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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 14 May 2003 8:44:40am

I'm just thinking that maybethat won't be it...

I do thinkthat DD will tell Harry about Lily and James etc etc, but maybe not then, as we all seem to be expecting that to be what it is..

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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 5:33:33am

But what else should DD have tell Harry five years ago?; at least nothing that appears in the books.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 5:36:00am

Exactly, it could be something completely new and unexpected! :grin:

I just don't have any idea what though? :-?
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 6:14:11am

Maybe DD will finalyy tell Harry what he saw in the mirror of erised.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:16:30am

Would there be a point to that though? I mena, DD's hearts deepest desire is hardly something htat will efect Harry's life, or is it? :-?

But somehow, I think no! :D
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:27:40am

Well, I don't know the importance for Harry; but is something that DD could have told Harry 5 years ago, and now it can be the true, so it fits.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 16 May 2003 8:40:05pm

Okies, new theory... what if what DD wants to tell Harry is why Snape changed over to the good side???

Eh, what do ya think of that one??? :grin:
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Postby Neo » Saturday 17 May 2003 6:41:58am

I think we will find out that in book six (this is my theory)

And about yours, why should DD have tell Harry 5 years ago?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 17 May 2003 8:19:02am

Didn't Harry ask DD??? or was that later on in the books? :???:
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Postby Neo » Monday 19 May 2003 4:29:35pm

It was until book four, in the pensieve chapter.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 20 May 2003 5:19:51am

Sorry, my bad!

Okies, well, I still think then that it will be why Voldie was trying to kill harry, since that'sthe sepcific qn that Harry asks DD at the end of the first book, and DD says that he will tell him when he's older... and Harry's older now!
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 20 May 2003 9:10:28pm

Yeah that is the first theory all people think about. We try to find out others, or the answer to it.
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