The Daily Prophet

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The Daily Prophet

Postby choki » Sunday 4 April 2004 4:26:17pm

I decided to move the Daily Prophet from the Zonko's Joke Shop right to this section as I felt it is more suited here.
For older issues of Daily Prophet - there were 4 of them, click here to view.
Hopefully I can come up with a new issue within the next few days (I have loads of things to do but a lot of free time as well :razz: )

So now, anyone interested in as journalists, reporters?

The Daily Prophet - Issue no.1

The Wizard Stock Exchange made easy.
By your correspondent: gecko, Diagon Alley

Ever wondered what the numbers normally on this page of the Daily Prophet are about? Does the abbreviation WSE remind you of a bathroom? Then please, read on. Today I will explain the basics of the Wizard Stock Exchange.
It all started in the year 1258, when the famous stock making company, Stock & Stock, named after 2 brothers Stock, who invented stock, decided to give the wizard community a chance to own a part of their favourite stock maker. Because they couldn't come up with a proper name, the bits of ownership were henceforth called 'stocks'. Of course, a lot of wizards and witches bought the stocks and Stock & Stock used the money they earned through the auction to enlarge their activities.
It seemed the perfect way for companies to get that money they needed to grow. And so, others followed. After a few years, in 1264, with so many companies giving out stocks, it was extremely hard to keep track of all transactions. The Wizard's Council, the predecessor of our Ministry of Magic, did all it could to come up with an efficient system for buying and selling stocks. In a few years, in 1268, the new system was ready to go. A system called 'stock exchange' was begun. It worked like as follows; As all companies had a certain price for which they sold their stocks to people, they had to owl-post that to their representative at the Wizard Stock Exchange, a building and company made specially for that purpose. At the WSE, skilled wizards and witches kept track of all current prices of stocks. Buying and selling stocks became so easy, even skilled squibs could take part in it.
Nowadays, the WSE has transformed from the still quite crude workings of the late 13th century, to a place where the auction of stocks has become as easy as pointing your wand at a certain spot on a piece of parchment, and saying how much stocks you want buy or sell.
Of course, if you wish to make a living out of buying and selling stocks, that's a different matter. It takes a great deal of courage, a tad of luck, and some business skills, and not to forget, money to buy your first stocks.

Tune in next week, for the step-by-step guide: buying my first stock.

This week's advices:
+ : The Leaky Cauldron, The Knight Bus, Ogden's Old Firewhisky
- : Zonko's Joke Shop, Bertie Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

Legacy of the legendary ancient runes.
By your correspondent: choki, Hogsmeade

Have you ever been fascinated with the legend of magical stones also known as ancient runes? What exactly are they? What is the hidden power behind every stone? Read on and you will be astonished by the various properties of the legendary runes.
In many mythical legends, runes are often mentioned as stones with magical properties such as healing or elemental properties. Does runes really exist? They do. Wonderful isn’t it? Recently, a group of wizard archaeologists unearthed a couple of elemental runes. But before you start digging in your neighbour’s garden, please read on. Not all runes are constructive in nature. They can be very destructive. According to an ancient script written by Elwing, some of these runes contain far greater power than any wizard could have imagined. And before you run to your neighbour’s garden again, true runes, as Elwing calls them, are extremely rare.
Elemental runes, as their names suggest, are associated with nature element forces such as wind, thunder, earth and fire. True runes usually are more powerful than normal runes. However, not just anyone is capable of using the power of the ancient runes. The bearer of the rune must be physically and mentally strong. Destiny also plays a part. Runemasters who have the ability to attach runes to the bearer’s hand, are as rare as seers. There were only 15 runemasters reported over the last 800 years! But there is no need to feel despair at the moment. There are reports of a mysterious person with the ability to attach runes. Is he or she the 16th runemaster?

Remember to watch out of next issue, for 16th Runemaster Revealed and ways to identify runes.

