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Postby littlelib » Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:30:56pm

I thought the romance was ok and i agree that Luna is a big possibility in the future!! i wish something had happened bewteen Ron and Hermione tho!!
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Postby Person#11 » Wednesday 25 June 2003 2:25:18am

Harry/Luna all the way, the last bit in the last chapter with them totally made me think this was going to happin. I know in the beginning JK made it sound kinda like she was eyeing Ron, but I'll forget that if she will give us Harry/Luna.
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Postby Person#11 » Wednesday 25 June 2003 2:32:54am

and JK Rowling chose not to describe it, making it totally elusive and memorable

And kind of trite, I usually don't see it in kisses, but that happens so often when it comes to s*x scenes in novels.
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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 10:07:36am

Well in relationships in a hole I think it was done quite well. I guess from the end of it, I think the chances of a harry/cho relationship is finaly over, and when I was reading it, there seemed to be a clicking that there was a possiblilty of a Harry/Hermonie relationship. Personaly I think we could have a protential Love triangle story line for the next book with Harry, Hermonie and Ron, and the results if there was would not be good, as my comment on a post of Ron going bad would give you an indecation of a possiblity of what could happen if that was the case. There was another comment I read about Luna Lovegood, did anyone get the impression that at first she liked Ron at the start of the book on the Hogwarts express and then later in the book, mainly christmas time, she kinda went for Harry, I think she could also be a player in relationships in later books, but unfortunatly for Luna, I don't think that Harry or Ron will go out with her, so maybe she might have her heart broken.

Oh and before I go, im a big supporter of Hermonie and Ron so

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Re: How is this for a possibilty...

Postby Cho Chang » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:45:57pm

I think that the romance in this book was rather cute. I think in the six book, Harry is going to go out with Luna Lovegood.She had the same "halucination" as Harry did. also, when they said goodbye to each other, Harry was staring at her and stuff.
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Postby Kamoku » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:47:30am

Harry is in a bit of a situation... I don't want to see him with Cho, Hermione, or especially Luna... I just didn't like Luna. Helpful as she was in a couple situations, she was overall annoying, and I don't think she could have any chemistry with Harry. Harry and Hermione could work, but the connection with Hermione and Ron is too good to pass up. I hope they keep it up next book. Obivously, Cho is too dramatic for Harry, at least right now. If Harry knew about girls in the book, it might have worked out, but he obviously didn't, so I think Cho might have been shown in a worse light than she otherwise would have been. I WAS really opposed to the Ginny and Harry thing, since Ginny had no personality until this book, but I'm starting to really like her, and I think it could work. Before reading 5, I was all for Cho, but now I'm liking Harry and Ginny... just nothing to mess up Hermione and Ron (we've got Krum, we don't need Harry in there too...)
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Postby Kamoku » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:48:09am

Harry is in a bit of a situation... I don't want to see him with Cho, Hermione, or especially Luna... I just didn't like Luna. Helpful as she was in a couple situations, she was overall annoying, and I don't think she could have any chemistry with Harry. Harry and Hermione could work, but the connection with Hermione and Ron is too good to pass up. I hope they keep it up next book. Obivously, Cho is too dramatic for Harry, at least right now. If Harry knew about girls in the book, it might have worked out, but he obviously didn't, so I think Cho might have been shown in a worse light than she otherwise would have been. I WAS really opposed to the Ginny and Harry thing, since Ginny had no personality until this book, but I'm starting to really like her, and I think it could work. Before reading 5, I was all for Cho, but now I'm liking Harry and Ginny... just nothing to mess up Hermione and Ron (we've got Krum, we don't need Harry in there too...)
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Postby Enchanter » Monday 30 June 2003 11:03:32pm

i think harry and luna because at the end luna acts pretty normal and she says how sorry harry feels for luna. i also think maybe harry and susan bones
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 30 June 2003 11:08:53pm

Harry and Luna :grin: Ron and Hermy :grin: Ginny and Neville :grin: That's what i thought.. :razz: Draco and Grawp. :razz: :lol:
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 1 July 2003 4:24:23am

you know, jkr has been known to do things that nobady has speculated, or the exact opposite of what everyone is speculating. the problem with this subject though is that just about everthing has been speculated and seriously thought of as a distinct possibility. therefor i think jkr will trick us all and go back to what everyone was thinking after the first book: harry and harmione. i know that would upset a lot of ron/hermy lovers, but judging from jkr's nature, it only makes sense. (well, maybe not, but it's worth a shot anyway! :-) )
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 2 July 2003 2:36:33am

yeah :grin: and i'll be really suprised if hermy and draco end up together. :eek: that would kill all the supporters of Ron/Hermione. But it'll be interesting to see in the next 2book... :razz:
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Postby Diamond Angel » Wednesday 2 July 2003 3:47:32am

Hmm .... it's really interesting how JK makes Harry feel. In the third book, he gets a fluttery feeling in his stomach when he first looked at Cho, in the fourth book he asked and was rejected (sadly) by Cho, and in the fifth, he goes out with her. I do agree that the death of Sirius (:cry:) might prevent on going on dates with people for at least a little while .... and although he probably won't cry as much, Harry might feel the same about Sirius being gone as Cho with Cedric being gone (and I don't mean that in the romantic way! ... :eek:)

But I do agree that JK will probably surprise everyone ... maybe Harry'll even get back together with Cho (I noticed the lot of you seemed to think that he wouldn't). Did you see how Cho looked at Harry on the train home? And I have a feeling Cho's only dating Michael Corner on the rebound ... Honestly, I hate the HP/CC pairing, but I can't deny the possibility.

On the topic of HP/LL, I personally aren't a real big fan of that. I don't doubt that Luna will be a source of comfort, probably when the death of his godfather is too much, Harry will go to Luna - after all, she does have experience with losing a loved one - but a romantic relationship between them ... I don't know ... :-) But I guess, this is another possibility. JK could do anything ... from pairing Harry up with Parvati Patil to even Pansy Parkinson! :eek: Argh ... don't wanna imagine that right now ...
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Postby powerpetal » Friday 11 July 2003 9:06:16pm

I agree with a lot of you on your H/G and R/H theories. But I have a small dilema, query, whatever! JKR likes to put a twist in things... and yet with the whole Harry, Cho thing it was very predictable. And in a way I think the books need some form of normalness to counter balance everything else!

I think the runderlying romance narrative was very well handled. After all it is still a children's book and I would have died if it turned into a trashy travel novel!!!

In respect to Hermione and Ron, which I am completly behind, I think JKR may have made it a little too obvious for her style in book 4 with the yule ball and all, so put less emphasis in book 5. I can't remember who posted it (sorry!) but H+R are like an old married couple, it's all the one linners that I enjoy, the arguments and glances, it's SO sweet! AW Bless!!!

Another JKR comment, i don't think she will let it all be plain sailing to say the least! I don't think there is going to be the perfect pairing of H/G, R/H, LL/NL for example at the end, i'm feeling a behind people's back, changing mind about who they're meant to be with, shock revelations vibe! I don't know if anyone has considered Lavebder or Parvati, they're mentioned a lot more in this book and there is the sequence with p's hair in the exams, what do u think?

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Postby Kaizer » Saturday 12 July 2003 4:12:23pm

Ron and Hermione argue so much; they have to get togother in the end. it just foreshadows it in a way
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Postby Colin » Saturday 12 July 2003 5:05:52pm

This is just a thought, but I could see Nevile with Luna.
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