The Next Generation 2

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby salemboy » Saturday 16 May 2009 12:33:36am

Don't move it to fanfic. No, just save it for when the time comes. Then we can alter it to fit what they've done. But it really does look good.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 16 May 2009 3:51:25am

I don't trust my puter. Can you save it please on yours, Salemboy? Thanks.

and thanks for liking it! :)

But what about NOW? We need to continue with NG2 as it plays now. The main story at the moment is that Nikolaus has been hurt and Geneve has revealed that it was the mirror of erised (in no uncertain terms...didn't actually say it, but it will be discovered. ) Then there needs to be a meeting with the headmistress, Gwydion, Damien and Nikolaus and Valencia to determine whether or not they should eject Nikolaus from the castle. His dark magic antics were given a warning before, but only trully powerful dark magic could shatter the mirror of erised! So... moving along, Valencia needs to say something to Geneve along the lines of "You need to stay away from Nikolaus.. he's bad news... he's no good for you... he's not your father... your family is here now and if you keep this up you are rejecting the only place you have left to go.... we cannot release you back into the muggle world you are too dangerous and unstable... you have no family to return to, you will be put into an orphanage..... What do you want? To end up like your Grandfather?... " Etc, etc... need to have some girl to girl talk. Then Valencia needs to talk to Nikolaus... then the meeting needs to be organised... and in between that talk and the meeting...

We need to get to class! LOL....

That is all.. for now!
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby choki » Saturday 16 May 2009 7:29:19am

Nobody knows the shattered mirror is the Mirror of Erised. Geneve had briefly catched a glimpse of its inscription before she made her way out of the room with Nikolaus. She had thought the magical mirror showed her future. But upon seeing Nikolaus' reaction and accident that followed, Geneve was anxious to find out more about the mirror. But she knew that if anyone else was to find out that Nikolaus was teaching her forbidden things, she would get the both of them into trouble (Azkaban!?)

Just an idea,
Nikolaus would recover from the injury, but ends up pushed to the brink of insanity, haunted by the last moments of the Mirror of Erised - the death of a beloved at the hands of his.
(I was thinking that perhaps a slight magic influence from the mirror shard was imbued into him, causing all the "desires" to run amok in his head. Unable to differentiate between reality and fiction, Nikolaus would end up really mad!)
As Geneve had suggested earlier on when she saw her reflections that the mirror showed her future, Nikolaus thought that if he continues to stay on at Hogwarts or marries Valencia, he would inevitably caused the death of Valencia in the future. So he would agree with the order to evict him out of Hogwarts (if anyone should force him out of Hogwarts) and stay away from everyone else "forever", returning to his old life before he met them.

But before that, he would tell Geneve the reason he has to leave and do a little master-apprentice talk.
So instead of telling everything to the professors, she does her own investigations. Perhaps in the library about magical objects, hoping to come across clues with reference to the inscriptions?
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 16 May 2009 5:54:24pm

So should Nikolaus be layed up in the hospital for a while? Maybe he could be having some internal dialogue? I guess someone is going ot have to act soon, and the rest of us can just run with it. I think it's best that the Mirror of Erised being broken is not revealed, because then no one will know for sure why Nik is going so crazy.

Hmmm.... Choki, you should wake up (I mean Nik should) or Valencia should post next? Geneve has said all she can say at this moment.

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 16 May 2009 11:28:49pm

Just to let everyone know, Duckie says that we're free to pilot, manipulate, and kill Galena if we wish. She won't be posting again anytime soon.

I'll post a girl-to-girl talk in a minute... I have to go eat dinner.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 17 May 2009 4:33:04am

I haven't decided whether you guys can kill Galena off yet. For now, you can just use her as a shared character because I've lost track of these RPGs and I'm trying to concentrate on fan fic. But I'm done with school for the summer, so who knows what will happen.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 18 May 2009 5:11:57am

Thanks Duckie! I see you're pretty full on in Moonlight Shadow, which I really want to read soon. I've just been flying in and out of rpg as I am up to my eyeballs in uni myself..... as usual. But yes, we do need to include the headmistress in these affairs! We can have you present, ordering a meeting, and so on until you decide to post too? is that cool? I don't see any reason to kill Galena at all, even at the end! No one really needs to die in this RPG, except for Chi Inu. I feel the rest could escape, or be recaptured.

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 19 May 2009 3:53:56pm

The only reason I mentioned killing her off was because I haven't been posting and might not be posting much more. But having you guys take control of her is probably better. You can pretty much do whatever you want. But if you want her to have a mental breakdown or something, just run it by me first.

I'm really trying to finish In Moonlight's Shadow by the end of the summer. I have a sequel idea that I'm really excited about.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 20 May 2009 5:16:37pm

Excellent! Good luck with your writing.

It seems I'm pretty good with the piloting character thing now... lol! hope everyone doesn't mind too much. Im glad at least I can pm you and know you'll respond soon about it.

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Q.Araignee » Tuesday 4 August 2009 11:39:47am

*flump* Alright, I've just gone through the entirety of the RPG and made notes on things I think relevant for both Gwydion and Neko. Now I just have to post for them both...I haven't decided if this will be in one post or a double post, depends on how long what I write for each of them is. But it is getting sorted, I assure you =^.^=

On a similar note, I should really submit Neko for this scenario too...
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Q.Araignee » Tuesday 4 August 2009 11:57:05am

(Neko)Slender and feminine looking but not weak by any stretch of the imagination. Fairly pale flawless skin, 'magpie' black hair that's kept in a tight bun but falls below her waist. Long nails, usually painted a rich scarlet colour. Dark honey coloured eyes streaked with emerald green if you get close enough to see. A skein of scars cover pretty much all of her stomach, plainly visible but most often covered.
(Feles) Similar but hair is shorter and a golden coppery colour, eye colours are inverted (emerald green with dark honey streaks), and skin is slightly tanned.

Physical differences for Neko and her cover as Farissa Feles. Otherwise, the same as before.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 19 November 2009 5:37:34am

Hey, I was thinking that Geneve and Damien could go for a ride over the forbidden forest, and notice some signs of people moving throug there? Maybe a camp, or some fire or something that had been killed? I know Damien speaks to hargrid a lot, maybe they could go and meet with him too? And then bring it to Gwidyions attention...

Just an idea to link up the characters....

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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby salemboy » Thursday 19 November 2009 8:46:16am

Damien would sooner tell Gwydion to go suck eggs before he told the man anything.
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Re: The Next Generation 2

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 20 November 2009 5:25:50am

!!!!!! Hmmm... I think eventually some of our other characters have got to be approached and spoken to! We still need to know what the heck is going on with Nikolaus and Valencia too. They are finally on their own having a chat, but about what?
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