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Daily Prophet Issue no.2

Knight Bus: The journey starts with you.
By your correspondent: AccioNiffler, Outerspace

You are stranded in the muggle world with no form of communication and no way of escaping, what are you going to do? You don't know? Well, you better think fast! You check your pockets and realise that all you have is a daily prophet and your wand. What use will that do you when you are no Merlin at magic? Suddenly you look down at the paper and see an advertisement.
Are you lost or stranded? Why not call on the Knight Bus to pick you up. So put your wand in the air and be prepared to pay the fare! We'll be there straight away to save you from your dismay!
You had better give it a try-- is that a muggle I hear coming?
So now you've raised your wand and been accepted onto the Knight bus, what can expect there? If you are expecting a boring ride to your destination your are seriously mistake. As soon as you step onto that bus you have entered the world of Gecko, Meg Boyd, and AccioNiffer. They are the conductor, official secretary and Greeter, and stewardess extrodinaire, respectively. Their sole purpose is to serve you!
Gecko, the Knight Bus conductor, drives all over creation to take the passengers to their destination. The Bus has been all over Earth and to places such as Planet X. They are expected to soon visit Pluto!
Meg Boyd is the Official Knight Bus Secretary and Greeter. She is there to keep all the many destinations in order and to greet all those that enter the bus. So remember, as soon as you set foot on the bus, inform Meg and Gecko where you want to go!
AccioNiffler is the Stewardess Extrodinaire on the Knight Bus. If you need anything she will get it for you. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cauldron cakes, Dr. Pepper butterbeer (a speciality on the bus), or just a pillow, just ask and you shall receive.
Other important characters that you may run into include Marcus Baker and Mr. Carty. Marcus is the owner of the bus, and he pops in and out. He has just recently finished a jazz tour on Planet X with Zledm007. Besides Marcus, you may run into Mr. Carty. He is Accio's enchanted cart. He's full of sweets and plenty of surprises.

So next time you have nowhere to go, and no one to turn to, raise your wand in the air and hail the Knight Bus. They'll show up with a bang and leave you with a smile on your face!

by pinkyprincess12303, Daily Prophet correspondent

I am sitting next to a bed at St. Mungo's. The room has white walls, white tile floor, and white metal beds with white sheets and white comforters. Most of the patients in the room are wearing white bed-gowns. In fact, the only thing in this room, besides me, that has a speck of colour is the woman in the bed I am sitting next to. She is wearing a dark purple silk bed-gown embroidered with orange flowers and a dark purple silk nightcap with an orange plume at the top. Her name is Madame Matilda Malkin.

Daily Prophet: When did you first know you were meant for fashion?

Madame Malkin: I have always had a sense of fashion. When I was young, my friends would carelessly dress their dolls in hideous robes of grey and white. So blah, so boring! But never would I, Matilda Malkin, dream of doing such horrors. My dolls were always wearing the height of fashion, in coordinating colours!

DP: What was your experience at Hogwarts?

MM: Well, it wasn't very good. The robes they have there are so drab, and even if i tried to spruce them up by bewitching them orange, one teacher or another would make them black again.

DP: Why did you start Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions?

MM: I wanted them to be somewhere where witches and wizards can get fashionable robes and other clothing for reasonable prices. I've been tremendously successful, owing mostly to the fact that I have a prime spot in Diagon alley.

DP: And lastly, is it coincidence that there is a muggle jam company with the same name as you?

MM: Yes.

Daily Prophet Issue no. 3

Advice Page
By your correspondent: hedwigslove57

What is friendship? Friendship is something I know I couldn’t live without! It's something that helps you along your way steadily through life. If you're down you look to your friends to cheer you up. If you need help they come immediately. So why is it friends get in fights? Is it simply because they don't care, or is it that they don't understand?

Making sure you've friends that understand you is the most important thing in a friendship. If you're in a fight with a friend it's most likely because you don't agree with one of their moral decisions. But if your friends understand you, they will know your morals and values. Very rarely does a true friend not care. It's usually the other way around so they care too much!

It's possible that they are looking out for and think you are making a wrong decision. You will be thinking I don't need another mom to tell me what to do! But this just proves that they care about you! You always have to see both sides of the story. That's the only way things will get better!

