* Pokes head around corner *
Hello, I'm still alive
Been hectically trying to make plans in case the worst happens at my work shortly. In the next week or two I'm going to have to reapply for my own job as part of a so-called "reorganisation" (in other words job cuts). It's something that's been on the cards for quite a few months and now is crunch time - yikes!
Congratulations on your baby, Broccoli, and on moving into your new flat, Phoenix. I hope both are quiet and tranquil.
I'll be trying to upgrade the forum in the next few hours, in an attempt to stop the flood of spam accounts which have continued to attempt to sign up. Huge thanks to the Moderator team for keeping things running and especially to Scellanis for also having the patience to weed out a few genuine new members from all those spam signups.
I'm hoping this upgrade and maybe a few other tweaks may be "The Final Battle" and we can say Avada Kedavra to the spammers!