Someone, I think it was Holly, mentioned Zacharias and pondered whether or not his 'obnoxiousness' would later play a role in future books? Will he go to the 'dark side'? If Cho remains a member of DA and the group does, indeed, stay in tact, I imagine it'll be awkward for her and Harry. Additionally, the 6 who went to fight (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville) will probably come back to the group with a different perspective (or, at the very least, all of them minus Harry, who's been in that kind of situation before)...they'll have seen that people will and have been lost in this fight against Voldemort.
The last chapter of book 5 referred to the second war beginning. That makes me think DA may continue, as well as, of course, the OotP formed at the end of book 4 and carried out in book 5. Do you think the 6 kids who fought will be allowed to sit in on the OotP meetings? What did you think of DA on the whole as well as who was members of it?