Now there's one more reason you could be fighting with your both are changing or have changed and you just don't click anymore. It doesn't mean you have to stop being friends or have to hate each other but maybe it's best if you just not try to be so close and look to different friends to talk to about this subject that you overlooked before!

*If you have a problem or need to talk PM me with your troubles and I'll write back with my advice in the Daily Prophet!

The Mysterious 16th Runemaster
By your correspondent: choki, Leaky Cauldron

Who is the 16th runemaster? Ever since the report of ancient runes was published on the on the First Issue of Daily Prophet, we have received many owl mails, requesting for more news on runes. In this issue, I shall reveal the truth about the 16th runemaster. I spent 3 weeks, apparating from places to places, to source out information and whereabouts of one mysterious person. Through the help of one of the Unspeakables, I managed to arrange a meeting place with the runemaster.

It was a Sunday morning 9 o’clock. I waited for the runemaster in a muggle café. While waiting at a silent corner for the appearance of the mysterious man, I began to picture him in my mind. The runemaster who is so knowledgeable about ancient runes and its uses, must definitely be an old geezer who lived for a century. I actually spent close to 15 minutes, laughing at the thought of an old man appearing saying he is the 16th runemaster until someone actually called my name. I looked up and was astonished to see a young beautiful lady smiling at me. She sat down right beside me and asked if I am the editor of Daily Prophet. She introduced herself as Resha, the 16th runemaster. I was totally shocked and several seconds later, I began to laugh. How silly I was to think that the runemaster had to be a man! Obviously Resha had no idea what I was laughing at, until I explained it to her. She too had a great laugh. After a few minutes of introduction, we began to talk about runes. Resha explained to me that runes are magical stones that are created by runemasters of the past. These runes are now dispersed all over the world after much turmoil in both magic and muggle worlds. I asked Resha about her ability to create runes and how runes can be used. Resha said although that she can create runes regardless of its ability to kill or heal and attach it to a person, it is usually the rune that chose the bearer. Not everyone can be a bearer of a particular rune. Resha then took out a small stone with a symbol of a lightening bolt – the Rune of Thunder. I followed her instruction and held out my right palm. Next, she placed the Rune of Thunder on my outstretched palm and the colour of the rune turned from a dull grey to a glowing red. Resha explained that I am not suited to be a bearer of the Thunder Rune. To be a bearer, the rune must accept the person as its bearer. To show it, the rune will glow in blue. She then showed me her palm. What I saw next was enough to send any nearby peeping muggles screaming and running. A stone, the size of a quail egg, emerged out of her flesh. It was a brightly green coloured rune. Once a rune is attached, its colour will no longer stay as dull grey but in its original colour. Upon closer inspection, I saw a familiar symbol! Resha has the Rune of Bright Light – the legendary rune of hope. The Rune of Bright Light is one of the most powerful true runes that were ever created. Before I could ask her anything, Resha handed a package to me, saying that I was meant to meet her. With that, she left the café. Feeling puzzled, I opened the package and to my surprise, there lies a grey stone with a symbol that I myself couldn’t even recognised with my recent research on runes. A small parchment fell out as I slowly held up the rune from the package. I picked it up and readied. At the point of time, the rune began to glow warmly. I looked at the rune that has changed into a blue colour and then to a bright purple and embedded itself into my right palm! I finally understood what Resha meant.

On the note,
Dear Choki, if my prediction was right, you should be able to change this rune to its original purple coloration. Of course, you, as the descendant of the 1st runemaster, should be able to use the rune your ancestor had created. You are now the rightful bearer of the Rune of Eternal Darkness – the legendary rune of despair. As you already know, the Rune of Eternal Darkness is an extremely powerful rune and is the exact opposite of the Rune of Bright Light. I hope you could use this rune in a healthy manner and not threaten to destroy the world. I have my faith in you, as the 16th runemaster and as your mentor. Don’t worry, you won’t be seeing the last of me. I will be back to take care of my little apprentice.

by your correspondent: pinkyprincess

Franny Wiggum wakes up each morning to the sound of an owl tapping at the window. The owl is bringing the daily prophet. She then goes downstairs to fix some coffee and bacon for breakfast. You may think, "Just an ordinary witch", but you are wrong. Franny is a squib, and this is her story.

