Twilight Series

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Re: Twilight Series

Postby salemboy » Saturday 6 December 2008 6:47:58am

Wow. The only reason why most of this stuff isn't going straight over my head, and causing me to go, "Wha?" is the fact that one of my friends, she likes the Twilight series. She's not obsessed with Edward, Halleluja. I don't intend to go see the Twilight Movie unless I'm invited. I'm sorry, but I'm not really one for romance, and that's what it sounds like to me: Romance. I'm not going to go bashing the books or movie, or the people who love them, but I simply don't find it interesting.

Now, if J.K. Rowling were to make a Harry Potter 8, I'd be the first in line at home to get it.
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 6 December 2008 6:46:44pm

No one blames you for not being interested, Salem, I was fairly shocked when I managed to persuade youknowwho to read it. :lol:
I agree with you, Duckie. Robert Pattz as Edward was sooooo hot. And I found it fairly hilarious that he kept slipping into his British accent! When I first saw Jacob, I was like, "What? What happened? He's so much better looking online!" But hey, in New Moon he'll have to cut his hair when he becomes a werewolf. ;)
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 6 December 2008 11:21:43pm

Akkk!! Spoilers! They burn!
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 7 December 2008 12:57:54am

I'm always scared listening to reviews..... but hey, sometimes they make me want to watch/read them even more! erm... I really really loved Interview with a vampire by Anne Rice, and when they made it a movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise i was like.. oh no! No one will take them seriously! It's so hard to portray the way vampires are without making them look, well, gay! It's all very deep with them, and it's a pleasure to read. But on the big screen I had to explain to people who hadn't read the book that it was much, much deeper than Tom Cruise could act out. Like when Antonio Bandaris (spelled wrong sorry..) says to Brad Pitt, "You feel too much, so much it makes me feel." was like... so amazing! but he was supposed to have been changed into a vampire when he was very young! Antonio Bondaris is not a young looking guy. So ya, you need to understand that a vampires senses are amplified so much, that if they love they love intensely, obsessively, and completely. They live forever, and they have to let mortal love die, or condemn that love to their own fate. They have to bare that scar forever, having loved and lost. I wonder, as much as people say they want to live forever, is it worth living forever as a vampire? such a romantic idea, but once you are there, I'm not so sure.

ha ha.. thanks for listening to my rant.. that had to do with Twilight only by association! sorry... xx
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby madams1993 » Thursday 11 December 2008 1:07:30am

I loved the Anne Rice books, although I have only read the first few. I get what your saying about the actors who played the roles, the book was way deeper in thought and feelings and the movie just seemed to focus on the events, not any of the meanings. About you qestion, I wouldn't want to live forever if my choices were death or vampire, I would definatly take death. I won't explain b/c it would probably be like your "rant". Speaking of which I like reading the long posts. Tells me more so feel free to say all that is on your mind please (so long as it ties in :) ).
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 11 December 2008 11:14:41pm

Death or vampire? I honestly can't say, I'm a strong believer in the idea that nothing is the same for all circumstances. So I would have to know what was going on, the circumstances and background as to exactly why I am being forced to make the choice. Death is terrifying, but eternal life can be, too. The thought of endless time stretching out in front of me, with no purpose, not leading up to anything, that I regard just as fearfully as death. There is a goal in every state of life, whether it be to go to college, finish a research paper, become a celebrity, win a contest, even simply finishing a day. And each goal is met because the person wants to go beyond it to their next goal. And on and on and on, until it leads to death. But if you live forever, it shatters the foundation. You have no deadlines to meet, but at the same time, you also have nothing to look forward to. So the short answer is that I don't know. I have absolutely no idea what I would choose. There are too many unknowns and variables for me to give a solid answer.
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 15 December 2008 1:39:03pm

My sister says she'd become a vampire without question. She's in love with the idea. U're right Fawkes, it all depends doesn't it? Like in Anne Rice Interview with a Vampire, Louis chose to make the child Claudia a vampire so she wouldn't have to die. My sis has also told me I HAVE to read Twilight because it is an awesome book. (and she fanned herself with her hand when she said it so I'm like.. woo hoo! steamy!) And I just realised too! Edward Cullen was Cedric! I just went weak thinking that! lol I'm so terrible, he's just a kid, but he's so cute! With his red cheeks and all that in HP, and now his pale skin and thick hair in Twilight. mmm!!!

