Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby Scellanis » Thursday 15 October 2009 5:08:31pm

I thoroughly recommend the Narnia books, they are much better than the movies but read The Magician's Nephew last. As with all book to movie conversions the story is rather rushed (or totally screwed in some places of the second movie) because there just isn't time to explain some things or it is too hard to show in a movie.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 21 October 2009 10:31:49pm

Hmmm... Whilst Harry Potter is my favorite book series of all time, I think I honestly prefer the world of Narnia. It's simply so much more... fantastic. If you want a real sense of grand, deep, magic, I'd suggest Narnia. But the writing style is so irritating, sometimes, that I simply like Harry Potter more.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 26 October 2009 1:53:05am

You should try reading the Charley Bone seriese. It's kinda like Harry Potter, with the castle and all, and some magic, but only a few children who go to the school are endowed. The main character, Charley, can talk to people in pictures and paintings and travel though them. It's really interesting. His uncle, Paiton Yewbeam, reminds me of Lupin.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby hprocks » Sunday 3 January 2010 2:36:09am

i haven't really got into the charlie bone series for some reason. i guess it is because i am a picky reader :grin:
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby TheLittleLestrange » Monday 15 August 2011 7:37:19pm

Not actually read all of the Narnia books, but basing it on the Movie's and book 1 Harry Potter wins no question!
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby Scellanis » Monday 15 August 2011 9:53:21pm

I wouldn't base it on the movies, the movies are really quite bad, especially Dawn Treader. I enjoy them but they can't be followed as a story, you have to have read the books if you are going to understand the whole thing. Dawn Treader didn't just have things cut, it was all shot in the wrong order and they added cr*p aswell, appaarently the director thinks he needs to dumb it down. Well maybe, C S Lewis was of the Tolkien era, its maybe too old fashioned and good and proper christian ethics for kids to care about it these days. They have to cut out stuff and replace it with kisses and falling in love *sigh*. I can't imagine him being very impressed with that addition to his story.
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Re: Harry Potter vs. Chronicles Of Narnia

Postby hprocks » Wednesday 4 July 2012 2:43:01am

one thing that got weird with the dawn treader *spoiler* was when lucy tried to be Susan*spoiler* but it you look at it it probably make more sense than some of say Christopher pullman writings like his dark writings (Golden compass, amber spyglass) those you really had to pay attention to, to understand.
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