Once breakfast is ready, Franny gets into her car and drives to work at the same greasy fast food restaurant she has worked at since she was 18. She has been an outcast from the wizarding society since the year she turned 11.

You see, Franny never got a letter for Hogwarts, or any other wizarding school for that matter. Her family, which is full of wizards, despises her. She never sees them and they only send her mail once a year, at Christmas when she receives a few sickles, maybe a hat. She can't even use these meagre gifts, as she has no attachment to the wizarding world.

When Franny returns home from work she eats her dinner, and washes her dishes by hand, not even able to bewitch the sponge. I asked her, "why didn't you ever try Kwikspell or any other squib courses?"

"I did. Last year I sent in for a Kwikspell course. They never even returned my owl, not even to send back my twenty galleons. I saved my Christmas galleons twenty years- for nothing!" You can see the anger in her red face and beady eyes.

So now, we must ask ourselves: Should we help those without magical ability born of our kind? Or should we simply leave them to make their way in the non-magical world they know nothing of?

The Daily Prophet Issue No. 4 - Halloween Special

All I Ever Wanted was to Take Over the World- Voldemort’s Story in Voldemort’s Words
By Pinkyprincess, your DP correspondent

"When I was 11, I put a charm on Patty Jones to make her toenails grow at a rate of 1 inch per hour- for eternity. Eventually, they figured out the counter charm, but that was when I first knew my calling- to take over the world."

These heart-stirring words are not those of an ordinary wizard. They are the words of Voldemort. I had the special chance to interview him via floo powder not long ago, and I want to share my experiences with you.

As you would think, being a dark lord doesn't pay very well. The room the interview took place in was not more then a dusty basement with dirt walls and a dirt floor. The only furniture in the room was a dusty table, with a book underneath one of the legs.

"Meeting Harry Potter for the second time, when he was a first year, was really a motivating experience for me. It really got my life back on track, headed in the right direction. I didn't make much progress right afterwards, but now it looks like things are really going my way. I feel revitalized, renewed, and ready to face the world. It is almost like I just tried a really good new facial cream."

Looking at his face, however, you can see that he hasn't had a really good facial cream in a long time. His face is wrinkled, scarred, and greenish-looking. Not very eluding to the beautiful- er- interesting soul beneath.

So next time you kill a death-eater, or secretively plot ways of stopping Voldemort, remember the words he told me- "All I Ever Wanted Was to Take Over the World".

SPECIAL HALLOWEEN REPORT: Are Halloween Practices Endangering The Wizarding Community?
By Pinkyprincess, DP special correspondent

Most wizarding families think of Halloween as a time of trick or treating, pumpkin juice, feasting, and anti-cavity charms. But startling new research shows that Halloween practices may be endangering us all.

A newly released report by the Malfoy Family Foundation (MFF) says that 82% of all magical children have ridden their broomstick near muggle communities on Halloween. 60.5% of adult witches and wizards have cast spells just for fun on Halloween in plain view of muggles, and 36% of all wizards have had magical bonfires (a magical bonfire is considered to be 500 feet tall or higher) without muggle repelling charms surrounding the bonfire grounds.

"If we intend to keep muggles securely unaware of our practices, we need to use greater care during the Halloween time of year," says Helga Waters, a representative of Minister Fudge's office. "A book containing all laws concerning festive occasions is available at all Ministry of Magic offices. We deeply encourage you to pick one up this year before your Halloween bash."

So next time you use an unburning fire hex on your broomstick and fly about town, or transfigure into a giant slug for your Halloween costume, consider the safety of you, your wizarding friends, and you children (if you have any).
Last edited by choki on Friday 4 April 2008 3:22:43pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby choki » Monday 5 April 2004 1:19:30pm

The Daily Prophet – Article #09

The Legend of Hogsmeade
By your correspondent, choki

The wind blows along an eerie note every time the clock tower of in the heart of Hogsmeade strikes twelve midnight. It is strangely silent. All residents are sleeping, cowering with fear under their blankets. No hooting from the owl post office nearby, no howling of the wolves in the dark forest. All is silent and quiet except for a series of staggering footsteps. Those, who are wide awake, dare not peek through their window to see the source of this disturbance. They could not do anything other than to shake with fear. For that is the legend of the drunken wizard…

