The Weeping Angels *spoilers*

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The Weeping Angels *spoilers*

Postby Scellanis » Monday 3 May 2010 6:51:30pm

How good were those episodes and with a cliffhanger too, I couldn't sit still, I was squeaking at my tv and eating my book.

They are my fave Dr Who villain but I was worried they couldn't get better than the previous episode but I was wrong, they really did well, the new Dr is really starting to come alive now. I loved Angel Bob, its a pity Angel Bob didn't survive.

Not sure I'm that keen on Amy Pond though, she spends a bit too much time moaning about things and pestering the Dr. She seems to spend most of each episode as a useless pathetic hangon and then randomly get a brainwave for no aparent reason and completely saves the day, its a bit annoying.

And haven't they done the whole abducting a girl time revolves around on the eve of her wedding day thing before, I mean that was the part Katherine Tait played with David Tennant.
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