Transfiguration and Animagi

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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:30:56am

Yeah, but the way that it is written gives the impression that there was a choise... *so I think anyways!*
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:38:14am

I heard Jo said that the animagus form was based in each persons way of being, but who knows. (it isn't in the books, yet)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:45:46am

Well there ya go, if it's not in the books, it's not fact!!! :grin:

*hrmm, I couldnt' think of anything else to back up my theory! :oops: *
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:49:37am

lol, if it wasn0t because Jo said Harry wasn't going t be an animgaus I would have thought of my own theory be now. :grin:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 16 May 2003 8:48:06pm

Wow, I didnt' know that!

But I am glad though!

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Postby Neo » Saturday 17 May 2003 6:45:47am

Yeah, in one interview someone asked inwhich animagus Harry will transfrom; and she answered that Harry wouldn't become ananimagus like his father. (I'll have to find the quote)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 17 May 2003 8:23:30am

I think that I'm really quite glad about that! :D
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Postby Neo » Monday 19 May 2003 4:34:11pm

Me too; I mean it would have been so lame if Jo had repeated James story in Harry.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 31 May 2003 2:24:41pm

Okies, I just had a bit of an idea, and since it's about Animagi, I thought that I'd tack it on to this thread instead of creating a new one!!! :)

Okeis, people's animagus form cones from some part of their personality, right? Like Peter is really scummy, so he's a rat?

So, Sirius' animagus form is that of a spectral dog that haunts cemeatries... :eek: he's a death omen... that' hardly a good thing, now is it??? :(
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Postby Neo » Sunday 1 June 2003 5:58:45am

No, he isn't a dead omen, that was just Harry's over imagination after seeing the one in the book; I think that Sirius is a dog because dogs are loyal, strong, intelligent, and can be very agressive, but also very careful and good behave.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 2 June 2003 2:42:56pm

I'm not so sure of that Neo...

I mean, I know that Sirius isnt' a death omen, but strange taht his animagus form is so similar to one... *and Harry said that he looked just like the grim... *
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 3 June 2003 4:21:35am

I think that was part of Harry's imagination; because if not tehy would say Sirius turns into a Grim, not a dog,. Makes sense?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 9 June 2003 5:58:39am

Yeah, but they kept calling Sirius a bear sized dog, an what is the grim but a large dog... *that wanders around chruchyards???*
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 4:13:38am

But not every large dog wanders around graveyards, so he could be any black large dog, no?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 11 June 2003 6:16:05am

I dont' know... it just seems to be a kind of strange thing to keep repeating... JK calls him a bear sized dog lots of times...
kinda like she's trying to hint at something...

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