sunday 29 June 2003 11:53:20am

When he had made up his mind to follow Fudge, whom he admired very much, maybe he felt that visiting his father in the Hospital was to visit an enemy. We see that enemies in a family aren't rare (Sirius and Bellatrix). I agree though with the rest of you, that Percy will be 'converted' back to normal. Maybe Fudge is going to be replaced as MoM, and then Percy will have to look for another job I guess. Maybe he'll join the Order then.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 29 June 2003 4:28:29pm

june reminds me that Percy do love his family, and yes some of the stuffs he says is very unbelieveable... But i was thinking maybe he was sent by DD to be his spy... And the next book he'll give DD info about the stuffs going on in there.. :-? But i much very doubt it or DD would have say that he has to jinxed Percy too or it'll look suspicious like he did to Kinsgley( forgot how to spell the name)
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Percy and the MoM

Postby highsorcerer » Monday 30 June 2003 4:08:19am

Actually, the MoM can't be too hard on Percy; if they sacked everybody who followed Fudge, the ministry would be almost empty. The events of OotP will be very humbling for him, because he may finally have learned that following the rules (which he did for both Crouch and Fudge) aren't always going to lead to the correct solution of a problem. He's finding out that the real world works much differently than Hogwarts (where his strict rule-following led to him becoming a prefect and head boy).

Every other member of his family has learned to think for themselves (Bill grew the ponytail his mother doesn't like, plus has the dragon-fang earring), Charlie went off chasing dragons, Fred and George put their knowledge of magic to a practical use in the business world, Ron has followed Harry into danger in order to do what's right, and even Ginny has been breaking into the broomshed since she was six years old.

In short, Percy is all image and no substance. He wears the right robes, associates with the right people in the ministry, laughs at their jokes, and attends their parties. He rejected his family, and his treatment of his father's job was disgraceful. He fails to understand that Arthur Weasley is doing a job he loves, even if it isn't considered prestigious. Percy has followed the rules his entire life, not realizing that in the end he was taking a fool's path. Look where it took him and the rest of the ministry - a year wasted in organizing to face Voldemort, the loss of the dementors and ten death eaters from Azkaban, losing any support of the giants, and forcing the people who were on the right side to operate undercover. The real question is whether he's actually learned something in his two years as a failure in the ministry.
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the MoM, percy, and the next war

Postby hpfan4life » Thursday 10 July 2003 6:03:17pm

After all the heart ache and time wasted that Fudge and the ministry caused in the OoTP, i can't imagine that they will bow down to Dumbledore that easily in the next book. Instead of taking DD a little bit seriously and atleast secretly investigating DD's assertions, fudge and the MoM wrote DD off believing he's just a crazy old fool out to take fudge's job. Fudge seems to have way too much pride to heed DD's advise in the coming war even though everyone now knows and believes that LV is really back. I think Fudge will do whatever he can to negate DD's orders and try to handle the LV situation on his terms, and most probably in the process making the whole situation even worse. And Percy, the brown-noser that he is, will support Fudge in whatever decision he makes.
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