Favorite Character Out of All Five HP Books (spoilers)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Who is your all-time fave character from the five HP books?

One of the Trio: Harry, Ron, or Hermione
One of the Good Marauders: James, Sirius, or Lupin
Headmaster Dumbledore
Professor McGonagall
Professor Snape
Mad-Eye Moody (the real one! :p)
No votes
OotP New Characters: Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, etc.
Mr. or Mrs. Weasley
Professor Lockhart
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, or Vincent Crabbe
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Other Character (please elaborate on the thread!)
Total votes : 106

Favorite Character Out of All Five HP Books (spoilers)

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 8:49:01pm

This one will be a toughie . . . who is your favorite character (anyone from all five books) and why? Do share why! :grin: I'm going to do my best to list as many of the obvious choices as I can, but I'll leave an option for other in the hopes you'll elaborate on this thread! :D We picked our least fave character out of book 5...this is our fave character from the entire series INCLUDING book 5! :grin: Let's see who you vote for and why they are your fave! :D

I voted for Remus Lupin as my all-time fave! :grin: I love his relationship with Harry, the kind of teacher and person he is, and just his 'chemistry' with other characters besides Harry such as Sirius, the Gryffndors, and Professor Snape! :lol: He really made book 3 very enjoyable for me, and he seems to care about Harry so much. I like how calm, thoughtful, yet droll he is...he has such a sly sense of humour, which particularly comes out when he's dealing with Snape! Given what we learn about James and Sirius in book 5, I'm glad the Lupin wasn't a bully of any sort...and let's face it, the Maruader's Map rocked! :D Lupin's my fave, but there are so many great characters in this series...looking forward to seeing how *you* vote and why! :grin:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Malachim » Thursday 26 June 2003 10:24:49pm

I also picked Lupin. He was definately my Favorite character. I like the way he interacts with Harry and I like his demeanor as well.

He was a great DaDA teacher and treated all fairly IMHO. I thought he had a nobility about him that he did not sacrifice no matter what happened to him personally. Even looking in book 5, he was dressed in rags but still kept his head up so to speak and did what he had to do. He didn't complain or shirk his duties. There were no cries of "why me!" etc.. etc...

Stream of consiencousness that's my answer :)
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Postby Nothlit » Thursday 26 June 2003 10:28:40pm

I voted for the trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione). Lupin comes in a close second, but to me, nothing beats this trio as my favorite characters. There's something about their close bond of friendship that I just love reading, not to mention watching them grow up is fun too. :P
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Postby Cho Chang » Thursday 26 June 2003 10:42:30pm

Wow.. this is a though one....

I choosed one of the trio. and the one of them that i like the most if probably Hermione. The reason for choosing her is because she is the only one that tries to not get Harry into trouble. And throughout the school year, she's been trying to help Ron and Harry (ex: Homework)

But an other character that i might of choosed is probably Remus Lupin. that guys is a great teacher/friend. He helps Harry when he needed to learn some new spell to protect from the Dementors.

Overall i still like Hermione. :)
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Postby June » Friday 27 June 2003 6:48:22am

It's a toss-up between Dumbledore and McGonagall... but because of Book 5, Professor McGonagall wins my vote and my heart as well, hands-down! :grin:

She's a tough teacher (and has the power to keep a class quiet... an ability which I'll like to have someday when I'm a teacher myself... =P ) but she's an old softie at heart. She's compassionate, but competitive (the scene where she didn't give homework in order for the Gryffindoe team to prectise for Quidditch... :lol: ) she's strict but fair, and best of all, she has a sense of humour and vindinctive justice when time calls for it. ^_~ I love all her scene in OotP. She rises to each occasion magificiently, and her attitide towards Umbridge... *twitch* words fail me. :grin:

In other words, what's not to like? ;)
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Postby Lunatech » Friday 27 June 2003 8:31:39am

you guys are twisted

my personal favorite is gilderoy lockheart.

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Postby choki » Friday 27 June 2003 10:32:36am

Neville Longbottom shows us what he is capable of doing in OotP
And the way he stood up with Harry n nearly fought with Malfoy
He is also the one who fought alongside with Harry till the very end...not Ron, not Hermione but Neville.
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 27 June 2003 1:24:50pm

i voted for Sirius Black

but Neville and ron come a close second....i used to think ron was my fave student but after seeing neville in book 5 im not so sure.....
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Postby Lunatech » Friday 27 June 2003 4:39:53pm

darn i can't vote for Gilderoy Lockheart more than once? what a gyp. :)
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Postby molli » Saturday 28 June 2003 12:52:11am

i voted for professor mcgonagall!!! :grin:

she is one rad teacher! she may be strict but she has a very big and caring heart, and i adore her!! :grin:
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Postby Kamoku » Saturday 28 June 2003 5:36:52am

Man, I just love Neville. He's got something special that hasn't shown itself all the way yet... I mean, think of when he said he'd fight the trio to keep them from sneaking out way back in book 1... his parents were obviously great people, despite their current state... and he has that connection with Harry and Voldy in the prophecy. He may not seem brave, but he's in Gryffindor... for a reason.

Lupin and Sirius were close though... and McGonagall... but Neville is just so great.