Every night, this wizard that goes by the name of Tim (not his real name as he cannot be named due to impending charges of harassing resident of Hogsmeade) gets himself dead drunk after bouts of Fire whiskey at Hog’s Head. According to the bar owner, Mr. A.D who gave us his initial instead, Tim comes to Hog’s Head every night. “He (referring to Tim) would simply walk up to the bar and order Fire whiskey every single night. Rain or shine.” When confronted about the usage of the phrase, rain or shine, as there should not be any sun at night, Mr. A.D threw us out with a dirty mop, threatening to turn us into goats. With that, the Daily Prophet team bolted out off Hog’s Head in a flash.

However, the mystery to this drunken wizard still remained unknown to us. We had no idea as to why the residents of Hogsmeade were so terrified by Tim who appeared to be rather harmless, just drunk. We decided to ask around the village for more details.

Mrs. Burton, 47, told us that Tim used to be an influential wizard working in the Ministry of Magic. “We are so afraid of him whenever he gets drunk because he is a powerful wizard…”

It seemed to us that Tim was so dangerous and scary enough to shut the owls and wolves up at night. To understand the situation more, we talked to the owner of the Owl Post Office. However, according to him, the owls remained quiet at night because they were well trained to stay calm and not to disturb the sleeping residents. To check the truthfulness of his statement, we jinxed a couple of the owls only to discover the real truth. The owls screeched and flied amok in the Office and we found ourselves chucked out of the store once again.

At half past eleven, we returned to Hog’s Head in disguise this time, in order to see Tim face to face. Tim was sitting down at the bar counter, drinking, with 5 empty glasses of Fire Whiskeys already on the bar top. We sat there, observing Tim’s every action. He behaved himself fairly well without the typical response from a drunken wizard or muggle alike. A few minutes before twelve, Tim left Hog’s Head and we followed closely behind. Once he reached the central square, Tim started to grumble about his life and condemned the Ministry. With his wand out, Tim randomly waved. Our team ducked in time as streaks of blue lights flew past our heads. It hit some dustbins, which started dancing. This exhibition of wild magic lasted two hours and by the end of it, 3 of our team members found themselves sprouting extra limbs and one of them who was severely hit by Tim’s spells had an outbreak of flowers on his head. No wonder, everyone cannot sleep in peace as they will be surprised the very next morning to find themselves with rashes and spots. Currently, Tim is under investigation by the Wizarding Safety Bureau (WSB). As a result, Hogsmeade residents could finally have peaceful sleeps during the night. But who knows when will Tim return to walk on the path of Hogsmeade as the legend of the drunken wizard?
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Postby Quicksilver » Tuesday 7 September 2004 2:51:40am

Brilliant, Choki! Twice as nice as anything Rita could write up. ^_-
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Postby choki » Thursday 16 November 2006 1:51:35pm

Gee.. looking at the old issues of DP... I kinda missed it hahaha
Perhaps once in a while, I will pop by with random news report from the world
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby Wanderful » Thursday 24 July 2008 10:39:23am

Very Good!
I was just cruising through the stories, particularly yours. :drums:
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 8 August 2008 5:52:11pm

in need of any new writers?
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby salemboy » Saturday 9 August 2008 3:18:26pm

Hm, would it be politically correct if I were to ask to join the Daily Prophet, seeing as how I own the Quibbler. This isn't a legit offer, or anything, but I'm just wondering.
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 9 August 2008 4:27:41pm

I'd be more than happy to write for your newspaper.
*Waits patiently beside Fakwes who is twiddling her thumbs*
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby choki » Sunday 10 August 2008 3:09:05pm

sure, you all know how it goes
just post any stories you like!

the format is just
Daily Prophet - Article #xx

By your correspondent, xxx, location (if any)
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Re: The Daily Prophet

Postby magicboy » Friday 12 February 2010 6:16:02pm

count me in
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