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Re: Twilight Series

Postby choki » Friday 2 January 2009 8:55:02am

lol it took quite a while for me to get to know the big Twilight wooha

firstly, my frens kept commenting how good the books were, then the movie came out.

now, i have watched the movie and bought the remaining series of the books except Eclipse (It is out of stock everywhere in Singapore currently)
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 2 January 2009 11:44:44am

yes I noticed your facebook profile says that you want to be immortal and drink blood..... oh the romantic idea of being a vampire! sigh....... perhaps I would like to try it just for one day... that and being a guy! lol

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Re: Twilight Series

Postby *Riley* » Saturday 3 January 2009 2:03:38pm

No comment there Distortia! :lol:

I have thought of another question. If you were a vampire and could live forever, would you bite your children and your family so you don't lose them? I think this is mildly selfish, but I think it would be a good idea because then you wouldn't have to worry about losing the ones you loved.
It would be a situation hard to contemplate, but if possible; I would bite my family.
What're your thoughts? Would you bite your loved ones?
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 3 January 2009 6:22:33pm

I would ask them. If I couldn't get their opinion, however, then I wouldn't bite them. I know this is so cliche but if they had another choice and weren't about to die or anything then they deserve to live a normal life, and yes, eventually die.
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby choki » Sunday 4 January 2009 12:53:36pm

the dreadful thing of living forever, is that people around you are going to die... and you have to bear witness to that...
I'm pretty sure that is one of the major factor that made immortality a disadvantage.
But if your loved ones are also an immortal(s), then that is good isn't it? To be able to live together for the rest of the time. The idea of being in love forever... Awww hopelessly romantic eh
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Silver Bunny » Friday 16 January 2009 12:16:18am

I'd hate to immortal...death is certain in this world! Knowing there's an end to life is scary, but living forever is a different concept to grasp.
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 19 January 2009 10:30:05am

My friends finally convinced me to read the Twilight Saga. It took them about a year to do so, but because most of them decided to leave me alone for 2 months in NZ, and head to Germany for an exchange, I had nothing else to do but commit to reading the books.
At first the idea of a 'Vampire Romance Novel' repulsed me, as I have watched/read many vampire stories, and I love the movie "Interview With A Vampire" and it seemed weird to me that there could even BE a relationship between a human and a Vampire.

I read, and read until I finished the whole series in a week.
I watched the movie with a friend who hadn't read the books.

and I find myself slightly lost for words, as I have a feeling that I actually ENJOYED the books. Not so much the movie.
and I also find myself liking the cornyness and the forbidden love.
Once i had finished New Moon it took me a whole day to track down Eclipse, and during that time I itched to know more.

and now that it's over, i feel kinda of sad.

I think it's safe to say I actually liked the books and yes, im obsessed.

Jackson Rathbone/Jasper is incredibly good looking (in real life, he looks in pain through the movies)
He is so much better than Robert Pattinson I have got to say.
It's annoying though, the fact that because Rob IS Edward Cullen, he is very, very appealing.



I don't think that made sense. But hey I knew what I was trying to say! :grin:
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Re: Twilight Series

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 21 January 2009 1:33:53am

haha! no no scarlet lioness! I hear ya! You totally made sense! And don't be sad, because there will be more movies, and a re-read helps too! I read all the HP books way too fast, and I want to go over them again, slower. I misssed so much! And don't get too disappointed about the characters... I was a bit annoyed about the casting in the HP movies.. but I was still so grateful they put it to the big screen. But does anyone agree that once they put a person into the character that it's hard to picture what you first imagined the characters looked like when you read the books?
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