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Postby HuffleDuck » Saturday 28 June 2003 7:15:09am

:???: :???: But have any of you noticed that Ginny is so different this time? She's so cool.. Ginny is definitely my favorite character in the 5th book..
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:47:53pm

I don't really have one favorite character, my favorites are kinda lumped tegether as one though. I LOVE Fred and George. They are so funny :D I think that if I had to be friends with anyone out of the books, it would be them. They bring a little comedy even though there's so much bad stuff going on. I wonder what's going to happen with them in the next book? Hopefully we get to see their joke shop!
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 28 June 2003 7:19:27pm

Such a difficult choice. I was stuck between Neville, Lupin, and Snape, but then just picked one and went with it.

Neville is the definite man in OotP. He shows that he's more than just the squib-ish wizard everyone had originally thought him to be. I'd always thought there was something more about him that wasn't said, and this really cam through in book 5. Like Choki said, it was Neville, not Hermione or Ron, that was there for Harry when he needed it most. He proved himself to be fiercly loyal and a force to be recjoned with. Even though he was horribly injured, he still had that never-say-die attitude, and I thought that that was quite admirable. I can't wait to see how he turns out in the later books!

As for Lupin, he just comes across as being a truly good person. The qualities of kindness, equality, and humanity come across in him more than in the other characters. I think this was especially evident in the Penseive scene, when, thought all of the other Marauders were mocking Snape, he refrained from doing so. He's always treated Harry with respect and seems as though he truly cares about the boy. Furthremore, now that Sirius is gone, I definitely see him as being Harry's father figure. Have developed such a squealy, fangilr crush on Lupin as a result of this book.

And lastly, Snapeikins. I chose him as my favourite character. I think, though he may not be the most admirable or most loyal, he's the character whom I think has been developed the most and who's the most open to interpretation. There's so much ambiguity surrounding him and so much topic for discussion in regards to him, that he's by far the most interesting of the bunch. I loved how when he was teaching Harry Occlumency, he seemed to almost care for Harry and how he truly wanted him to do well at it. Moreover, I also loved how we were given glimpses into Snapes memories, not just the one in the Penseive (which was heartbreaking and brought StoneCold!Snape down to a more human level) but also where we saw his tortured childhood where his parents fought and where he sat alone in a room. Because of these glimpses into Snape's past and now that we've learned a bit of why he is the way he is, he's become so much more than just this one-dimensional potions master. Furthermore, because of Snape's character JK also expanded upon the role of James and got rid of that perfect of image of him that many of us had. This furthered Harry's realisation of the fallability(sp?) of the people he knows (DD, Sirius, his Father, etc.) I think that JK did an absolutely brilliant job with the characterization of dear Snivellus.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 28 June 2003 7:21:59pm

Blaise Zabini wrote:Such a difficult choice. I was stuck between Neville, Lupin, and Snape, but then just picked one and went with it.

Neville is the definite man in OotP. He shows that he's more than just the squib-ish wizard everyone had originally thought him to be. I'd always thought there was something more about him that wasn't said, and this really cam through in book 5. Like Choki said, it was Neville, not Hermione or Ron, that was there for Harry when he needed it most. He proved himself to be fiercly loyal and a force to be recjoned with. Even though he was horribly injured, he still had that never-say-die attitude, and I thought that that was quite admirable. I can't wait to see how he turns out in the later books!

As for Lupin, he just comes across as being a truly good person. The qualities of kindness, equality, and humanity come across in him more than in the other characters. I think this was especially evident in the Penseive scene, when, thought all of the other Marauders were mocking Snape, he refrained from doing so. He's always treated Harry with respect and seems as though he truly cares about the boy. Furthremore, now that Sirius is gone, I definitely see him as being Harry's father figure. Have developed such a squealy, fangilr crush on Lupin as a result of this book.

And lastly, Snapeikins. I chose him as my favourite character. I think, though he may not be the most admirable or most loyal, he's the character whom I think has been developed the most and who's the most open to interpretation. There's so much ambiguity surrounding him and so much topic for discussion in regards to him, that he's by far the most interesting of the bunch. I loved how when he was teaching Harry Occlumency, he seemed to almost care for Harry and how he truly wanted him to do well at it. Moreover, I also loved how we were given glimpses into Snapes memories, not just the one in the Penseive (which was heartbreaking and brought StoneCold!Snape down to a more human level) but also where we saw his tortured childhood where his parents fought and where he sat alone in a room. Because of these glimpses into Snape's past and now that we've learned a bit of why he is the way he is, he's become so much more than just this one-dimensional potions master. Furthermore, because of Snape's character JK also expanded upon the role of James and got rid of that perfect of image of him that many of us had. This furthered Harry's realisation of the fallability(sp?) of the people he knows (DD, Sirius, his Father, etc.) I think that JK did an absolutely brilliant job with the characterization of dear Snivellus.

Snape (who is really fascinating :grin: , particularly in book 5!) and Neville (particularly in the 5th book) were probably tied as my *very* close second behind Lupin who I've loved since he was introduced in book 3...great minds think alike, Blaise! :D

ETA: I can't believe I left Gred and Forge off the favorite characters list!!! :eek: I'm sorry! :oops:
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