Basilisk killings

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Neo » Tuesday 13 May 2003 6:18:38am

Oh I see, in that case I'll never agree eith you :razz:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 13 May 2003 3:16:06pm

*Holly pokes tounge out at Neo... *

Well nah to you neo... and that's all I have to say about it!!!

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Postby Neo » Wednesday 14 May 2003 4:33:21am

It seems we are out of topic again.
Anyway, Ijust was saying it for your good Holly, I don't want to see you sad.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 14 May 2003 8:10:05am

I didnt' mean that I feel sad... just that it might be kind of pathetic that I get 'that' excited when someone agrees with me...

Yess, off topic agian... what was the topic btw??
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 6:54:52am

Something about big snakes or something like that.
And I know you weren't really sad (but I needed to say something to justify my post, no? :grin: )
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 7:35:33am

So out posts need justifications now hey??? :(

Damn! I'll have to try to remember only to post things with justificationt hey, huh??

tee-hee-hee :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:10:01am

Not complusory, but like that I won't be able to tease you too much. :razz:
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 16 May 2003 6:36:16pm

Damn, what a shame there Neo...

You wouldn't be able to tease me...

Well, since I obviuosly dont' want that to happen, I will have to remember to continue to post things with no relevance what-so-ever!

:grin: [/i]
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Postby Neo » Saturday 17 May 2003 7:14:29am

No, in the other hand you have to pst important things, that are well justified; like that I can have mature discussion eith you, insted of just kidding (which is fun sometimes, so just keep posting and lets what happens)
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Postby Liquid Ice » Sunday 31 August 2003 6:19:00pm

Thats a good point. I would have thought she would have taken her glasses off to cry, but on the other hand she would probably have put them back on when she came out of the toilet because she was coming to tell a boy to use hos own toilet, but maybe she died because the point of glasses is so that you can see things clearly, but she still didnt look it rightin the eye I suppose.
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