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by Broccoli » Thursday 12 June 2003 3:55:05pm
I haven't had any log-in problems so far except that I am logged out every time I want to jump to another forum. The function is very useful, but as I still would like to see whether there are new post since my last visit, I have to find other ways of going to other sections


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by Paul » Saturday 14 June 2003 1:06:24am
I`ve just tried it using Opera and Mozilla Firebird and get the same problem. At first look I think it may be a cookie problem but I`ll need to add this to the list of things to look into in depth further. Sorry for the problem meanwhile. Thanks for pointing it out Broccoli - I didn`t realise that was happening.

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by Holly Golightly » Saturday 14 June 2003 3:27:49pm
I was just coming here to post the exact same problem!!! how random is that?


Holly Golightly
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by Paul » Wednesday 25 June 2003 12:11:51am
That was quite spooky on the same day, Holly.

The good news is that I think this should be totally fixed now.


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